Customize the company or product image on the Login page

We can customize the image on the login page by using either of two methods.

We must perform customization tasks on a primary node.

  1. Create a .png version of your company image and rename it companyLogo.png

  2. Upload the companyLogo.png file to the ui/images folder.

    1. From the top level of the Appliance Dashboard, click Configure > Advanced Configuration > Custom File Management.

    2. From the All Files tab, click directories > ui > images.

    3. Click Upload.

    4. Click Browse to select the companyLogo.png file that we created.

    5. Click Save Configuration to upload the file.

  3. Optional: Create a custom image file with any file name, such as someImage.pngand upload it to the /images folder.

    1. From the top level of the Appliance Dashboard, click Configure > Advanced Configuration > Custom File Management.

    2. From the All Files tab, click directories > ui > images.

    3. Click Upload.

    4. Click Browse to select the someImage.png file that we created.

    5. Click Save Configuration to upload the file.

    6. Create a custom file. From the All Files tab, click directories > ui > config.

    7. Select and click Download.

    8. Edit the LOGO_IMAGE entry in the file.

    9. Save the file.

    10. Upload the custom file. From the All Files tab, click directories > ui > config.

    11. Select and click Upload.

    12. Click Browse to select the file that we customized.

    13. Click Save Configuration to upload the file.

Parent topic: Login page customization