Provisioning policy parameter enforcement rules

The parameter enforcement types specify the rule for the system to evaluate the validity of an account attribute value. An account that contains an invalid value is considered a noncompliant account. The role of the policy enforcement settings (Mark, Suspend, Correct, and Alert) is to specify the action the system does when the account becomes noncompliant. A Correct policy enforcement setting causes the system to take corrective action for the noncompliant account. Actions, include adding mandatory values to the account and removing invalid values from the account..

Use the following key to determine the enforcement type:

A mandatory value is added if it is missing from an account. Default attributes are used only during account creation. Afterward, they can be used. Excluded attribute values are removed only if they are not granted in another policy. Some adapters such as the Oracle eBS adapter support complex group attribute requests. Support for these requests requires the installation of a service profile-specific handler. For more information about handlers, see your specific adapter guide. For accesses that are related to such complex group values, typically the default subattribute values are obtained from the handler plug-in. However, if the provisioning policy for the service has a mandatory enforcement on the group attribute, that value is used instead.

Parent topic: Provisioning policies