JSP tag reference
The following tags are used by portlet JSPs.
- Detailed descriptions of the Portlet API tags
- Detailed descriptions of the Struts WML tags
- Detailed descriptions of the page sequence tags
Detailed descriptions of the Portlet API tags
The following tags are used by portlets. For a brief description of the portletAPI tags, see Use the Portlet API tags.
- <portletAPI:if attribute="value" />
- Through the attributes of this tag, several conditions can be checked. If the condition is true, the content of the tag is written to the page. Otherwise the content is skipped. More than one condition can be evaluated. All conditions must evaluate to be true for the tag contents to be written. Also, each parameter can contain multiple values separated by commas or semicolons. Only one value in the list needs to be true for the condition to evaluate as true.
Include at least one of the following attributes:
- mode = [Portlet.Mode]
- evaluates the current mode of the portlet. For example, mode="Edit" is true if the user has placed the portlet in Edit mode.
- previousMode = [Portlet.Mode]
- evaluates the previous mode of the portlet. For example, previousMode="View" is true after a portlet is moved from View to Edit mode.
- state = [PortletWindow.State]
- evaluates the state of the portlet. For example, state="Minimized" is true after the user clicks the minimize icon of the portlet.
- markup = [string]
- evaluates the markup language supported by the client. For example, markup="wml" is true if the client supports WML.
- mimetype = [string]
- evaluates the MIME type supported by the client. For example, mimetype="text/html" is true if the client supports HTML.
- capability = [Capability]
- evaluates the client's capabilities. For example, capability="HTML_CSS" is true if the client supports cascading style sheets.
In the following example, the portlet must be in View mode and the portlet state must be either Normal or Maximized for the image to be rendered:
<portletAPI:if mode="View" state="Normal,Maximized"> <img src="images/results.gif"> </portletAPI:if>
- <portletAPI:log text="text" level="level" />
- Writes a string in the portlet log.
- text = [string]
- indicates the message or trace string to be recorded in the portlet log. This attribute is required.
- level = [ERROR | WARN | INFO | DEBUG]
- indicates the level of the message to be logged. See Message and trace logging for more information about the logs that are written. This parameter is optional; if level is not specified, ERROR is the default.
<portletAPI:log text="This is an error message!"/>
- <portletAPI:text bundle="properties_file" key="string" />
- This tag has been deprecated. Use the JSTL <fmt:bundle/> and <fmt:message/> tags instead.
- <portletAPI:bidi dir="rtl|ltr" />
- This tag is used to support text for bidirectional languages. Bidirectional languages are those which are typically read from right to left except when left-to-right text strings are displayed (for example, URLs, code samples, or directory and file names).
- dir
- Indicates the normal direction of text in the language.
- For dir="rtl", the tag content is written only if the client's locale belongs to a bidirectional language. This is the default setting if dir is not specified.
- For dir="ltr", the tag content is written only if the client's locale does not belong to a bidirectional language.
- locale
- The tag content is written only if the language belongs to the bidirectional languages defined in LocalizerService.properties .
- <portletAPI:dataLoop />
- Loops through all attributes in PortletData of the current concrete portlet instance. Use the <dataAttribute> tag to get the attributes between the dataLoop start and end tag.
- pattern = string
- Optional. A regular expression that defines which attributes should be looped.
See dataAttribute for an example of how this tag is used.
- <portletAPI:dataAttribute />
- Returns the value of one or more PortletData attributes. The attribute can be specified by the name parameter. You can also use this tag within a <dataLoop> tag to retrieve all attributes or a subset of the attributes from PortletData.
- name = string
- Optional. Indicates the attribute name.
The following example loops through the PortletData attributes, returning only the values with names that start with stock.user.
Your user settings of the stock portlet:<br> <portletAPI:dataLoop pattern="stock.user.*."> <portletAPI:dataAttribute/><br> </portletAPI:dataLoop> One specific user setting of the stock portlet:<br> <portletAPI:dataAttribute name="stock.user.quotes-count"/><br>
- <portletAPI:settingsLoop />
- Loops through all attributes in PortletSettings of the current concrete portlet. Use the <settingsAttribute> tag to get the attributes between start and end tag.
- pattern = string
- a regular expression that defines which attributes should be looped.
See settingsAttribute for an example of how this tag is used.
