Portal Express Installation



Hardware requirements

The typical system requirements for WebSphere Portal installation with one instance configured include:

  1. iSeries Model 810 processor feature 2465 or higher
  2. 2 GB of memory
  3. 2 GB of disk space The typical system requirements for each additional WebSphere Portal instance include:
  4. Additional 2 GB of memory
  5. Additional 500 MB of disk space

These are the minimum recommendations for production environments. Systems that do not meet these requirements may be used in environments with a limited number of users, and test and demo environments.


IBM Eserver Workload Estimator

To size your system based upon your business needs you may use the IBM EserverWorkload Estimator for iSeries. This tool helps to size your system based upon different criteria such as the current workload, expected Domino workload, and expected portal workload.


Software prerequisites

Licensed program Product option Description
5722SS1 OS/400 V5R2 or higher
5722SS1 12 Host Servers for the remote installation only
5722SS1 30 Qshell Interpreter
5722SS1 33 PASE (Portable Application Solutions Environment)
5722JV1 *BASE Developer Kit for Java
5722JV1 5 Java Developer Kit 1.3
5722TC1 *BASE TCP/IP Connectivity Utilities
5722DG1 *BASE IBM HTTP Server
5722WS5 *BASE WAS V5.0
5722WS5 1 WAS V5.0 Client development and runtime
5722WS5 2 WAS V5.0 Application server runtime
5722WS5 5 WAS V5.0 Network Deployment (ND, optional)
5799PTL *BASE iSeries Tools for Developers

To verify the installed licensed programs, using iSeries Navigator, navigate to...

Management Central (host name) → Endpoint Systems → host name → Configuration and Service → Software Inventory → Installed Products. host name is your iSeries host name.

You can also type the following OS/400 command and select option 10:



Group PTFs

Product PTF group Level or higher
WAS V5.0.2 5733WS5 SF99245 5, 7, or highera
WAS V5.0.2 ND 5733WS5 SF99246 4
DB2® Universal Database™ (UDB) for iSeries SF99502 10
Java PTF Group SF99169 15
IBM HTTP Server for iSeries SF99098 13

Group PTF level 6 has some problems, so we do not list it here.

To verify that you installed group PTFs on your system, using iSeries Navigator, navigate to...

Management Central (host name) | Endpoint Systems | host name | Configuration and Service | Fixes Inventory | Fix Groups

...or you can use the Work with PTF Group (WRKPTFGRP) OS/400 command.


Additional WAS PTFs

WAS option PTF number
*BASE SI09922
*BASE SI10384
Option 1 SI09961
Option 5 SI09962

To verify that additional WAS PTFs are installed on your system, using iSeries Navigator, navigate to...

Management Central (host name) | Endpoint Systems | host name | Configuration and Service | Fixes Inventory | 5733ws5

You may also use the Display PTF for Licensed Program OS/400 command to display this information as shown here:



Installation user profile

To install and configure WebSphere Portal, you need an iSeries user profile *QSECOFR or an iSeries user profile similar to *QSECOFR. This iSeries user profile is referred to as an installation user profile in the rest of this book.

If this profile is not available, use a profile with at least *ALLOBJ, *JOBCTL, and *IOSYSCFG special authority.

WebSphere Portal uses its own database. To add a new database, an installation user profile must have *SECADM special authority.


Network setup

WebSphere Portal installation and configuration on your iSeries requires a static IP address and a fully-qualified host name. This is actually a WAS requirement.


Static IP address

WebSphere Portal requires that you use a static IP address on the machine where you are installing WebSphere Portal.

To verify whether a static IP address is defined on your system, using iSeries Navigator select...

host name | Network | TCP/IP Configuration | IPv4 | Interfaces

You must have at least one IP address other than


Fully qualified host name

WebSphere Portal also requires the use of a fully-qualified host name, which is typically the host name of the server, along with its fully-qualified domain name.

To verify whether a fully qualified host name is defined on your system enter the Configure TCP (CFGTCP) OS/400 command...

Change TCP/IP Domain (CHGTCPDMN)   
Type choices, press Enter. 
Host name . . . . . . . . . . . 'rchas07'  
Domain name . . . . . . . . . . 'itsoroch.ibm.com' 
Domain search list . . . . . . . 'itsoroch.ibm.com' 

Host name search priority . .  *LOCAL >*REMOTE, *LOCAL, *SAME

Domain name server:
Internet address . . . . . . .  '' '' 

Bottom  F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F10=Additional parameters F12=Cancel   
F13=How to use this display  F24=More keys 

To verify that the IP address is associated with the host name, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the following OS/400 command:

    PING host name

  2. At the bottom of the display, you see a message similar to “Verify connection to host system RCHAS07.ITSOROCH.IBM.COM at address”. Press F1 on this message.

  3. Press F10 to display all messages. Then you see the Display All Messages screen

    Display All Messages

    System: RCHAS07
    Job . . : QPADEV0006 User . . : RAFJA Number . . . : 250770
    3>> go tcpadm

    Verify connection to host system RCHAS07.ITSOROCH.IBM.COM at address
    PING reply 1 from took 0 ms. 256 bytes. TTL 64.
    PING reply 2 from took 0 ms. 256 bytes. TTL 64.
    PING reply 3 from took 0 ms. 256 bytes. TTL 64.
    PING reply 4 from took 0 ms. 256 bytes. TTL 64.
    PING reply 5 from took 0 ms. 256 bytes. TTL 64.
    Round-trip (in milliseconds) min/avg/max = 0/0/0.
    Connection verification statistics: 5 of 5 successful (100 %).

    Press Enter to continue.

    F3=Exit F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F17=Top F18=Bottom


IBM Web Administration for iSeries

To configure the WebSphere Portal instances, we use the WebSphere Portal wizard in IBM Web Administration for iSeries. This wizard creates a production-ready WebSphere Portal instance.

To access IBM Web Administration for iSeries, point your Web browser to the following Uniform Resource Locator (URL):


Here yourSystem is the fully qualified host name of your iSeries. If you see an error page while trying to access this interface, then the *ADMIN instance of the HTTP server may be not started.

To start the *ADMIN instance of the HTTP server, you can use the iSeries Navigator:

  1. Expand My Connections → host name → Network → Servers. Here host name is your iSeries host name.

  2. Under Servers, select TCP/IP.

3. In the right pane, right-click HTTP Administration and select Start

You may also use the following OS/400 command to start the server instance:



HTTP server

For a production-level WebSphere Portal instance, we recommend that you use an external HTTP server. You can use the built-in HTTP server of WAS for non-production WebSphere Portal environments.

Currently there are two supported HTTP servers on iSeries that you can configure for WebSphere Portal:


SSL Security

If you enable SSL security, you must install the following software:


Install WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement

The WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement product adds functionality to the standard version of WAS. This additional functionality is required by WebSphere Portal.

There are two installation interfaces for WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement: the graphical interface or the console interface. The graphical interface uses a remote CD-ROM drive on your desktop PC. You can also use drive mapping. The console interface uses the local CD-ROM drive of the iSeries.

Important: To install WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement, a user profile must have *ALLOBJ and *JOBCTL authority.


WAS v5.0 Enterprise Enablement Graphical installation

To install WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement with a graphical interface...

