###### # # WebSphere Portal 5.0 configuration file # # key = value # # NOTE: Do NOT enclose any value in quotes! # NOTE: Windows paths must use '/', not '\'. # NOTE: Windows long paths are OK. # NOTE: Properties are immutable. Once set, they cannot be overriden. # Precedence is as follows, in decending order: # Properties set on command line are read first (-DMyNode=somenode) # Properties set in properties file are read next, # Properties set in buildfile file are read last. # ####### ####### # Save Parent Properties # # The SaveParentProperties property indicates that upon successful task # execution using properties from a parent file specified by the # parentProperties property, those properties should be copied into the # main configuration properties file so that it will reflect the current # state. The default value (if the property is not defined) is True. ####### SaveParentProperties=True ####### # WAS Properties - BEGIN ####### # VirtualHostName: The name of the WAS virtual host VirtualHostName=default_host # WasAdminServer: The name of the WAS administration server (server1) WasAdminServer=WAS5Portal # WasHome: The directory where WAS product files are installed WasHome=/QIBM/ProdData/WebAS5/PME # WasUserHome: The directory where WAS user data is created WasUserHome=/QIBM/UserData/WebAS5/Base/WAS5Portal # WasUserid: The user ID for WAS security authentication # CUR: WasUserid=<wpsbind> # See LDAP examples below: # IBM Directory Server: { uid=wpsbind,cn=users,dc=yourco,dc=com } # Domino: { cn=wpsbind,o=yourco.com } # Active Directory: { cn=wpsbind,cn=users,dc=yourco,dc=com } # SunOne: { uid=wpsbind,ou=people,o=yourco.com } # Novell eDirectory { uid=wpsbind,ou=people,o=yourco.com } WasUserid=nouser # WasPassword: The password for WAS security authentication (LDAP and CUR) WasPassword=nopw # WpsInstallLocation: The directory where WebSphere Portal is installed WpsInstallLocation=/QIBM/UserData/WebAS5/Base/WAS5Portal/PortalServer5 # CellName: The name of the WAS Cell CellName=AM400_WAS5Portal # NodeName: The name of WAS Node NodeName=AM400_WAS5Portal # ServerName: The name of application server for WebSphere Portal ServerName=WAS5Portal # WpsHostName: The name of the WebSphere Portal host # For example: http://<WpsHostName>:<WpsHostPort>/<WpsContextRoot>/<WpsDefaultHome> # For example "localhost" in the URL: http://localhost:80/wps/portal WpsHostName=localhost # WpsHostPort: The port used by WebSphere Portal # For example: http://<WpsHostName>:<WpsHostPort>/<WpsContextRoot>/<WpsDefaultHome> # For example "80" in the URL: http://localhost:80/wps/portal WpsHostPort=10010 # WpsAdminConsolePort: The port used by WebSphere Admin Console deployed on WebSpere Portal Server # Note: This property may not be used to reconfigure the WpsAdminConsolePort. # For example: http://<WpsHostName>:<WpsAdminConsolePort>/admin # For example "9091" in the URL: http://localhost:9091/admin WpsAdminConsolePort= # WpsAppName: The WebSphere Portal application name WpsAppName=wps # WpsContextRoot: The WebSphere Portal context root # For example: http://<WpsHostName>:<WpsHostPort>/<WpsContextRoot>/<WpsDefaultHome> # For example "wps" in the URL: http://localhost:80/wps/portal WpsContextRoot=wps # WpsDefaultHome: The WebSphere Portal default home # For example: http://<WpsHostName>:<WpsHostPort>/<WpsContextRoot>/<WpsDefaultHome> # For example "portal" in the URL: http://localhost:80/wps/portal WpsDefaultHome=portal # WpsPersonalizedHome: The WebSphere Portal personalized home # For example: http://<WpsHostName>:<WpsHostPort>/<WpsContextRoot>/<WpsPersonalizedHome> # For example "myportal" in the URL: http://localhost:80/wps/myportal WpsPersonalizedHome=myportal # ContentAccessServiceProxyHost: The HTTP proxy host used by the Content Access Service ContentAccessServiceProxyHost= # ContentAccessServiceProxyPort: The HTTP proxy port used by the Content Access Service ContentAccessServiceProxyPort= ####### # WAS Properties - END ####### ####### # Java Properties - BEGIN ####### # JavaHome: The directory where the WAS Java is installed