- <portletAPI:settingsAttribute />
- Returns the value of one or more PortletSettings attributes. The attribute can be specified by the name parameter. You can also use this tag within a settingsLoop tag to retrieve all attributes or a subset of the attributes from PortletSettings.
- name = string
- Optional. Indicates the attribute name.
The following example loops through the PortletSettings attributes, returning only the values with names that start with stock.config. .
Your configuration settings of the stock portlet:<br> <portletAPI:settingsLoop pattern="stock.config.*."> <portletAPI:settingsAttribute/><br> </portletAPI:settingsLoop> One specific configuration setting of the stock portlet:<br> <portletAPI:settingsAttribute name="stock.config.hostname"/><br>
- <portletAPI:CreateReturnURI />
- Creates a URI that points to the caller of the portlet. You can pass a parameter or action in the URI by including URIParameter or URIAction between the CreateReturnURI start and end tags.
The following example creates a URI to provide a link that returns the user to the portlet's previous mode or state.
<a href="<portletAPI:CreateReturnURI/>"> <fmt:message key="back_label"> </a>For examples of passing a parameter or action with this tag, see URIParameter and URIAction .
- <portletAPI:createURI />
- Creates an URI that points to the current portlet with the given parameters. You can pass a parameter or action in the URI by including URIParameter or
between the createURI start and end tags.
- state = [PortletWindow.State]
- Optional. Indicates the state of the portlet. For example, state="Solo" creates a URI for a link that opens the portlet in solo state. If state is not specified, the URI points to the portlet's current state.
See URIParameter and URIAction .
- <portletAPI:URIParameter />
- Adds a parameter to the URI of the createURI and CreateReturnURI tags.
- name = string
- Required. The name of the parameter to add.
- value = string
- Required. The value of the parameter to add.
In the following example, the parameter showQuote and value IBM are added to the URI.
<portletAPI:createURI state="Maximized"> <portletAPI:URIParameter name="showQuote" value="IBM"/> </portletAPI:createURI>
- <portletAPI:URIAction />
- Adds a default action to the URI of the createURI and createReturnURI tags. The portlet must provide an action listener to handle the event.
- name = string
- Required. The name of the parameter to add.
<portletAPI:createURI> <portletAPI:URIAction name="Add" /> </portletAPI:createURI>
- <portletAPI:encodeNamespace name="string" />
- Maps the given string value into this portlet's namespace. Use this tag for named elements in portlet output (for example, form fields or Javascript variables) to uniquely associate the element with this concrete portlet instance and avoid name clashes with other elements on the portal page or with other portlets on the page.
The following parameter names may not be used in portlet JSPs without namespace encoding as they are reserved by the WPS framework:
- names starting with a point '.'
- names starting with an underscore '_'
- name = string
- Required. Specifies the value to be mapped into the portlet's namespace.
In the following example, a text field with the name 'email' is encoded to ensure uniqueness on the portal page.
<input border="0" type="text" name="<portletAPI:encodeNamespace name='email' />">
- <portletAPI:init />
- Provides the following variables that the JSP can use to access the corresponding objects of the portlet API:
- portletRequest
- portletResponse
- portletConfig
After using the init tag, the JSP invokes the encodeNamespace() method of the portletResponse.
<portletAPI:init/> <%=portletResponse.encodeNamespace("test")%>
Detailed descriptions of the Struts WML tags
The following tags are used by portlets within the Struts Application Framework. For a brief description of WML support in the Struts Application Framework, see Use the WML tags.
- <wml:cancel/>
- Renders a WML <postfield> element with a value of cancel. This tag is only valid when nested inside a form tag body. Posting this element causes the Action servlet to bypass calling the associated form bean validate() method.
Attribute name Description property The parameter name with the specified value that is set in the request object. Warning: If the property attribute is set, then the application will have to handle cancel detection.
[Runtime expression]
value The value of the request parameter. [Runtime expression]
- <wml:card/>
- This tag renders a card element. This element is not rendered when the tag is executed in WebSphere Portal. This allows writing JSPs that can be used in both the servlet and portlet environments.
