Manage the database server configuration

Use the Database Server Configuration page to configure, reconfigure, or unconfigure the database server for the IBM Security Identity Manager virtual appliance. Configure or reconfigure the Identity data store options for the database server.

Configure button

Reconfigure button

Reconfiguration does not update the database schema. It configures only ISIM with new database details.

  1. From the top-level menu of the Appliance Dashboard, click...

      Configure > Manage External Entities > Database Server Configuration

    The Database Server Configuration page displays the Database Server Configuration table.

  2. Click Configure.

  3. In the Database Server Configuration Details window set.

  4. Click Save Configuration to complete this task.

    A window with certificate information is displayed if we selected the SSL check box during configuration.

  5. Click Yes to confirm. The database server configuration takes some time. Do not refresh or close the page. Wait for the configuration process to complete.

  6. Optional: To reconfigure an existing database server configuration:

    1. Before reconfiguring, create a snapshot to recover from any configuration failures.

    2. From the Database Server Configuration table, select a record. For example, Identity data store.

    3. Click Reconfigure.

    4. In the Edit Identity data store details window, edit the details.

    5. Click Save Configuration.

      A window opens that displays the certificate information.

    6. Click Yes to confirm.

      The database server reconfiguration takes some time. Do not refresh or close the page. Wait for the reconfiguration process to complete.

  7. Optional: To unconfigure an existing identity store, do these steps:

    1. From the Database Server Configuration table, select a record. For example, Identity data store.

    2. Click Unconfigure.
    3. Click Yes to confirm.

Parent topic: Virtual appliance configuration