JNDI service provider for DAML
Before using the JNDI Service Provider for DAML, you need to understand both the JNDI interface specification and LDAP. The JNDI Service Provider uses both concepts. This section provides links to information that you need to understand about the JNDI interface and LDAP.
- The Java™ Naming and Directory Interface for accessing Directory type information from a Java program. See the website for Sun Microsystem at http://java.sun.com/products/jndi/tutorial/ for a tutorial on the JNDI.
- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. Information about this protocol can be obtained from many sources, such as the OpenLDAP Foundation at http://www.openldap.org.
The Java libraries required to use JNDI and DAML/DSML are contained within the lib directory of ISIM server directory.
Parent topic: Directory Services Markup Language (DSML) identity feed