Attribute name Description id This attribute is the card unique identifier. [Runtime expression]
newcontext This is a flag to indicate that context should be reinitialized when loaded. [Runtime expression]
onenterbackward Load URL when accessed through <prev> task. [Runtime expression]
onenterforward Load URL when accessed through <go> task. [Runtime expression]
ontimer Load URL when timer expires. [Runtime expression]
ordered This is the flag to indicate that content is ordered. [Runtime expression]
title This tag indicates the title of the card. [Runtime expression]
titleKey Key to look up title in resource bundle, titleKey is only used if title attribute is null. [Runtime expression]
- <wml:errors/>
- Retrieves the set of error messages from the request object with the default key of Action.ERROR_KEY or the value specified by attribute name. If ActionErrors are found then the errors are displayed. This tag also requires the following two mesage keys in the application scope MessageResources.
- errors.header - header that is displayed before the error messages list.
- errors.footer - header that is displayed after the error messages list.
Attribute name Description bundle This is the servlet context attribute key for the MessageResources instance to use. If not specified, defaults to the application resources configured for the Strut Action servlet. [Runtime expression]
locale The session attribute key for the Locale used to select messages to be displayed. If not specified, defaults to the Struts standard value. [Runtime expression]
name Name of the request scope bean under which our error messages have been stored. If not present, the name specified by the Action.ERROR_KEY constant string will be used. [Runtime expression]
property Name of the property for which error messages should be displayed. If not specified, all error messages, regardless of property, are displayed. [Runtime expression]
- <wml:form/>
- This tag does not render any markup, but it is used to scope beans and transactions. The tags used with the body of the form tag can use the form bean to populate the input fields.
Attribute name Description action The action is the URL that is used for the form submission. The action will be picked up by a nested tag, and postfield tags are used to submit the data. For additional information on specifying the action, see the Struts html:form documentation. [Required] [Runtime expression]
name This attribute is the name of the bean. The scope attribute is used to determine where the bean can be located. The tags that are contained in the body of the form tag can use the form bean for populating the input field. For additional information on specifying the name, see the Struts html:form documentation. [Runtime expression]
scope Specifies the scope of the form bean associated with this form. For additional information on the scope attribute, see the Struts html:form documentation.
[Runtime expression]
type The fully qualified class name of the form bean. For additional information on the type attribute, see the Struts html:form documentation.
[Runtime expression]
- <wml:go/>
- This tag renders a WML <go> element. If the go tag is used in the body of a form tag, the form's action is used as a hyperlink. If the form's action attribute is set, then the forward, href, and page attributes are ignored.
Attribute name Description accept-charset This attribute allows specifying the character encodings that the application can handle. [Runtime expression]
action The action is the URL that is used for the form submission. The action will be picked up by a nested tag, and postfield tags are used to submit the data. [Runtime expression]
forward The name of the global ActionForward to be used to create the URL for the go element. This attribute is ignored if this tag is specified in the body of a form tag that specifies the action attribute. For addition information on the forward attribute, see the Struts html:link documentation. [Runtime expression]
href This attribute specifies the URL for the go element. This attribute is ignored if this tag is specified in the body of a form tag that specifies the action attribute. For addition information on the href attribute, see the Struts html:link documentation. [Runtime expression]
method Allows specifying the HTTP submission method, get or post [Runtime expression]
page The context relative path to the URL that will be used as the href for the go element. This attribute is ignored if this tag is specified in the body of a form tag that specifies the action attribute. For addition information on the page attribute, see the Struts html:link documentation. [Runtime expression]
sendreferer This attribute allows specifying that the deck URL should be included the request [Runtime expression]
transaction A postfield element will be created so that the current transaction control token can be sent if this attribute is true. For addition information on the transaction attribute, see the Struts html:link documentation. [Runtime expression]
urlType The type of portlet URL to create. If not specified URL type is standard. Supported values: return, standard [Runtime expression]
- <wml:head/>
- Renders a WML <head> element with language attributes extracted from the user's current Locale object, if there is one. This element is not rendered when the tag is executed in WebSphere Portal. This allows writing JSPs that can be used in both the servlet and portlet environments.
- <wml:link/>
- Renders a WML <a> element as a hyperlink to the specified URL. URL rewriting will be applied automatically to maintain session state in the absence of cookies. The tag's body is displayed as the name of the link. The base URL for this hyperlink is calculated based on which of the following attributes you specify:
- forward
- href
- page
One and only one of the forward, href, or page attributes can be specified.