  1. Make sure that the WAS subsystem is not running. To verify the WAS subsystem’s status with iSeries Navigator, navigate to...

    My Connections | host name | Work Management | Subsystems | Active Subsystems | QEJBAS5

    Here host name is your iSeries host name.

  2. In the right pane, if the status of the Qejbas5 subsystem is active, right-click Qejbas5 and select Stop. It can take a while for the subsystem to stop entirely.

  3. Place the WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement CD into the CD-ROM drive. The setup program should start automatically. If it does not start, navigate to the CD drive and double-click install400.bat to start the installation.

    1. The Signon to the Server window (Figure 3-9) opens. If you don’t see this window, it may be behind another open window. Minimize the other windows to see the signon window.

    2. Enter the iSeries system name on which you are installing WebSphere Portal. Enter the user ID and password of the installation user profile. Click OK.

  4. In the next window, select the language that you want to use for the installation and click OK.

  5. In the Setup welcome panel, click Next.

  6. In the panel that shows the software license agreement, read and accept the license. Then, click Next.

  7. The next panel shows the installation options.

    Click Next.

  8. In the next panel that shows an overview of the components that will be installed, click Next.

  9. If the WAS subsystem is not completely stopped, you see a warning message. Wait until the WAS subsystem is stopped. Then click Next.

  10. The next panel shows the installation progress. In our testing, the installation of WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement and its PTFs took 45 minutes.

  11. In the next panel, which shows the summary page, click Finish

    The installation of WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement is completed.

  12. After you successfully install WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement, apply all dedicated PTFs.


Verify WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement installation

To verify the installation of the WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement, you can use iSeries Operations Navigator.

Management Central (host name) | Endpoint Systems | host name | Configuration and Service | Software Inventory | Installed Products

If WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement is installed successfully, in the list of Installed Products, you should see either of the following products:

After you successfully install WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement, apply all dedicated PTFs.


Enterprise Enablement Console installation

You can install WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement using the console interface. The console interface includes much of the same content as the graphical interface, but is presented in a text format.

Perform the following steps to install WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement from a CD-ROM drive of your iSeries:

  1. Sign on to your iSeries with your installation user profile.

  2. Stop the WAS subsystem:

    – For WAS Base, type:


    – For WAS Network Deployment, type:


  3. Start the Qshell command prompt:


  4. Change to the root directory of the WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement CD:

    cd /QOPT/WPXP-1-12

  5. Run the installation script. Type:


    You see messages similar to...

    > install.sh

    Licensed Materials - Property of IBM

    IBM WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement

    (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2001 - 2003 All Rights Reserved.

  6. Type an X next to the number that corresponds to the language you want for the installation as shown in Figure 3-16. Press Enter.

  7. Type 0 to confirm your selection and press Enter.

    Attaching Java program to /qopt/wpxp-1-12/pmeinstall.JAR.

    Select a language to be used for this wizard.

    [ ] 1 - Czech
    [X] 2 - English
    [ ] 3 - French
    [ ] 4 - German
    [ ] 5 - Greek
    [ ] 6 - Hungarian
    [ ] 7 - Italian
    [ ] 8 - Japanese
    [ ] 9 - Korean
    [ ] 10 - Polish
    [ ] 11 - Portuguese
    [ ] 12 - Portuguese (Brazil)
    [ ] 13 - Russian
    [ ] 14 - Simplified Chinese
    [ ] 15 - Spanish
    [ ] 16 - Traditional Chinese
    [ ] 17 - Turkish

    To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished: [0]

  8. Type 1 and press Enter to move to the next display. If you want to cancel the installation, type 3.

    Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement. The InstallShield Wizard will install WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement on your computer.

    Press 1 for Next, 3 to Cancel or 4 to Redisplay [1]

  9. The display below shows the software licensing agreement. View and accept this agreement. Press Enter to continue viewing the license agreement. Then type 1 to accept the agreement. Or you may choose to type 2 to decline the agreement or type 99 to go back to the previous display.

    "License Information" ("LI") is a document that provides information specific to a Program. The Program's LI is available at http://www.ibm.com/software/sla/ . The LI may also be found in a file in the Program's directory, by the use of a system command, or as a booklet which accompanies the Program.

    Press Enter to continue viewing the license agreement, or, Enter 1 to accept the agreement, 2 to decline it or 99 to go back to the previous screen.

  10. Enter 1 to confirm your selection.

  11. Select the WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement option to install

    – Type 1 if you run WAS Base.

    – Type 2 if you run WAS Network Deployment.

    Checking for required operating system and software prerequisites. Please wait.

    Select the option(s) you want to install.

    [ ] 1 -WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement - Option 10
    [ ] 2 -WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement for ND - Option 11

    To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished: [0]

  12. Enter 0 to confirm your selection.

  13. Type 1 and press Enter to move to the next step.

    WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement ready to install. The following components will be installed: WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement - Option 10

    Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 4 to Redisplay [1]

  14. Type 1 to start the installation. On this same display, you see a progress bar which helps you to trace the progress of the installation. In our environment, the installation took 36 minutes.

    Preparing installation

    !-----------!-----------!-----------!------------! 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. When the installation finishes, you see messages similar to those shown below...

    Type 3 and press Enter to exit the installation. 

    The InstallShield Wizard has successfully installed WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement. Choose Finish to exit the wizard.

    Press 3 to Finish or 4 to Redisplay [3]

    To verify the installation, see “Verify WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement installation”

    After you successfully install WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement, apply all dedicated PTFs.


Install Enterprise Enablement PTFs

WAS option 10 WAS option11
SI10075 SI10121
SI10076 SI10122
SI10077 SI10123
SI10692 SI10694
SI10741 SI10740
SI10668 SI10777
SI10775 SI10940
SI10778 SI10945
SI10939 SI09929
SI10944 SI09930


Install WebSphere Portal

After you meet the system requirements and install the IBM Enterprise Enablement for WAS for iSeries, you are ready to install WebSphere Portal. There are two installation interfaces for WebSphere Portal: the graphical interface and the console interface. The graphical interface uses the remote CD-ROM drive of your desktop PC. You can also use a drive mapping. The console interface uses the local CD-ROM drive of the iSeries server.

Before you attempt to install WebSphere Portal, make sure that your WAS subsystem is started. If not, use the following OS/400 command to start it:


Important: To install WebSphere Portal, the user profile must have *ALLOBJ and *JOBCTL authorities.


WebSphere Portal Graphical installation

Follow these steps to install WebSphere Portal using the graphical user interface (GUI):

  1. Place the WebSphere Portal Setup CD into the CD-ROM drive. The setup program should automatically start. If it does not start navigate to the root directory of the installation CD, start the install400.bat setup program.

    1. The Signon to the Server window opens. If you don’t see this window, it may be behind another open window. Minimize other windows to view this window.

    2. Enter the iSeries host name, user ID, and password of the installation user profile. Click OK.

  2. In the next window, select the language you want to use for the installation

    Click OK.

  3. In the Welcome panel that opens, you may choose to launch the WebSphere Portal Installation Center. Otherwise, simply click Next.

  4. In the next panel, which shows the software license agreement, read and accept the license. Then click Next.

  5. In the Basic configuration option panel, you can choose to either install to install and configure. The Install and Configure option allows you to install WebSphere Portal and configure the first instance in a single process.

