Change Forgotten Password Information - Access Control
Use this page to specify information so that we can later reset a password by clicking Forgot a password? on the Login page.
The kinds of questions and the number of required fields are determined by the system administrator. Some configurations require that you provide our own set of questions and answers, or answer only a limited number of questions. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
If we have already saved an answer and need to change your answer, we click Clear to clear the answer and retype it. The Clear button is available only if a previously answered question has not already been cleared.
If we are changing a question or its corresponding answer, click Edit to update the question field and clear the contents of the answer field. The Edit button is available only when the previously specified question and answer fields have not already been edited.
Click OK to save the information. We must answer all required fields before clicking OK.
Parent topic: Administration console