Manage the export and import settings

Use the Export Import Settings page to export or import configuration settings from the virtual appliance. We can also download report files from the Export Import Settings page.

Export the service settings from the primary virtual appliance or the primary node. In another virtual appliance or member node, import the service settings from the primary node. Export or import operations work with same build version on the virtual appliance. They do not support between different build versions.

  1. From the top-level menu of the Appliance Dashboard, select Manage > Manage Export Import > Export Import Settings.

  2. On the Export Import Settings page, do one of these actions.

    Action Button Description
    Export a file Export

    1. Click Export to display the Export Configuration window.

    2. The Export Configuration window consists of these tabs.

      Certificates are listed under the Certificate alias column.

      Workflow Extensions
      Workflow extensions are listed under the Name column.

      Custom Files
      Custom files are listed under the File name column.

      External Libraries
      External libraries are listed under the Library name column.

      Displays a list of the modified identity, application server, and custom properties under the Property file name column of the following tabs.
      • Identity Properties
      • Application Server Properties
      • Custom Properties

        • If you upload a custom property file and do not modify any of its properties, the custom property file entry is listed in custom files, but the Custom Properties tab is empty.

        • If you modify any of the properties from a custom property file, the file entry is removed from custom files, and the Custom Properties tab displays the modified custom properties.

    3. Select one or multiple configurations from one or all these tabs for your export operation.

    4. Optional: To export all the configuration, select the Export all configuration check box.

    5. Click Save Configuration to export the settings. This operation downloads an export package file in an archived format. The file name format is configurationhost_name.export. For example,
    Import a file Import

    1. Click Import to display the Import Configuration window.
    2. In Administrator ID, specify an ID value.
    3. In Administrator Password, specify a password.

    4. Click Browse to select a package file to import.

    5. Click Save Configuration. A message indicates that the import operation is completed.

    The configurations are imported to the virtual appliance.

    Downloading a report Download Report

    1. From the Imported Settings column of the Reports tab, select a report.

    2. Click Download Report.
    3. Save a copy of the report to your local drive. The report that we download is in .txt format.

Parent topic: Virtual appliance configuration