    We recommend that you select the Install only option. After the installation completes, you can use the configuration wizard. This wizard is unique to iSeries and is much simpler than the one provided as part of InstallShield.

    Select Install only and click Next.

  6. The next panel shows an overview of the components that will be installed. Click Next.

  7. In the next panel, enter the location of WebSphere Portal Express CD and click Next.

  8. When the installation from CD 1 completes, you are asked to specify the location of CD 2.

    Replace CD 1 with CD 2 in the CD-ROM drive and click Next.

  9. When the installation finishes, a panel opens that indicates whether the installation was successful. This panel also provides the location of the installation log file. If the installation is not successful, review this log file to learn why.

  10. Verify the installation


WebSphere Portal Console installation

You can install WebSphere Portal using the console interface. The console interface includes much of the same content as the graphical interface, but is presented in a text format. A console interface is available for both local and remote installation of WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement. However, we recommend that you do it locally on an iSeries server.

Perform the following steps to install WebSphere Portal locally:

  1. Start the Qshell command prompt:


  2. Change to the root directory of the IBM WebSphere Portal Express 5.0 CD 1:

    cd /QOPT/WPXP-0

  3. Run the installation script:


    > install.sh Licensed Materials - Property of IBM IBM WebSphere Portal Express 5.0

    (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2001 - 2003 All Rights Reserved.

  4. Select the number which corresponds to the language you want to use for the installation and press Enter.

    Attaching Java program to /tmp/wplaunch/wpinstall.JAR.

    Select a language to be used for this wizard.

    [ ] 1 - Czech
    [X] 2 - English
    [ ] 3 - French
    [ ] 4 - German
    [ ] 5 - Greek
    [ ] 6 - Hungarian
    [ ] 7 - Italian
    [ ] 8 - Japanese
    [ ] 9 - Korean
    [ ] 10 - Polish
    [ ] 11 - Portuguese
    [ ] 12 - Portuguese (Brazil)
    [ ] 13 - Russian
    [ ] 14 - Simplified Chinese
    [ ] 15 - Spanish
    [ ] 16 - Traditional Chinese
    [ ] 17 - Turkish

    To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished: [0]

    Figure 3-32 Selecting the language

  5. Type 0 and press Enter to confirm your selection.

  6. The InstallShield welcome page opens. Choose one of the following options:

    –Select 1 to go to the next step
    –Select 3 to cancel the installation.

    Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement. The InstallShield Wizard will install WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement on your computer.

    Press 1 for Next, 3 to Cancel or 4 to Redisplay [1]

    Figure 3-33 InstallShield Wizard

  7. Information about licensing is displayed next. Press Enter to continue.

    Software Licensing Agreement Press Enter to display the license agreement on your screen. Please read the agreement carefully before installing the Program. After >reading the agreement, you will be given the opportunity to accept it or decline it. If you choose to decline the agreement, installation will not be completed and you will not be able to use the Program.

  8. View and accept Software Licensing Agreement Press Enter to continue viewing the license agreement. Then type 1 and press Enter to accept the agreement.

    Or you may type 2 and press Enter to decline the agreement. Or type 99 and press Enter to go back to the previous display.

    "License Information" ("LI") is a document that provides information specific to a Program. The Program's LI is available at http://www.ibm.com/software/sla/ . The LI may also be found in a file in the Program's directory, by the use of a system command, or as a booklet which accompanies the Program.

    Press Enter to continue viewing the license agreement, or, Enter 1 to accept the agreement, 2 to decline it or 99 to go back to the previous screen.

  9. The system checks for the required operating system and software prerequisites

    Checking for required operating system and software prerequisites. Please wait. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WebSphere Portal - Express is ready to install. The following components will be installed:

    WebSphere Portal

    Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 4 to Redisplay £1Ñ

  10. You see a progress bar which helps you to trace the progress of the installation process

    Preparing installation

    !-----------!-----------!-----------!------------! 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. When the installation from CD 1 is finished change to WebSphere Portal CD 2.

    Preparing installation

    !-----------!-----------!-----------!------------! 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please insert the CD labeled WebSphere Portal Express CD #2 and enter its location below.

    CD location

    Enter a directory: [/qopt/wpxp-0]

  12. Enter a directory for the installation of CD 2: /QOPT/WPXP-2

  13. Select 1 to proceed with the installation from CD 2.

  14. A progress bar is displayed to indicate the status of the installation.

  15. When the installation completes, you see messages similar to

    !-----------!-----------!-----------!------------! 0% 25% 50% 75% 100% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation is successful. Please review the message log /QIBM/ProdData/PortalServer5/log/installmessages.txt for any install warnings.

    Press Enter to exit the wizard.

    The following components are now installed on your computer:

    WebSphere Portal

    Press 3 to Finish or 4 to Redisplay [3]

Installation of WebSphere Portal is now completed. To verify your installation, see the following section.


Verify the installation

To verify the installation status, open the dedicated installation log file. To view the log file using the OS/400 command line, enter the following command:

WRKLNK ‘/QIBM/ProdData/PortalServer5/log/installmessages.txt’

To view the file, select option 5 (Display). The last line of the log file should show a message similar to “The installation has completed successfully.”

You have now installed WebSphere Portal - Express for Multiplatforms V5.0.2 to your iSeries server. To get a working WebSphere Portal, you must now configure a WebSphere Portal instance. You may continue with the following section, which describes how to create and configure a simple WebSphere Portal instance.


Configure a portal instance

After you install the WebSphere Portal runtime files, you are ready to configure a WebSphere Portal instance.

We recommend that iSeries customers use the WebSphere Portal wizard to create a WebSphere Portal instance. This wizard is not included with the Portal product CDs. It is available as a group PTF for the HTTP Server product 5722DG1. This PTF is specified as required

WebSphere Portal simplifies configuration of WebSphere Portal and its core components. The wizard is designed to handle a range of common WebSphere Portal configurations, but not all possible configurations. However, you can always adjust your configuration manually by running WebSphere Portal configuration tasks at a later time.

The wizard performs the following tasks:

You can edit the Portal instance configuration manually after you use the WebSphere Portal wizard. To test the WebSphere Portal instance, see 3.4.3, “Testing the instance”


Basic configuration

In this scenario, we create a simple WebSphere Portal instance with all components running on the same iSeries server. We describe only the required steps and skip the advanced options such as LDAP and proxy configuration.

When you are finished with this configuration, you will have a complete WebSphere Portal instance that provides all normal WebSphere Portal functionality, including the ability to:

In this configuration scenario, we create a basic WebSphere Portal instance. In the chapters that follow, we extend this instance using additional functions, for example, by securing the server and authenticating users via an LDAP directory.

Attention: Make sure that you resize or maximize your browser window before you start the wizard. If you resize or maximize the browser window while running the wizard, the page reloads so that you lose all of the data that you entered in the wizard. If this happens, you must start the wizard from the beginning.


Create a basic WebSphere Portal instance

These steps guide you through the process of creating a basic WebSphere Portal instance. In later sections, we extend this instance with additional features.

Note: The instance creation steps are based on our test environment, which consists of:

  1. Open a browser and enter the following IBM Web Administration for iSeries URL:

    http://host name:2001/

    Here, host name indicates the name of your iSeries host.