Attribute name Description accesskey A number 0 through 9 that is displayed left that indicates to a user which keypad number is required to select this element. [Runtime expression]
forward The name of the global ActionForward to be used to create the URL. For addition information on the forward attribute, see the Struts html:link documentation. [Runtime expression]
href This attribute specifies the hyperlink to be unchanged as the URL. For addition information on the href attribute, see the Struts html:link documentation. [Runtime expression]
indexed For information on this attribute, see the Struts html:link documentation. [Runtime expression]
indexId For information on this attribute, see the Struts html:link documentation. [Runtime expression]
name For information on this attribute, see the Struts html:link documentation. [Runtime expression]
page The context relative path to the URL that will be used as the href. For addition information on the page attribute, see the Struts html:link documentation. [Runtime expression]
paramId For information on this attribute, see the Struts html:link documentation. [Runtime expression]
paramName For information on this attribute, see the Struts html:link documentation. [Runtime expression]
paramProperty For information on this attribute, see the Struts html:link documentation. [Runtime expression]
paramScope For information on this attribute, see the Struts html:link documentation. [Runtime expression]
property For information on this attribute, see the Struts html:link documentation. [Runtime expression]
scope For information on this attribute, see the Struts html:link documentation. [Runtime expression]
rel This attribute allows specifying the relationship [Runtime expression]
sendreferer This attribute allows specifying that the deck URL should be included in the request [Runtime expression]
transaction A postfield element will be created so that the current transaction control token can be sent if this attribute is true. For addition information on the transaction attribute, see the Struts html:link documentation. [Runtime expression]
urlType The type of portlet URL to create. If not specified URL type is standard. Supported values: return, standard [Runtime expression]
- <wml:option/>
- Renders a WML <option> element, representing one of the choices for an enclosing <select> element. The text displayed to the user comes from either the body of this tag, or from a message string looked up based on the bundle, locale, and key attributes. If the value of the corresponding bean property matches the specified value, this option will be marked selected. This tag is only valid when nested inside a <wml:select> tag body.
Attribute name Description bundle This attribute allows specifying the key for the MessageResources stored in the servlet context. [Runtime expression]
key This attribute specifies the key to the text that is contained in the bundled, determined from the bundle attribute. If this attribute is not specified, then the text from the tag's body is used. [Runtime expression]
locale The locale to use for looking up messages in the resource bundle. [Runtime expression]
onpick The URL to navigate when a selection is made. [Runtime expression]
title Brief field title [Runtime expression]
titleKey Key to look up title in resource bundle, titleKey is only used if title attribute is null. [Runtime expression]
value If the user selects this option, then this is the value that is submitted. [Required] [Runtime expression]
- <wml:options/>
- Renders a set of WML <option> elements, representing possible choices for a <select> element. This tag can be used multiple times within a single <wml:select> element, either in conjunction with or instead of one or more <wml:option> elements. The use of the collection attribute is documented in the HTML version of the options tag.
Attribute name Description collection Name of the bean used to build the selection options. For addition information on the collection attribute, see the Struts html:link documentation. [Runtime expression]
labelName For addition information on the labelName attribute, see the Struts html:link documentation. [Runtime expression]
labelProperty For addition information on the labelProperty attribute, see the Struts html:link documentation. [Runtime expression]
name For addition information on the href attribute, see the Struts html:link documentation. [Runtime expression]
property For addition information on the href attribute, see the Struts html:link documentation. [Runtime expression]
- <wml:password/>
- Renders a WML <input> element of type password, populated from the specified value or the specified property of the bean associated with our current form. This tag is only valid when nested inside a form tag body.
Attribute name Description accesskey A number 0 through 9 that is displayed left that indicates to a user which keypad number is required to select this element. [Runtime expression]
emptyok Flag to indicate that this field can be left blank. [Runtime expression]
format Format mask for the input field [Runtime expression]
maxlength Maximum number of input characters to accept. [No limit] [Runtime expression]
name The attribute name of the bean whose properties are consulted when rendering the current value of this input field. If not specified, the bean associated with the form tag we are nested within is utilized. [Runtime expression]
property Name of the request parameter that will be included with this submission, set to the specified value. [Required] [Runtime expression]
size Number of character positions to allocate. [Runtime expression]
tabindex The tab order in a card. [Runtime expression]
title Brief field title [Runtime expression]
titleKey Key to look up title in resource bundle, titleKey is only used if title attribute is null. [Runtime expression]
value Value of the label to be placed on this button. This value will also be submitted as the value of the specified request parameter. [Runtime expression]
- <wml:postfield/>
- Renders a WML <postfield> element. This tag is only valid when nested inside a form tag body.