JavaHome=/QIBM/ProdData/Java400/jdk13 ####### # Java Properties - END ####### ####### # Portal Config Properties - BEGIN ####### # PortalAdminId: The user ID for the WebSphere Portal Administrator # DEV (No security): PortalAdminId=uid=<portaladminid>,o=default organization # CUR: PortalAdminId=uid=<portaladminid>,o=default organization # See LDAP examples below: # IBM Directory Server: { uid=<portaladminid>,cn=users,dc=yourco,dc=com } # Domino: { cn=<portaladminid>,o=yourco.com } # Active Directory: { cn=<portaladminid>,cn=users,dc=yourco,dc=com } # SunOne: { uid=<portaladminid>,ou=people,o=yourco.com } # Novell eDirectory { uid=<portaladminid>,ou=people,o=yourco.com } PortalAdminId=uid=wpsadmin,o=default organization # PortalAdminIdShort: The short WebSphere Portal admin ID PortalAdminIdShort=wpsadmin # PortalAdminPwd: The password for the WebSphere Portal Administrator PortalAdminPwd= # PortalAdminGroupId: The group ID for the WebSphere Portal Administrator group # DEV (No security): PortalAdminGroupId=cn=wpsadmins,o=default organization # CUR: PortalAdminGroupId=cn=wpsadmins,o=default organization # See LDAP examples below: # IBM Directory Server: { cn=wpsadmins,cn=groups,dc=yourco,dc=com } # Domino: { cn=wpsadmins } # Active Directory: { cn=wpsadmins,cn=groups,dc=yourco,dc=com } # SunOne: { cn=wpsadmins,ou=groups,o=yourco.com } # Novell eDirectory { cn=wpsadmins,ou=groups,o=yourco.com } PortalAdminGroupId=cn=wpsadmins,o=default organization # PortalAdminGroupIdShort: The WebSphere Portal admin group ID PortalAdminGroupIdShort=wpsadmins # PortalUniqueID: The 12 hex digits unique to this WebSphere Portal instance. # Usually a MAC address from a communications adapter on this node PortalUniqueID=0106E5379A00 ####### # Portal Config Properties - END ####### ####### # Dependency Checking Properties - BEGIN ####### # CheckVersions: This value should be false is used to disable dependency rules based validation. # A false value should only be used in order to bypass validation when a valid configuration # is indicated as invalid. Most of the dependency rules based validation deals with # checking versions of installed components (for example WAS) # { true | false } CheckVersions=true # DependencyRulesDirectory: This is used to specify a location of a unique set of # rules to use for dependency rules based validation tasks during configuration. # This should very rarely be necessary. However, if you used special rules # during the installation process and some of the rules need to be used during # configuration-time validation as well, you would use this property. #DependencyRulesDirectory=path_to_rules_directory ####### # Dependency Checking Properties - END ####### ####### # Database Properties - BEGIN ####### # DbSafeMode: This only applies to Database specific tasks. If it is set to true # the databases will not be created, initialized, or removed. # { false | true } DbSafeMode=false # DbType: The type of database to be used for WebSphere Portal # DB2: { db2 } # Oracle: { oracle } # Informix: { informix } # MS SQL Server: { sqlserver } # Cloudscape: { cloudscape } # DB2 for iSeries: { db2_iseries } # DB2 for z/OS and OS/390: { db2_zos } DbType=db2_iseries # WpsDbName: The name of the WebSphere Portal database # Note: This value should also appear as the database element in DbUrl WpsDbName=*LOCAL/PORTALDB1 # **Required for iSeries only** # WpsDbSchema: The WebSphere Portal database schema name WpsDbSchema=PORTALDB1 # **Required for DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # WpsDbNameOnZos: The name of the remote WebSphere Portal database WpsDbNameOnZos=WPSTST02 ####### # Database Transfer # ####### # NOTE: The schema list for cswps.jdbc.schema.names below should NOT be changed. # ####### cswps.jdbc.schema.names=db2admin,FEEDBACK,PZNADMIN,EJB,wcmdbadm # DbDriver: The name of class SqlProcessor will use to import SQL files, also known as "JDBC provider" # cloudscape: { com.ibm.db2j.jdbc.DB2jDriver } # db2: { COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver } # db2_iseries: { com.