    If you see an error page instead of the logon window, it is possible that the HTTP Administration server is not started. See “IBM Web Administration for iSeries” to help you start this interface.

  2. In the Enter Network Password window, enter your iSeries user name and password. Click OK.

    Restriction: You must have at least *ALLOBJ, *JOBCTL, and *IOSYSCFG special authorities to work with IBM Web Administration for iSeries. We recommend that you have *QSECORF.

  3. The iSeries Tasks page opens. Click either IBM WAS - Express for iSeries or IBM HTTP Server for iSeries.

  4. Click the Setup tab to access the Getting started page.

  5. On the Getting started panel, you see information about the different wizards that you can run. Apart from WebSphere Portal wizard, you can create new HTTP server or a new WAS.

    Note: If a link is not displayed, one or more of the required products are not installed. For example, you will not see the Create WebSphere Portal link if WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement or WebSphere Portal runtime is not installed.

    Click Create a New WebSphere Portal.

    Note: At this point, you have also an option to use the One Step Create option, where all values are defaulted for the user. However, for our example, we step through the multi-step wizard.

  6. The Create WebSphere Portal panel provides information about technologies that are required for a WebSphere Portal instance. You can also see the different elements that will be created by the wizard. Click Next.

  7. On the Create a WAS for the Portal panel, you provide the following information:

    In the Application Server Name field, enter a unique name for the application server that will run the WebSphere Portal instance. If the name already exists on the system, an error message is displayed.

    Important: Currently, there is a problem in the WebSphere Portal code. If you use “LDAP” as part of your server’s name, you cannot enable security for this instance. Both the wizard and the enable-security-ldap manual configuration task fail. Therefore, if you plan to enable security with either the wizard or by doing so manually, choose a WAS instance name that does not contain “LDAP” in it.

    In the Server Description field, you can enter additional information, which will be helpful to identify this instance.

  8. Click Next.

  9. In the Select HTTP Server Type panel, you can choose to either create a new HTTP server or select an existing HTTP server:

  10. If you want to create a new HTTP server instance to work with your WebSphere Portal, select the Create a new HTTP server option. In this basic installation scenario, we create a new HTTP server.

  11. If you already have an HTTP server instance created and configured, you can choose the Select an existing HTTP server option. The configuration wizard shows a list of available HTTP server instances. Select the one you want to use. The wizard reconfigures that HTTP server instance to route all WebSphere Portal requests to that instance.

    Click Next.

    Note: For more information about the HTTP server, see HTTP Server (powered by Apache): An Integrated Solution for IBM Eserver iSeries Servers, SG24-6716.

  12. On the Create a new HTTP server (powered by Apache) panel (Figure 3-46), you define the parameters for the HTTP server instance.

    • In the HTTP server name field, enter a unique name for the HTTP server instance. If a name that you specify already exists in the system, an error message is displayed.

    • The HTTP server description field allows you to specify additional information about the instance. This field is informational only.

    • From the IP address drop-down list, you can specify an IP address that the server instance will use. If your system has multiple IP addresses, this field allows you to limit this HTTP server to listen on a specific IP address. If you have only one IP address or you want to allow the server to listen on all IP addresses, select All IP addresses.

    • In the Port field, specify a port number on which the HTTP server instance will listen. Make sure to specify a port number which is not in use. If you specify a value which is already assigned to another TCP/IP service, a warning message is displayed. The wizard reviews the list of ports being used, starting with 10000, and recommends a port number, which is currently unused.

    For a production system, we recommend that you use port 80. For secure communication based on SSL, use port 443. Be aware that the wizard does not configure SSL.

    Click Next.

  13. WAS uses a block of TCP/IP ports. In the Specify Internal Ports Used by the Application Server panel, you need to enter the starting port number for the block of 12 ports.

    In the First port in range field, enter the value of the first unused port. If any port of the range that you specified is already in use, an error message is displayed.

    The wizard defaults to a free range of ports above port 10000. It also verifies that these ports are free before allowing you to continue. The wizard checks the ports against all currently configured HTTP servers, WAS instances (Base and Express), all Tomcat servers, and all currently active ports on the system.

    Click Next.

  14. WebSphere Portal requires a database collection to store information about user identities, credentials, portal resources, and other customized portal information. In the Create DB2 Database for Portal panel, you can select the Create a new collection on this local system option to create a collection, schema, and library on the local system. By selecting this option, you must also specify a remote iSeries server for your portal database, as well as the remote system name, user ID, and password.

    • In this scenario, click the Create a new collection on this local system option to create a database on the local system.

    • In the Collection, Schema, or Library name field, enter the name of the portal database. The name can have up to 10 characters and cannot contain blank spaces.

    Note: The wizard defaults to a unique name for the database. If you specify a different name that is already in use, an error message is displayed.

    Click Next.

  15. In the Specify User ID to Own the Portal Database panel, if the user who is currently signed on to the GUI has *SECADM special authority, it is also possible to create a new user on the system. The newly created user will have *USER class authority. The user name can be a string up to 10 characters.

    Select Create a new user ID on the local system to create a new user to own the portal database. Then specify a user name and password in the fields provided. If the user name you specify already exists on the system, an error message is displayed.

    Click Next.

  16. In the Create a default URL, path, portal path, and personalized path panel you can provide a base URI for the default URL path to access the WebSphere Portal server. Notice the following fields:

    • Default URL path specifies the context root for the WebSphere Portal server. The default value is wps.

    • Default home path specifies the default WebSphere Portal server home path. The default value is portal.

    • Personalized path specifies the personalized path for user’s customized pages. The default value is myportal.

    In this scenario, we use the default values.

    Click Next.

  17. Some intranet security configurations require a proxy server to access content outside the intranet. A proxy server is used to enable users to access Web sites outside of firewalls, to provide better access time by caching, or to limit port access.

    In the Configure Proxy Information for Content Access Service panel, you can choose whether to use a proxy server. In this installation scenario, we choose not to use a proxy. Therefore, select the Do not use proxy option.

    Note: Portlets, written to the CAS specification can take advantage of having only one place for the proxy server configuration information.

    For portlets, not written to the CAS specification, proxy server information must be configured for each portlet individually.

    Click Next.

  18. If you want to take advantage of some advanced configuration and deployment techniques, such as single signon (SSO), configure LDAP. The Secure Application Server and WebSphere Portal with LDAP panel enables you to specify global security for the application server and configure LDAP to store user information.

    For the simple configuration, we choose not to use LDAP for user authentication. Select the No, do not secure this server option.

    Click Next.

  19. On the Portal Administrative Group and Administrative User panel, you must provide a password for the WebSphere Portal administrator. The user name is predefined as wpsadmin and cannot be changed. Default administrative group is wpsadmins. All the users who belong to the wpsadmins group have the administrative rights to the portal.

    Enter the password and confirm it.

    Note: If you want to use a different name and group for the WebSphere Portal instance’s administrator, you can do it after the instance is created. You add a desired user to your user registry and give that user the administrative rights to the WebSphere Portal instance by adding that user to the wpsadmins group.

    Click Next.

  20. In the Deploy Default Portlets panel, you can choose the portlets to install. The Administrative portlets and Themes and Skins are deployed by default.

    In this scenario, select to deploy the additional portlets Business portlets and Portal Document Manager (PDM) portlets.