Attribute name Description name The attribute name of the bean whose properties are consulted when rendering the current value of this input field. If not specified, the bean associated with the form tag we are nested within is utilized. [Runtime expression]
property The corresponding bean property. [Required] [Runtime expression]
value The value of the postfield tag. [Runtime expression]
- <wml:rewrite/>
- Renders a request URI based on exactly the same rules as the link tag does, but without creating the <a> hyperlink. The base URI for this hyperlink is calculated based on which of the following attributes you specify:
- forward
- href
- page
One and only one of the forward, href, or page attributes can be specified.
Attribute name Description forward The name of the global ActionForward to be used to create the URL. For addition information on the forward attribute, see the Struts html:link documentation. [Runtime expression]
href This attribute specifies the hyperlink to be unchanged as the URL. For addition information on the href attribute, see the Struts html:link documentation. [Runtime expression]
indexed For information on this attribute, see the Struts html:rewrite documentation. [Runtime expression]
indexId For information on this attribute, see the Struts html:rewrite documentation. [Runtime expression]
name For information on this attribute, see the Struts html:rewrite documentation. [Runtime expression]
page The context relative path to the URL that will b eused as the href. For addition information on the page attribute, see the Struts html:rewrite documentation. [Runtime expression]
paramId For information on this attribute, see the Struts html:rewrite documentation. [Runtime expression]
paramName For information on this attribute, see the Struts html:rewrite documentation. [Runtime expression]
paramProperty For information on this attribute, see the Struts html:rewrite documentation. [Runtime expression]
paramScope For information on this attribute, see the Struts html:rewrite documentation. [Runtime expression]
property For information on this attribute, see the Struts html:rewrite documentation. [Runtime expression]
scope For information on this attribute, see the Struts html:rewrite documentation. [Runtime expression]
transaction A postfield element will be created so that the current transaction control token can be sent if this attribute is true. For addition information on the transaction attribute, see the Struts html:rewrite documentation. [Runtime expression]
- <wml:select/>
- Renders a WML <select> element, associated with a bean property specified by our attributes. This tag is only valid when nested inside a form tag body. See the html:select for additional information on usage.
Attribute name Description iname Index number of default option( base 1 ) [Runtime expression]
ivalue Default value [Runtime expression]
multiple Set to support multiple selections. [Runtime expression]
name The name of the bean used to determine the pre-selected options. [Runtime expression]
property The attribute sets the name of the request parameter used for the value submission. [Required] [Runtime expression]
tabindex The tab order in a card. [Runtime expression]
title Brief field title. [Runtime expression]
titleKey Key to look up title in resource bundle. titleKey is only used if the title is null. [Runtime expression]
value The value for determining if an option has been selected. [Runtime expression]
- <wml:text/>
- Renders a WML <input> element of type text, populated from the specified value or the specified property of the bean associated with our current form. This tag is only valid when specified in the body of a form tag.
Attribute name Description accesskey A number 0 through 9 that is displayed left that indicates to a user which keypad number is required to select input. [Runtime expression]
emptyok Flag to indicate that this field can be left blank. format Format mask for input field. [Runtime expression]
maxlength Maximum number of input characters to accept. [No limit] [Runtime expression]
name The attribute name of the bean whose properties are consulted when rendering the current value of this input field. If not specified, the bean associated with the form tag we are nested within is utilized. [Runtime expression]
property Name of this input field, and the name of the corresponding bean property if value is not specified. The corresponding bean property (if any) must be of type String. [Required] [Runtime expression]
size Number of character positions to allocate. [Runtime expression]
tabindex The tab order in a card. [Runtime expression]
title Brief field title. [Runtime expression]
titleKey Key to look up title in resource bundle. Title must be null. [Runtime expression]
value Value to which this field should be initialized. [Use the corresponding bean property value] [Runtime expression]
- <wml:wml/>
- Renders a <wml/> element. In the WebSphere Portal environment, the element is not rendered.
Detailed descriptions of the page sequence tags
This section describes the JSP custom tags and attriubtes that are used in the page sequence framework. For more information about page sequences, see Page sequences.
