Report data synchronization utility errors and their workarounds

The following topic describes how to troubleshoot ISIM report data synchronization utility errors.

The report data synchronization utility completes the data synchronization operation successfully, but with the following exception.
The following exception might get registered into the trace file:
It might happen because the synchronization time exceeds the cache refresh timeout interval specified by the enrole.profile.timeout property. This exception does not affect the success of the data synchronization. We can ignore this exception message.

Increase the timeout interval value for the property enrole.profile.timeout in the property file.

The report data synchronization utility completes with a failure with log entries and indicates that the data synchronization cannot run because data synchronization is already running.
Follow the steps to end the data synchronization operation process and rerun the data synchronization utility. For more information about how to end the data synchronization operation, see

The report data synchronization utility completes with a failure with log entries and indicates that the data synchronization failed with an OutOfMemoryError message.
OutOfMemoryError can occur if the Java™ virtual machine heap is too small.

Increase the Java virtual machine heap size by creating an operating system environment variable:

Microsoft Windows operating systems
set IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xms1024m -Xmx2048m

UNIX or Linux operating systems
export IBM_JAVA_OPTIONS='-Xms1024m -Xmx2048m'
  • -Xms1024m specifies initial heap size of 1024 mb
  • -Xmx2048m specifies maximum heap size of 2048 mb
The numbers mentioned in the instructions are examples only. The exact numbers required might vary.

Parent topic: Utility for external report data synchronization