    Click Next.

  21. At this point the wizard has enough information to create the WebSphere Portal instance. In the Summary panel, you can review all the information you entered by navigating through this panel and clicking the tabs.

    You can use the Back and Next buttons at the bottom of the panel to step through the wizard and change any of the values.

    Click the Printable Summary button and use the browser’s print option to print the page. This provides all necessary information about your WebSphere Portal environment. It does not print the passwords, so make sure you keep them in a safe place.

    Click Finish to start the process of creating WebSphere Portal instance.

  22. The next panel shows the creation progress. The creation of a portal instance may take up to three hours depending on your hardware. Notice that in the top left corner, the status of the server instance is Creating.

    The page automatically updates itself. Each stage of creating the WebSphere Portal instance is identified by the appropriate icon. The icons change from gray to color as the process proceeds. Long running tasks, such as Portal Configuration, Database Configuration, and Deploy Portlets, also have a percentage indicator to help you estimate the progress.

    Note: Leaving this page or closing the browser does not affect the creation of this WebSphere Portal instance. The creation continues in the background. When you return to this page later, the updated status is displayed.

  23. After the process of creating an instance completes, the wizard starts the WebSphere portal instance. The current status of an instance is indicated in the top left corner of the page. If the status is Running, the WebSphere Portal instance is ready to be used.

    Note: The wizard creates several log files, one file per installation or configuration task. If you place your cursor over any task icon on the page, a link to the log file is displayed in the text box below icons. This is a useful feature if you need to debug an installation problem.


Test the instance

After you create a WebSphere Portal Server, you can test it. Perform the following steps to test your WebSphere Portal instance:

  1. Open WebSphere Portal Web page. When your WebSphere Portal instance is up and running, you can open the portal to see the portlets in action. To open your portal, enter the following URL in a browser:

    http://host name:port/default-url-path/default-home-path

    Here all of these parameters correspond to the values that you specified in the configuration wizard. To access a portal instance created in this scenario, go to:


    Or simply click the URL shown in the box and pointed to by the cursor in Figure 3-57.

  2. You should see the WebSphere Portal welcome page (Figure 3-58). Under the Welcome message, click the text hyperlink Log in to log into the portal.

  3. Figure 3-59 shows the login page. Remember that, after you configure a WebSphere Portal instance, you have only one WebSphere Portal user available. By default, the wpsadmin user is created. This user has full administrative authorities to the portal. This means that wpsadmin is allowed to add more users.

  4. For User ID, type wpsadmin and specify the correct password (see step 16 on page 69). Click Log in.

  5. After you become authenticated, you see the WebSphere Portal main page (Figure 3-60).

  6. At this point, you have installed, configured, and accessed a basic WebSphere Portal Express for Multiplatforms V5.0.2 instance.


3.5 Uninstall WebSphere Portal

If you need to remove the WebSphere Portal product from your system, be aware that uninstalling WebSphere Portal is a multi-stage process. The following sections explain how to uninstall the respective portal elements:

  1. Uninstall the WebSphere Portal instance
  2. Uninstall WebSphere Portal
  3. Uninstall WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement


3.5.1 Uninstall the WebSphere Portal instance

This section explains how to uninstall a WebSphere Portal instance and all of its related components: WebSphere Portal enterprise application, WAS instance, HTTP Server instance, portal database, and user profile. Make sure that you complete each of the tasks, as explained in the following sections, in the order presented.


Removing the WebSphere Portal instance

This step removes the Portal code from the instance in the integrated file system (IFS). It does not undo any configuration that has been done in the WAS instance.

To remove WebSphere Portal, follow these steps:

1. Open the Qshell command prompt if it is not already opened:


2. Change to the product configuration directory:

cd /QIBM/ProdData/PortalServer5/Config

3. Run the rmvwpsinst.sh script:

rmvwpsinst.sh -instance instance-name

Here instance-name is your portal instance name.

Note: You may also use the IBM Web Administration for iSeries interface to delete the instance.

After you remove the WebSphere Portal instance, you have a fully functional, “pure” WAS instance.


Deleting the WAS instance

To completely remove WAS instance, complete these tasks:

1. Open the Qshell command prompt if it is not already opened:


2. Change to the product config directory:

cd /QIBM/ProdData/WebAS5/PME/bin

3. Stop the application server instance:

stopServer -instance instance-name application_server_name

Here instance-name is your portal instance name. In our example, application_server_name was the same as the instance name. In the case, when the instance and application server names are the same, we can omit the application server name in this command.

4. Delete the application server instance:

dltwasinst -instance instance-name

Here instance-name is your portal instance name.

The WAS instance is now completely removed from the system.


Removing the database

During the configuration of a WebSphere Portal instance, a new database was created. To remove this database, enter the following command on an OS/400 command line:

DLTLIB LIB(library-name)

Here library-name is the name of the library that was configured to be used by this WebSphere Portal instance (refer to step 11 on page 64).

Note: It is possible that you see the program message “Receiver x in library-name> never fully saved. (I C)”. This message indicates that the journal of the WebSphere Portal database is never saved. To ignore this message, type I.

You have now removed your WebSphere Portal instance and its database.

Attention: If this task does not finish promptly, check the QSYSOPR queue on your iSeries system for messages. The system may require a response from you to complete the task.


Removing the HTTP server instance

If you want to remove the HTTP server instance used by the WebSphere Portal instance, follow these steps:

1. Open the IBM Web Administration for iSeries URL in your browser:

http://host name:2001/

Here host name is your iSeries host name.

  1. Enter your user name and password. Then click OK to log in to the system.

  2. In the iSeries Tasks page, click IBM HTTP Server for iSeries.

  3. From the Server drop-down list, select All servers.

  4. Select the HTTP server instance that you want to delete.

  5. If the server is running, click the Stop button.

  6. When the server status is Stopped, click the Delete button to delete an HTTP server instance.

  7. To completely remove HTTP server instance directory, open Qshell and enter:

rm -R /www/http-instance-name

Here http-instance-name is your HTTP server instance name.

You have now completely removed the HTTP server instance.


Removing the user profile

If you want to remove the user profile created as the owner of the WebSphere Portal database, enter the following command statement:


Here db-user-name is the database owner user profile.

Attention: All objects that were owned by that user are also deleted.


3.5.2 Uninstall WebSphere Portal

This section explains how to uninstall WebSphere Portal from the system. Complete the following steps:

1. Open the Qshell command prompt:


2. Change to the WebSphere Portal uninstall directory:

cd /qibm/proddata/portalserver5/uninstall

3. Run the uninstalling script:

uninstall.sh -silent

Note: If you want to interact with the uninstallation script, invoke it without using the -silent parameter.

You have now removed the WebSphere Portal runtime files from your iSeries.

4. To remove log files and the product directory, follow these steps:

a. Leave the directory that you want to delete.

cd /QIBM/ProdData

b. Remove the WebSphere Portal directory recursively:

rm -R PortalServer5

5. Remove the temporary InstallShield files:

a. Go to the InstallShield temporary directory:

cd /tmp/InstallShield

b. Remove each of the following files (if they exist):

rm installmessages.txtrm installtraces*.txtrm wpinstalllog.txtrm wpsinstalllog.txtrm wpsinstallprogress.txtrm portalinstall.lockfile

c. Remove the following WebSphere Portal directory:

rm -R /WebSphere

d. Remove the WebSphere Portal launcher:

rm -R /tmp/wplaunch

e. Remove the temporary ISMP files:

rm -R /tmp/ismp001

You have now completely removed WebSphere Portal from the system.