- <pseq:actionlist/>
Iterates through the list of actions on the current sequence page. The body is evaluated once for every action in the action list. Example:
<pseq:actionlist id="nextAction"/> <td> <div align="center"> <pseq:submit value="<%=nextAction%>"/> </div> </td> </pseq:actionlist>
Attribute name Description id This attribute is used to create a tag-scoped variable that points to the next action string. [Required] [Runtime expression]
sysDefined This attribute is used enumerate regular actions, and those actions are configured as system defined separately. For sysDefined="false", the default, those actions not configured as system defined actions are included. If sysDefined="true" is specified, then only those actions configured as system defined actions, for example, sys-defined="true", will be included. These two types of actions are always enumerated separately. System defined actions are rarely used and would typically be used on an error page for some type of error recovery. [Runtime expression]
- <pseq:applycurrentstate/>
Applies the client side state of the page sequence as hidden parameters in the form. This tag should rarely, if ever, be used. Use the form tag instead.
- <pseq:bean/>
Retrieves and saves page sequence or action page specific data beans. The page sequences defines two or more scopes: sequence and sequencePage. This tag can be used to save and retrive data beans from these two scopes. For other scopes, request, page, session, and application, the useBean tag may be used. Example:
<pseq:bean id="rfq" type="com.ibm.testers.rfq.RFQ" scope="sequence" create="once"/>
Attribute name Description id This attribute is used to create a page-scoped variable that points to the data bean. [Required] [Runtime expression]
name This attribute is used as a key in the specified scope to save and retrieve the data bean. [Runtime expression]
type The bean is defined as a page-scoped variable whose type is specified by this class/interface name. [Required] [Runtime expression]
class This is the data bean class name. [Runtime expression]
create This attribute specifies if the bean needs to be created if not found in specified scope. Possible values are:
- never - creates a bean, so the bean reference will be null if the bean is not found.
- once - creates the bean only once if not found.
- everytime - creates the bean afresh every time the tag is used, even if the bean is found.
- no - is the same as never.
- yes - is the same as once.
[Runtime expression]
- <pseq:cleanup/>
Attempts to clean up page sequence following unrecoverable error. This tag would typically be used only on an error page when it was determined that recovery and continuation of the sequence was not possible. If this tag is not used when an unrecoverable error occurs, it is possible that the sequence context data will remain in memory until the data context times out. The data context is automatically destroyed when a page sequence completes normally, so this tag should be used only for unrecoverable error situations.
- <pseq:currentstate/>
Creates a page-scoped variable pointing to the current state object. The state bean object created may point to null if the page is not part of a page sequence. The current state bean exposes API to get the possible actions on the current page and the client side state. This tag need not be used to retrieve this information. Instead, actionlist and applycurrentstate tags should be used.
Attribute name Description id This attribute is used to create a page-scoped variable that points to the current state bean object. [Required] [Runtime expression]
- <pseq:exception/>
Creates a page-scoped variable pointing to a SequenceException if one exists. This tag can be used in a page sequence error page. This tag is typically used in the page sequence error pages. If used in a non-error page, the variable will be set to null.
Attribute name Description id The name of the variable to be assigned the SequenceException. [Required] [Runtime expression]
- <pseq:form/>
Defines an input form. This tag extends the Struts form tag. No additional attributes are defined for the Page Sequences version, but the Page Sequences version is needed for proper usage of forms within Page Sequence pages. This tag should always be used for rendering forms in Page Sequences JSP pages.
- <pseq:getinvalidfields/>
Provides a list of fields that are not valid. Create a page-scoped variable containing the java.util.Hashtable containing the field information. The Hashtable is keyed by fieldname. For each fieldname with one or more validation errors, the value of the Hashtable entry will be a java.util.List containing one or more
objects (see the ActionError description in the Struts JavaDoc). The ActionError object contains a key for looking up an actual message from the message bundle and up to 4 values to be substituted as arguments in the message when it is formatted. The value of the variable is null if there were no fields are detected that are not valid. Rather than using this tag, it is recommended that the Struts html:errors tag be utilized to display any generated errors at the top of the page.
Attribute name Description id The name of the variable to which the Hashtable containing invalid field information is to be assigned. [Required] [Runtime expression]
- <pseq:invalidfields/>
Tests if there are any invalid fields on the current action page. When data fields are submitted from a form, validation occurs for those fields for which validation was configured. If there are any errors in validation, the same page is rendered again. This tag tests if there are any such invalid fields on the current page page. The body is evaluated only if there are invalid fields and the test attribute value is yes. Also, the body is evaluated if there are no invalid data fields, and the test attribute value is no.
