XML configuration interface messages


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  1. Message code structure
  2. XML client messages
  3. XML command messages


Message code structure



ABCD component identifier, with D representing either Client ( A ) or Command ( C ) messages
1234 unique four-digit number
E I for Information, E for Error, or W for Warning

For example, XMLC0002I...

XMLC component ID for WebSphere Portal XML configuration interface command messages.
1002 unique four-digit number
I Information


XML client messages

XMLA0002I: Reading input file {0}
XMLA0003E: An error occurred while reading the file.
XMLA0004I: Writing output file {0}
XMLA0005E: An error occurred while writing the output.
XMLA0006I: Connecting to URL {0}
XMLA0007E: The portal configuration URL is invalid.
XMLA0008I: Retrying connection: ({0,number,integer} of {1,number,integer})
XMLA0009E: Could not connect to portal.
XMLA0010E: An error occurred while sending the request.
XMLA0011I: Request was accepted.
XMLA0012E: Received error response code {0}
XMLA0013E: An error occurred while receiving the response.
XMLA0014E: The following attributes are required: in, user, password .
XMLA0015E: Server response indicates an error.
XMLA0016E: An error occurred on the client.


XML command messages

XMLC0001E: An error occurred while processing the XML configuration request.
XMLC0002I: XML configuration request is processed in ECHO mode.
XMLC0003I: XML configuration request is logged to {0}.
XMLC0004E: Invalid authentication header {0} for XML configuration request.
XMLC0005E: Authorization for user {0} failed.
XMLC0006E: The authentication header is missing. Authentication is required for accessing the XML configuration interface.
XMLC0007E: A user with ID {0} was not found in the portal.
XMLC0008E: The user ID {0} is ambiguous: more than one user with this ID was found in the portal.
XMLC0009E: Invalid password for user {0}.
XMLC0010E: User {0} is not authorized to use the XML configuration interface.
XMLC0013E: A user or group with ID {0} could not be retrieved from the portal datastore, possibly because it does not exist.
XMLC0016E: Wildcard specification {0} is not allowed for {1} resources.
XMLC0017E: An error occurred while retrieving all {0} resources.
XMLC0018E: Action {0} is not allowed in {1} mode.
XMLC0019E: Resources with a {0} action may not contain nested resource definitions.
XMLC0020E: Resources with a {1} action may not contain nested resources with a {0} action.
XMLC0023E: Wildcard elements support only the following actions: {0}.
XMLC0025E: The Resource was not found in the portal, either because it does not exist or because you have not specified an identifying attribute in the XML input.
XMLC0026E: An error occurred while looking up the resource.
XMLC0027E: The XML response could not be written.
XMLC0029E: The XML request does not define a schema. The root element must contain a {0} attribute.
XMLC0030E: The schema {0} is not valid for an XML configuration request.
XMLC0031E: The processing code for schema {0} cannot be loaded.
XMLC0033E: An error occurred while retrieving the configuration of the resource.
XMLC0034E: An error occurred while loading processing code {0} for XML tag {1}.
XMLC0043E: An error occurred while creating or updating the resource.
XMLC0044E: An error occurred while processing the {0} tag.
XMLC0048E: The XML parser could not be created or does not support the required features. Check that you are using the correct Xerces library.
XMLC0049E: Input syntax error in line {0} column {1}: the XML input does not conform to the XML schema.
XMLC0050E: Input syntax error: the XML input does not conform to the XML schema.
XMLC0051E: The XML request could not be read.
XMLC0053W: The resource could not be found for deletion, possibly because it was already deleted.
XMLC0056E: Value {0} is not valid for attribute {1}.
XMLC0057E: Action {0} is not allowed for {1} resources.
XMLC0060W: A user or group with ID {0} could not be retrieved from the portal datastore, possibly because it does not exist. Related {1} configuration data will not be updated.
XMLC0061E: The {0} resource is required for the configuration update, but was not found in the portal.
XMLC0062E: An error occurred while loading a {0} resource.
XMLC0064E: Invalid XML structure: {0} resources must be nested in {1} resources.
XMLC0066E: The resource cannot be identified uniquely. More than one resource matches the attributes given in the XML input.
XMLC0067E: The following configuration data is needed to create a {0} resource: {1}.
XMLC0068E: The following configuration data is required for a {0} element: {1}.
XMLC0071E: The shadow-parentref attribute cannot specify a different element than the parent component.
XMLC0086E: The {0} configuration data of {1} resources cannot be modified after the resource has been created.
XMLC0089E: Creation of the resource failed: The resource could not be retrieved from the portal datastore.
XMLC0090W: It is not possible to modify {0} resources. Existing settings are left unchanged.
XMLC0091E: The servletref attribute is required to create a portlet clone. If you want to deploy a WAR file without creating clones, check that the names and IDs in your WAR file descriptor match the names and IDs specified in the XML request.
XMLC0106E: The URL {0} is not valid.
XMLC0107E: The resource for the URL {0} could not be read.
XMLC0112E: Parameter type {0} is only allowed for {1} resources.
XMLC0113E: The value for parameter {0} could not be decoded. Values of binary parameters must be in Base64 encoding.
XMLC0114E: You cannot specify {0} configuration data if the {1} attribute is set to {2}.
XMLC0115E: You must specify {0} configuration data if the {1} attribute is set to {2}.
XMLC0120E: It is only possible to create {0} resources in {1} resources with the secret type userid-password.
XMLC0127E: It is not possible to delete {0} configuration data of {1} resources.
XMLC0129E: An error occurred while retrieving the resource with object ID {0}.
XMLC0139E: Error accessing authorization data for {0}.
XMLC0140E: Duplicate objectid attribute {0}.
XMLC0141E: No resource could be found for object ID {0}.
XMLC0142E: Unique name {0} is already used in the portal.
XMLC0143E: Symbolic object ID {0} is not defined in the XML input. In object ID generating mode, all object IDs that are referenced in the XML input, must be defined in the same XML.
XMLC0144E: Object ID {0} references a {1} resource, but must refer to a {2} resource.
XMLC0145E: The value {0} is not a valid object ID.
XMLC0149E: Invalid access control specification: Resources of type {0} cannot be private.
XMLC0150E: The resource was found, but in the wrong context. In the XML input, it is contained in {0}, but in the portal it is contained in {1}.
XMLC0151W: The role block configuration specified for resource {0} is invalid and has been corrected automatically.
XMLC0153W: System resource cannot be deleted.
XMLC0154W: The portlet WAR file {0} contains the resource {1}, but the resource is not defined in the XML input.
XMLC0155E: The schema {0} could not be loaded.
XMLC0156E: The XML schema or external entity {0} / {1} is not defined for the XML configuration interface. You have probably specified an invalid schema for the XML request. You cannot use external entities in the XML request.
XMLC0157E: The XML schema or DTD {0} / {1} corresponds to a previous release of WebSphere Portal. You must convert your XML script to the new format.
XMLC0158W: The configuration setting {0} is not defined. Assuming default value {1}.
XMLC0159W: The property file {0} contains no locale specific settings with prefix {1}.
XMLC0160W: Circular references between {0} resources: {1}.
XMLC0161W: The web module {0} could not be activated. Please see previous messages for reasons and possible corrective actions.
XMLC0162W: Cannot change parent for {0}.
XMLC0163W: Role {0} does not exist.
XMLC0164W: Role {0} already exists.

See also