3.5.3 Uninstall WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement

WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement extends WAS. You can see these extensions as WAS options.

If you want to remove WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement, but want to keep your WAS, follow these steps:

1. Enter the following OS/400 command to stop WAS subsystem:

– For WAS Base, enter:


– For WAS Network Deployment, enter:


2. Delete WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement licence program option

– For WAS Base, enter:


– For WAS Network Deployment, enter:


3. Open the Qshell command prompt:


4. Remove the InstallShield directory structure from the IFS:

rm -R /tmp/InstallShield/WASPME

Note: When you remove WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement, all PTFs that have been loaded and applied for this product are also removed.

Even when you remove WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement from the system, your WAS licensed program still exists.


Advanced configuration

This chapter covers the advanced configuration options for WebSphere Portal - Express for Multiplatforms V5.0.2. These options allow you to create a WebSphere Portal instance with authentication based on the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory server. They also enable you to customize an already created WebSphere Portal instance.

The advanced options are possible through the use of configuration tasks. Configuration tasks give you access to functions which are not accessible through the graphical user interface (GUI). This chapter explains how to use the configuration tasks to enable user authentication with LDAP, to deploy portlets, and to create an instance from scratch. It includes several examples and complete scenarios.

Attention: During the course of the residency to write this book, the iSeries development lab made several changes to the WebSphere Portal wizard. As a result, the sequence and the look of the windows have changed. The remaining information is still valid.

For current information about the WebSphere Portal wizard, see Appendix C, “WebSphere Portal wizard updates” .


4.1 Configure an extended portal instance with the wizard

IBM Web Administration for iSeries includes a Portal Configuration Wizard to help you build a complete, production-level portal environment. The wizard allows you to configure WebSphere Portal components, a databases, an HTTP server, and LDAP.

Restriction: The portal configuration wizard only creates new instances. After your instance is created, you can use only manual configuration tasks to make any changes.

“Installation and configuration” explains how to create a basic portal instance with no security and other advanced options. This section explains how to create an extended portal instance. It guides you through the process of creating a portal instance with user authentication based on an LDAP directory server. It shows you how to connect to the proxy server and deploy the Lotus Collaborative Center portlets.

Important: During this process, you need to make decisions about several configuration options based on other products. To learn more about these products, see the following sections:

If you plan to use the collaboration capabilities of WebSphere Portal, you have to set up Lotus components, such as Lotus Instant Messaging and Web Conferencing (Sametime) and Lotus Team Workplace (QuickPlace).


Basic configuration

Before learning about more advanced features, such as authentication of users in LDAP, you must prepare a basic portal instance. This section shows you how to configure basic portal elements, such as an HTTP server instance and WAS instance. To prepare a basic portal instance, we use the recommended WebSphere Portal configuration wizard which a part of the IBM Web Administration for iSeries tool.

Attention: Make sure that you resize or maximize your browser window before you start the wizard. If you resize or maximize the browser window while running the wizard, the page reloads so that you lose all of the data that you entered in the wizard. If this happens, you must start the wizard from the beginning.


Create a basic WebSphere Portal instance

These steps guide you through the process to create a basic WebSphere Portal instance. Later, we extend this instance with additional features.

  1. Open a browser and enter your IBM Web Administration for iSeries URL:

    http://host name:2001/

    Here, host name is the name of your iSeries host.

    If you see an error page instead of the logon window, it is possible that the HTTP Administration server is not started. See “IBM Web Administration for iSeries” to help you start this interface.

  2. In the Enter Network Password window (Figure 4-1), enter your user name and password. Click OK.

    Restriction: You must have at least *ALLOBJ and *JOBCTL authority to work with IBM Web Administration for iSeries. We recommend that you have *QSECORF.

  3. The iSeries Tasks page (Figure 4-2) opens. Click IBM WAS - Express for iSeries.

  4. On the Getting started panel, you can see the different wizards that you can run. Apart from WebSphere Portal wizard, you can create a new HTTP server or a new WAS.

    Note: If a link is not displayed, one or more of the required products are not installed. For example, you will not see the Create WebSphere Portal link if WAS V5.0 Enterprise Enablement or WebSphere Portal runtime is not installed.

    Click Create a New WebSphere Portal.

    Note: At this point, you have also an option to use the One Step Create option, where all values are defaulted for the user. However, for our example, we use the multi-step wizard.

  5. The Create WebSphere Portal panel (Figure 4-4) provides information about technologies that are required for a WebSphere Portal instance. You can also see the different elements that will be created by the wizard. Click Next.

  6. On the Create a WAS for the Portal panel, provide the following information:

    In the Application Server Name field, enter a unique name for the application server that will run the WebSphere Portal instance. If the name already exists on the system, an error message is displayed.

    Important: Currently, there is a problem in the WebSphere Portal code. If you use “LDAP” as part of your server’s name, you cannot enable security for this instance. Both the wizard and the enable-security-ldap manual configuration task fail. Therefore, if you plan to enable security with either the wizard or by doing so manually, choose a WAS instance name that does not contain “LDAP” in it.

    • In the Server Description field, you can enter additional information which will be helpful to identify this instance.

    • Click Next.

  7. In the Select HTTP Server Type panel (Figure 4-6), you can choose to either create a new HTTP server or select an existing HTTP server:

    If you want to create a new HTTP server instance to work with your WebSphere Portal, select the Create a new HTTP server option. In this basic installation scenario, we create a new HTTP server.

    If you already have an HTTP server instance created and configured, you can choose the Select an existing HTTP server option. The configuration wizard shows a list of available HTTP server instances. Select the one you want to use. Keep in mind that you can only select an HTTP server instance which is on the same iSeries as your Portal instance. The wizard adds configuration information to this HTTP server instance to route all WebSphere Portal requests to that instance.

    Click Next.

    Note: For more information about the HTTP server, see HTTP Server (powered by Apache): An Integrated Solution for IBM Eserver iSeries Servers, SG24-6716.

  8. On the Create a new HTTP server (powered by Apache) panel (Figure 4-7), define the parameters for the HTTP server instance that you are about to create. This instance is configured to work with a WebSphere Portal server instance. All of the plug-in-related parameters are specified.

    • In the HTTP server name field, enter a unique name for the HTTP server instance. If a name that you specify already exists in the system, an error message is displayed.

    • The HTTP server description field allows you to specify additional information about the instance. This field is optional.

    • From the IP address drop-down list, you can specify an IP address that the server instance will use. If your system has multiple IP addresses, this field allows you to limit this HTTP server to listen to only one specific IP address. If you have only one IP address or you want to allow the server to listen on all IP addresses, select All IP addresses.

    • In the Port field, specify a port number on which the HTTP server instance will listen. Make sure to specify a port number which is not in use. If you specify a value which is already assigned to another TCP/IP service, a warning message is displayed. The wizard reviews the list of ports being used, starting with 10000, and recommends a port number, which is currently unused.