<pseq:invalidfields> <p>Please correct errors on the form.<p> </pseq:invalidfields>
Attribute name Description test If the value of this attribute is yes and there are any invalid fields on the current page, the body is evaluated. Otherwise, it is not evaluated. [Runtime expression]
- <pseq:link/>
Renders an HTML anchor or hyperlink. This tag extends the Struts link tag. The additional action attribute is described below. All other attributes are derived from the Struts version of the tag. This tag should be used only for generating a Page Sequence action via a link rather than a button in a form. This tag should not be used inside a form. The page attribute should normally be used, specifying a target like /continue.do since the Page Sequence controller is responsible for locating the Page Sequence.
Attribute name Description action The name of the action to be sent along with the request. If not specified, the results of this tag are the same as the Struts version of the tag. [Required] [Runtime expression]
- <pseq:nextstate/>
Get the next page sequence state. Create a page-scoped variable containing the next com.ibm.wps.struts.sequence.base.SequenceState object representing a state within the Page Sequence. This tag must be used within the statehistory tag, which enumerates the current set of state history values. This tag should rarely, if ever, need to be used. It may be useful for problem determination in some special cases.
Attribute name Description id The name of the variable to which the next state in the state history enumeration is to be assigned. [Required] [Runtime expression]
- <pseq:statehistory/>
Iterates through the list of states in the history of visited states in the current page sequence. The body is evaluated once for every state in the history. This state history also includes the current state. This tag creates a tag-scoped variable to hold the next state. The name of the variable is specified by the id attribute.
<pseq:statehistory id="nextState"> >> <%=nextState.getCurrentPage()%> </pseq:statehistory>
Attribute name Description id This attribute is used to create a tag-scoped variable that points to the next state in the history. [Required] [Runtime expression]
- <pseq:submit/>
Render an input button of type "submit". This tag extends the Struts submit tag. No additional attributes are defined for the Page Sequences version, but the Page Sequences version will generate a button corresponding to a Page Sequences action. This tag should be used for generating Page Sequence action buttons.
- <pseq:testaction/>
Tests if a specified is a possible action on the current sequence page for that active role in that particular state of application. The body is evaluated only if the specified action is a possible action, and the available attribute value is yes. Also, the body is evaluated if the action is not a possible action and the available attribute value is no. Action pages should use actionlist loop (JSP custom tag, actionlist) to create action triggers (submit buttons) on the form. However, in some cases, one may want to place buttons in various places of the page for alignment purposes. In such cases, an actionlist loop may not be used. It is recommended to wrap all the action buttons with the testaction tag as shown in the first example. This tag ensures that the button is visible only if it is accessible for that role at that state of the application.
<pseq:testaction name="Next"> <input type="image" name='<%= com.ibm.wps.struts.sequence.base.SequenceConstants.ACTION_PREFIX + "Next" %>' value="Next" alt="Next" src="pics/navi/bt_next.gif"> </pseq:testaction> <pseq:testaction name="Approve" available="no"> <tr> <td>You do not have access to approve this Quote</td> </tr> </pseq:testaction>
Attribute name Description name This attribute specifies the action string to test. [Required] [Runtime expression]
available If the value of this attribute is yes, and the action is valid for the current user on this page, the body is evaluated. Otherwise, it is not evaluated. Alternatively, if the value of this attribute is no, and the action is not valid for the current user on this page, the body of the tag is evaluated and not evaluated otherwise. The default value for this attribute is yes. [Required] [Runtime expression]
- <pseq:testfield/>
Tests whether field with given name is valid. Checks to see if the field with the given name caused a validation error to be created during validation. If value of the valid attribute is yes or true, the default, then the body of the tag is rendered if the tag is valid. That is, no validation errors were generated for that field. If the valid attribute is no or false, the body of the tag is rendered if there were one or more validation errors generated during validation for the field with the given name. This tag is useful if it is desired to highlight fields in error, such as marking them in a different color.
Attribute name Description name The name of the field to check for validation errors. [Required] [Runtime expression]
valid Whether to generate the body of the tag if the field is valid (no errors) or not. The default value of the valid attribute is true.
- If valid="true" or valid="yes" is specified, the body of the tag is rendered if the field is valid.
- If valid="false" or valid="no" is specified, the body of the tag is rendered if the field is not valid (has errors).
[Runtime expression]
See also
- Portlet API
- Guidelines for developing portlets
- Changing the portal layout
- Struts Application Framework