Install a fix pack

Install a fix pack on the virtual appliance to address software maintenance updates for reliability and performance enhancements.

Restriction: We cannot uninstall a fix pack by using the local management interface. You must use the command-line interface to uninstall a fix pack.

Fix packs are applied to your active partition. We can manually create a backup of your active partition before you apply a fix pack so that you can roll back your changes.

If a fix pack is installed on your virtual appliance, you can view information about who installed the fix pack, comments, patch size, and the installation date.

  1. From the top-level menu of the Appliance Dashboard, click Manage > Updates and Licensing > Fix Packs.

  2. On the Fix Packs page, click New.

  3. In the Add Fix Pack window, click Browse for fix pack. The Browse for fix pack table displays the fix pack details.
  4. Click Save Configuration to install the fix pack.

Parent topic: Manage system settings for the virtual appliance