Customize cascading styles

To apply customized styles, we must create a cascading stylesheet (CSS) file that contains your customized styles and store it in the appropriate location.

We must perform customization tasks on a primary node.

By default, the css folder is provided by ISIM at Configure > Advanced Configuration > Custom File Management > All Files directories/ui. We must create a css file that contains customized style data. Refer to a sample css file that is available in the /ui/css folder. See Sample CSS file for customizing the Identity Service Center login page. This procedure describes how to apply the customized styles and where to place the css file so that it can be used by ISIM server.

  1. Create a css file named Custom.css The css file name must be Custom.css. The Custom.css file becomes the master .css file from which other.css files are called.

  2. Open the css file in a text editor, and define any new styles to apply to the product user interface.
  3. Store the Custom.css in the ui/css folder.

    1. Go to the top level of the Appliance Dashboard click Configure > Advanced Configuration > Custom File Management.

    2. From the All Files tab, click directories > ui > css.

    3. Click Upload.

    4. Click Browse to select the Custom.css file that we created.

    5. Click Save Configuration to upload the file.

Start the Identity Service Center in a browser to verify the customized styles are being used.

Parent topic: Customization of styles, icons, and labels in Identity Service Center