Map of inetOrgPerson to Active Directory attributes

The IBM Security Identity Manager inetOrgPerson attributes map to Active Directory attributes. The differences are shown in boldface type.

IBM Security Identity Manager inetOrgPerson attributes Active Directory organizationalPerson attributes
cn cn
departmentNumber department
description comment
employeeNumber employeeID
givenName givenName
homePhone homePhone
homePostalAddress homePostalAddress
initials initials
internationaliSDNNumber internationallSDNNumber
jpegPhoto thumbnailPhoto
l l
mail mail
manager manager
mobile mobile
o o
ou ou
pager pager
physicalDeliveryOfficeName physicalDeliveryOfficeName
postalAddress postalAddress
postalCode postalCode
postOfficeBox postOfficeBox
preferredDeliveryMethod preferredDeliveryMethod
registeredAddress registeredAddress
secretary assistant
seeAlso seeAlso
sn sn
st st
street streetaddress
telephoneNumber telephoneNumber
teletexTerminalIdentifier teletexTerminalIdentifier
telexNumber telexNumber
title title
uid < - intentionally blank - >
userPassword userPassword Encryption by the directory server prevents ISIM from using the value of this attribute.
x121Address x121Address

Parent topic: Identity feed management