    For a production system, we recommend that you use port 80. For secure communication based on SSL, use port 443. Be aware that the wizard does not configure SSL.

    Click Next.

  9. In the Specify Internal Ports used by the Application Server panel (Figure 4-8), you need to specify a range of 12 consecutive unused ports for communication with internal services. These ports are used by the WAS instance.

    In the First port in range field, enter the value of the first unused port number. The wizard provides a value based on the current ports usage. You may accept this value or enter your own. If any port of the range that you specified is already in use, an error message is displayed.

    Click Next.

  10. WebSphere Portal requires a database collection to store information about user identities, credentials, portal resources, and other customized portal information. In the Create DB2 Database for Portal panel (Figure 4-9), you can select the Create a new collection on this local system option to create a collection, schema, and library on the local system. By selecting this option, you must also specify a remote iSeries server for your portal database, as well as the remote system name, user ID, and password.

    • In this scenario, click the Create a new collection on this local system option to create a database on the local system.

    • In the Collection, Schema, or Library name field, enter the name of the portal database. The name can have up to 10 characters and cannot contain blank spaces.

    • Click Next.

  11. In the Specify User ID to Own the Portal Database panel (Figure 4-10), select Create a new user ID on the local system to create a new user to own the portal database. Then specify a user name and password in the fields provided. Make sure to confirm the password. If the user name you specify already exists on the system, an error message is displayed.

    Important: If the user currently signed on to the IBM Web Administration has *SECADM special authority, you can create a new users on the system. The newly created user will have *USER class authority. User name can be a string up to 10 characters.

    If your user profile doesn’t have the *SECADM special authority, you don’t see the

    option to create a new user.

    Click Next.

  12. In the Create a default URL, path, portal path, and personalized path panel (Figure 4-11), you can provide a base URI for the default URL path to access the WebSphere Portal server. Any URL that starts with this URI is reserved for the WebSphere Portal instance. Notice the following fields:

    • Default URL path specifies the context root for the WebSphere Portal server. The default value is wps.

    • Default home path specifies the default WebSphere Portal server home path. The default value is portal.

    • Personalized path specifies the personalized path for user’s customized pages. The default value is myportal.

    In this scenario, we use the default values.

    Click Next.


4.1.2 Proxy configuration

Some intranet security configurations require a proxy server to access content outside the intranet. A proxy server is used to enable users to access Web sites outside of firewalls, to provide better access time by caching, or to limit port access. See “Proxy”for more information.

In Figure 4-12, you can decide whether you want to configure the WebSphere Portal server with a proxy.

If you do not want to configure proxy information, follow these steps:

  1. Select Do not use proxy.

  2. Click Next. Then continue with 4.1.3, “Securing a portal instance with LDAP”

To configure proxy information, follow these steps:

  1. In the Configure Proxy Information for Content Access Service panel, select the Use proxy option.

  2. The panel refreshes automatically. Then you see the additional options to specify a host name and port. Specify a host name and port number for the proxy server. The host name is a fully qualified host name that can be resolved via the DNS service. Set the Port parameter with the port number value on which proxy server is listening.

Attention: The wizard attempts to verify the host name and port number. If the wizard is unable to connect, you see the message “The hostname and port specified do not respond to ping. Specify a server that is active or click Next to continue”. However it allows you continue.

Click Next.


4.1.3 Securing a portal instance with LDAP

Before you enable WebSphere Portal security with LDAP, you have to prepare an LDAP directory structure. Go to “Setting up LDAP” to learn how to prepare LDAP for a portal instance.

In this scenario, we use IBM Directory Server V4.1, which is already integrated with OS/400 V5R2.

Figure 4-14 shows the Secure Application Server and WebSphere Portal with LDPA panel where you can decide to enable security using the LDAP directory server.

Attention: If you don’t want to secure WebSphere Portal with LDAP, click No, do notsecure this server and then click Next.

However, if you create a portal instance without LDAP authentication, you can only enable it via manual configuration tasks.

See Appendix B, “IBM Directory Server (LDAP)” for more information about LDAP.


Configure WebSphere Portal to work with LDAP

Attention: Remember to start or restart your directory server prior to configuring security using LDAP for authentication.

To configure WebSphere Portal to work with LDAP, follow these steps:

  1. In the Secure Application Server and WebSphere Portal with LDPA panel (Figure 4-14), select the Yes, secure this server using LDAP option to enable security. Then click Next.

    Note: If you added the LDAP suffix to your directory, but did not restart the server, make sure that you restart the server before you continuing with this configuration.

    Specify the LDAP server host name and LDAP port with the values that are related to the LDAP directory server that you’re going to use. The LDAP server doesn’t have to be on this system. WebSphere Portal supports several implementations of the LDAP server (see “Lightweight Directory Access Protocol” on page 37).

    In this scenario, the LDAP directory server is installed on the same iSeries host, where the WebSphere Portal instance is being created.

    If your are not using an SSL connection, the LDAP default port value is 389. Keep in mind that the wizard doesn’t support the task of configuring SSL.

    Click Next.

  2. In the LDAP Authentication panel (Figure 4-16), the wizard needs to update the LDAP server with information that is required by WebSphere Portal. To accomplish this, the LDAP admin user is necessary. Complete the following fields:

    • The LDAP administrator DN text field specifies the LDAP administrator distinguished name.

    • The LDAP administrator password specifies the LDAP administrator password.

    Tip: You can change LDAP administrator login parameters using iSeries Operations Navigator. See “Change the LDAP administrator’s password” .

    Click Next.

  3. In the LDAP Configuration Parameters panel (Figure 4-18), the Parent DN parameters describe information about user entries and the administrative group entry. You have to specify these parameters according to the layout of your LDAP directory.

    The recommended way to specify these parameters is to click the Browse button to view the directory structure and select the distinguished name (DN) for user entries Parent DN and group entry Parent DN

    Figure 4-17 shows a page where you can browse the LDAP directory structure. Click the arrow icons to expand the directory trees. Select the branch to be used by WebSphere Portal. If you already have a repository of users, navigate to that location and select it.

    After you select these parameter, click OK to copy the value into the LDAP Configuration Parameters page.

    Figure 4-18 shows completed LDAP Configuration Parameters page. The wizard creates the cn=users and cn=groups entries if they don’t already exist.

    Click OK.

  4. In the LDAP Administrative Group and Administrative User panel (Figure 4-19), specify a password for the user who will have administrative rights to the WebSphere Portal instance. wpsadmin is a predefined user name with administrative rights. As a default administrative group, the wpsadmins name is assigned. Make sure to confirm the password.

    Note: If you want to use a different name for the WebSphere Portal instance’s administrator, you can change it after the instance is created. You must add a desired user to your user registry. Then give that user administrative rights to WebSphere Portal instance by adding that user to the wpsadmins group. You can also change the name of the group.

    Click Next.

  5. In the Configure Look-Aside Database panel (Figure 4-20), you specify whether to configure the look-aside database.

    You can create the look-aside database only if you decide to secure your WebSphere Portal instance with the LDAP directory. Otherwise this page is not displayed.

    If you decide to secure a WebSphere Portal instance with LDAP, then user account information is stored there. You can extend the LDAP directory to contain additional user information. If you cannot extend the LDAP directory to store this kind of information, then you can use a look-aside database to store additional information.

