Configure SNMP objects

Configure Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) objects to enable the IBM Security Identity Manager virtual appliance to send system audit events to an SNMP manager. The SNMP notifications identify certain values and send them to an SNMP manager.

  1. From the top-level menu of the Appliance Dashboard, click Manage > System Settings > System Audit Events.

  2. In the System Audit Events page, take one of the following actions.

    • Click New > SNMP to display the Add SNMP Object window.

    • Select an existing SNMP object and then click Edit to display the Edit SNMP Object window.

  3. In the General tab, type a name for the object.

  4. Select an SNMP version from the list.
    • V1
    • V2C
    • V3

  5. In the SNMP Manager field, enter the IP address, host name, or fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the SNMP manager. The SNMP host must be accessible to the virtual appliance to send SNMP traps.

  6. Enter the port number that the SNMP manager monitors for notifications. The default port number is 162.

  7. Enter a comment to describe the SNMP object.
  8. For SNMP versions V1 or V2c, enter the name of the community used to authenticate with the SNMP agent.
  9. For SNMP version 3, configure the following options.

    Option Description
    Name Enter the user name to be authenticated in the SNMP database.
    Notification Type On the Notification Type tab...

    1. Select Inform or Trap in the Notification Type field.
    2. Specify the SNMP Timeout in seconds. Specifying a timeout value is not mandatory.
    Authentication and Privacy On the Authentication and Privacy tab, complete these steps.

    1. From the Enable Authentication list, select Enabled to enable authentication.

    2. In Authentication Passphrase, enter the relevant passphrase.

    3. From the Authentication Type list, select a type.

    4. From the Enable Privacy list, select Enabled to enable privacy.

    5. In Privacy Passphrase, enter the relevant passphrase.

    6. From the Privacy Type list, select a type.

  10. Click Save Configuration.

After we configure an SNMP object, add the object to the Added Objects pane on the System Audit Events page. Add it so that the virtual appliance initiates the response when specified events occur.

Parent topic: Configure system audit events