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver } # db2_iseries (remote db): { com.ibm.as400.access.AS400JDBCDriver } # db2_zos: { COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver } # oracle: { oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver } # informix: { com.informix.jdbc.IfxDriver } # sqlserver: { com.microsoft.jdbc.sqlserver.SQLServerDriver } DbDriver=com.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver # DbDriverDs: The name of class SqlProcessor will use to import SQL files via data source # cloudscape (XA type): { com.ibm.db2j.jdbc.DB2jXADataSource } # db2 (XA type): { COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.DB2XADataSource } # db2_iseries (XA type): { com.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.UDBXADataSource } # db2_iseries (remote db) (XA type): { com.ibm.as400.access.AS400JDBCXADataSource } # db2_zos (XA type): { COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.DB2XADataSource } # oracle (XA type): { oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXADataSource } # informix (XA type): { com.informix.jdbcx.IfxXADataSource } # sqlserver (XA type): { com.microsoft.jdbcx.sqlserver.SQLServerDataSource } DbDriverDs=com.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.UDBXADataSource # JdbcProvider: The name of jdbc provider to be used JdbcProvider=wps50JDBC # DbUrl: The wps database URL # Note: The database element of this value should match the value of WpsDbName # cloudscape: { jdbc:db2j:wps50;create=true } # db2: { jdbc:db2:wps50 } # db2_iseries: { jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/QWPS50 } # db2_iseries (remote): { jdbc:as400:<hostName>/QWPS50 } # db2_zos: { jdbc:db2:wps50 } # oracle: { jdbc:oracle:thin:@wps19:1521:wps50 } # informix: { jdbc:informix-sqli://wps19:1526/wps50:informixserver=freeman } # sqlserver: { jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://wps19:1433;DatabaseName=wps50 } DbUrl=jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/PORTALDB1 # DbUser: The database administrator user ID DbUser=QSECOFR # DbPassword: The database administrator password DbPassword= #DbLibrary: The directory and name of the zip file containing db.driver class # cloudscape <PortalServer>shared/app/cloudscape/db2j.jar # db2 <SQLLIB>/java12/db2java.zip # db2_iseries /QIBM/ProdData/Java400/ext/db2_classes.jar # db2_iseries (remote) /QIBM/ProdData/PortalServer5/IBMTrans/lib/jt400.jar # db2_zos <SQLLIB>/java12/db2java.zip # oracle <Oracle>/jdbc/lib/classes12.zip # informix <InformixJDBC>/lib/ifxjdbc.jar;<InformixJDBC>/lib/ifxjdbcx.jar # sqlserver <SQLServerJDBC>/lib/mssqlserver.jar;<SQLServerJDBC>/lib/msbase.jar;<SQLServerJDBC>/lib/msutil.jar # Please use the system specific file seperator names, e.g. for windows semicolon and for unix colon. DbLibrary=/QIBM/ProdData/Java400/ext/db2_classes.jar # WpsDsName: The name of datasource to be used for WebSphere Portal WpsDsName=wps50DS # **Required for Non-Windows only** # WpsXDbName: The TCPIP Alias for the database to be used as ds name WpsXDbName=wps5TCP # WpsDbNode: This value is the node for the WebSphere Portal database WpsDbNode=wpsNode ##### # PORTAL INFO SEQUENCE ##### ###### # WPCP Database Properties - BEGIN ###### # **Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** # WpcpDbNode: This value is the node for the WPCP database WpcpDbNode=wcmNode # **Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** # WpcpXDbName: The TCP/IP alias for the database. WpcpXDbName=*LOCAL/QWPS50 # **Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** # FeedbackXDbName: The TCPIP Alias for the database FeedbackXDbName=*LOCAL/QWPS50 # **Required for Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only** # LikemindsXDbName: The TCPIP Alias for the database LikemindsXDbName=*LOCAL/QWPS50 # **Required for Informix only** # WpcpDbPort: The port number for the WPCP database. #WpcpDbPort=1526 # **Required for Informix only** # WpcpDbInstanceName: The instance name of the WPCP database. # (i.e ol_myserver) #WpcpDbInstanceName=ol_myserver # **Required for Informix and MS SQL