    Attention: There is a performance issue with using the look-aside database. That is, for each look up operation in the LDAP directory, a look up in the look-aside database is also required.

    To create the look-aside database, click Yes, configure the look-aside database. Otherwise, click No, do not configure look-aside database. For our example we do not configure the look-aside database.

    Click Next.


4.1.4 Deploying default portlets

This section explains how you can deploy the default portlets, as well as create and start the WebSphere Portal instance.

  1. In the Deploy Default Portlets panel (Figure 4-21), you can decide which default portlets you want to install. The Administrative and Themes and Skins portlets are installed by default.

    In this scenario, select the Business portlets and Document Manager (PDM) portlets check boxes. Then click Next.

    For more information about deploying Lotus portlets, see “Integrating Lotus products with WebSphere Portal” .

  2. At this point, the wizard has enough information to create the WebSphere Portal instance. In the Summary panel (Figure 4-22), you can review all the information you entered by navigating through this panel and clicking the tabs.

    You can use Back and Next buttons at the bottom of the panel to step through the wizard and change any of the values.

    Click the Printable Summary button and use the browser’s print option to print the page. This provides all necessary information about your WebSphere Portal environment. It does not print the passwords, so make sure you keep them in a safe place.

    Click Finish to start the process of creating WebSphere Portal instance.

    1. The next panel (Figure 4-23) shows the creation progress. The creation of a portal instance may take several hours depending on your hardware. In our example, it took two hours.

    2. Notice that at the top left corner, you can see the status of the WebSphere Portal server instance. The status in this example is Creating.

  3. After the process of creating an instance completes, the wizard starts the WebSphere portal instance. The current status of an instance is indicated in the top left corner of the page (see Figure 4-24). If the status is Running, the WebSphere Portal instance is ready to be used.

  4. When your WebSphere Portal instance is up and running, you can access your instance. To open your portal, enter the following URL in a browser:

    http://host name:port/default-url-path/default-home-path

    The host name, port, default-url-path, and default-home-path parameters correspond to the ones that you specified in the WebSphere Portal Configuration Wizard.

    To open the portal instance created in this scenario, enter the following URL:


    Or you can click the URL shown in Figure 4-24.

  5. You should see the WebSphere Portal welcome page (Figure 4-25). Under the Welcome message, click the Log in hyperlink to log into the portal.

  6. Log in to the portal. Provide your user ID and password

    After you install the WebSphere Portal instance, you only have one portal user. By default, the wpsadmin user was created. This user has administrative authorities to the portal and can add more users.

    Click Login.

    If the user that you specified was successfully authenticated, you see the WebSphere Portal main page


Displaying the WebSphere Portal configuration

The following example shows how to use the display-config configuration task. You use this task whenever you want to display instance parameters. This task does not modify a portal instance, so it’s safe to run it on any of your portal instances.

Perform the following steps to display the portal instance parameters:

  1. Start the Qshell command prompt:


  2. Change the directory to your instance config directory:

    cd /QIBM/UserData/WebAS5/Base/instance-name/PortalServer5/config

    Here instance-name is the name of your portal instance.

  3. Run the configuration task:

    WPSconfig.sh display-config


    > ./WPSconfig.sh display-config Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 5724-E76, 5724-E77

    (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2001, 2003 All Rights Reserved.

    Running WebSphere Portal configuration

    Figure 4-31 shows subsequent messages that are displayed by the display-config configuration task.

    [java] WebSphere Portal Server configuration information

    [java] Install Directory: /QIBM/UserData/WebAS5/Base/RAFWSP01/PortalServer5
    [java] Base URI: wps
    [java] Home page URI: /wps/portal
    [java] Customized page URI: /wps/myportal
    [java] WAS security enabled: alse
    [java] Transcoding enabled: true

    [logmsg] 2004.01.20 11:17:58.531 display-config[logmsg] EJPC5002I Display of WebSphere Portal Information is complete.

    BUILD SUCCESSFULTotal time: 1 minute 16 seconds

    The following list provides some comments related to the messages shown in Figure 4-31. Some of these messages are not related to the configuration task, but they are related to the configuration script. It means that these messages are displayed in case of each task.

    • In some messages, you can find the [java] prefix. This occurs because the core program, which executes the configuration sub-tasks, is run in Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

    • EJPC5002I is a unique message ID.

    • The “BUILD SUCCESSFUL” message indicates that the configuration script was successful.

    • The “Total time: 1 minute 16 seconds” information message is helpful to estimate the time that is consumed by a configuration task.


Validating WebSphere Portal HTTP transport

The following example demonstrates how to use the configuration properties. shows the properties that you must set according to the specific configuration task. We do not hardcode them in the properties file. Instead, we pass them via a command prompt. All other properties are read from the wpconfig.properties file.

Property name Property description
WpsHostName Fully qualified URL to WebSphere Portal Server
WpsHostPort Port used to connect to WebSphere Portal Server
WpsContextRoot Base URI in the WebSphere Portal Server URL
WpsDefaultHome Final element in the WebSphere Portal Server URL

Perform the following steps to validate the HTTP transport:

  1. Start Qshell command prompt:


  2. Change the directory to your instance config directory:

    cd /QIBM/UserData/WebAS5/Base/instance-name/PortalServer5/config

    Here instance-name is the name of your portal instance.

  3. Run the configuration task (enter on a single line):

    WPSconfig.sh validate-http-portal-DWpsHostName=RCHAS07.itsoroch.ibm.com -DWpsHostPort=96-DWpsContextRoot=wps -DWpsDefaultHome=portal

    Change all the specified parameters to the values that correspond to your instance.

    Figure 4-33 shows the messages that are generated while running the validate-httP-portal configuration task.

    [http-check] HttpCheckTask: Attempting to connect tohttp://RCHAS07.itsoroch.ibm.com:96/wps/portal. (Attempt 1 of 5)

    Total time: 10 seconds


Connecting the HTTP server instance with the extended WAS instance

These steps guide you through the process of connecting the HTTP server instance with an extended WAS instance:

1. Start IBM Web Administration for iSeries in your browser:

http://host name:2001

  1. Enter the correct login ID and password.

  2. Click the IBM HTTP Server for iSeries link

  3. Click the Manage tab.

  4. Click the HTTP Servers subtab.

  5. In the Server drop-down list, select your HTTP server instance.

  6. In the left navigation pane, click WAS as shown in Figure 4-73.

  7. In the right panel, select the WAS, 5.0 (base) option. Then, in the WebSphere instance drop-down list, select your application server instance. Click OK.

  8. Your HTTP Server instance configuration is now updated with the information that is necessary to communicate with the WAS instance.

In the navigation pane on the left, under Tools, click Display Configuration File to see the changes as shown in Figure 4-74.

The most important changes were made in the HTTP server configuration file. All of the steps that we presented result in adding two new lines at the beginning of the configuration file.

These lines instruct the HTTP Server instance about the location of:

Important: You must restart the HTTP server for the changes to take effect.

After you restart the HTTP server instance, verify that communication between the HTTP server Instance and the extended WAS instance works properly. To validate communication between these two instances, go to the following URL:

http://host name:http-server-port/snoop

Here http-server-port is the external port. In our example, it’s 90.

If your HTTP Server instance and the extended WAS instance are up and running, you should see the Snoop application in your browser.