Server only** # WpcpDbHostName: The hostname for the WPCP database #WpcpDbHostName=myserver # WpcpDbName: The name of the WPCP database # Note: This value should also appear as the database element in WpcpDbUrl WpcpDbName=*LOCAL/PORTALDB1 # WpcpDbSchema: The WPCP database schema name (used for iSeries only) WpcpDbSchema=PORTALDB1 # **Required for DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # WpcpDbNameOnZos: The name of the remote WPCP database WpcpDbNameOnZos=wpcp5zos # **Required for DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # WpcpDbTablespace: The name of the WPCP database tablespace. WpcpDbTablespace=wpcp50ts # WpcpDbUser: The database user for WPCP WpcpDbUser=QSECOFR # WpcpDbPassword: The database password for WPCP WpcpDbPassword= # WpcpDbUrl: The WPCP database URL # Note: The database element of this value should match the value of WpcpDbName # cloudscape: { jdbc:db2j:wpcp50;create=true } # db2: { jdbc:db2:wpcp50 } # db2_iseries: { jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/QWPCP50 } # db2_iseries (remote): { jdbc:as400:<hostName>/QWPS50 } # db2_zos: { jdbc:db2:wpcp50 } # oracle: { jdbc:oracle:thin:@wps19:1521:wpcp50 } # informix: { jdbc:informix-sqli://wps19:1526/wpcp50:informixserver=freeman } # sqlserver: { jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://wps19:1433;DatabaseName=wpcp50 } WpcpDbUrl=jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/PORTALDB1 # PznDbName: The name of the WPCP database # Note: This value should also appear as the database element in PznDbUrl PznDbName=*LOCAL/PORTALDB1 # PznSchema: Personalization database schema name (used for iSeries only) PznSchema=PORTALDB1 # PznDbUrl: The Pzn database URL # Note: The database element of this value should match the value of PznDbName # db2_iseries: { jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/QWPCP50 } # db2_iseries (remote): { jdbc:as400:<hostName>/QWPS50 } PznDbUrl=jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/PORTALDB1 # BrbDbName: The name of the WPCP database # Note: This value should also appear as the database element in BrbDbUrl BrbDbName=*LOCAL/PORTALDB1 # BrbSchema: Business Rules Beans (BrBeans) database schema name (used for iSeries only) BrbSchema=PORTALDB1 # BrBeans: The BrBeans database URL # Note: The database element of this value should match the value of BrbDbName # db2_iseries: { jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/QWPCP50 } # db2_iseries (remote): { jdbc:as400:<hostName>/QWPS50 } BrbDbUrl=jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/PORTALDB1 # **Required for MS SQL Server and Oracle only** # WpcpDbEjbPassword: The password for EJB user. WpcpDbEjbPassword=ejb # **Required for MS SQL Server and Oracle only** # WpcpDbPznadminPassword: The password for PZNADMIN user. WpcpDbPznadminPassword=pznadmin # **Required for Informix only** # FeedbackDbPort: The port number for the feedback database. #FeedbackDbPort=1526 # **Required for Informix only** # FeedbackDbInstanceName: The instance name of the feedback database. # (i.e ol_myserver) #FeedbackDbInstanceName=ol_myserver # **Required for Informix and MS SQL Server only** # FeedbackDbHostName: The hostname of the feedback database. #FeedbackDbHostName=myserver # FeedbackDbName: The name of the feedback database. # Note: This value should also appear as the database element in FeedbackDbUrl FeedbackDbName=*LOCAL/PORTALDB1 # FeedbackSchema: The Feedback database schema name (used for iSeries only) FeedbackSchema=PORTALDB1 # FeedbackDbNameOnZos: The name of the remote WPCP Feedback database FeedbackDbNameOnZos=fdbk5zos # **Required for DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # FeedbackDbTablespace: The name of the feedback database tablespace. FeedbackDbTablespace=fdbk50ts # **Required for DB2, DB2 for z/OS and OS/390, and Informix** # # **For SQL Server and Oracle only, this value MUST be set to FEEDBACK** # **which corresponds to the user FEEDBACK in the SQL Server or Oracle database** # FeedbackDbUser: The database user for feedback database. FeedbackDbUser=QSECOFR # FeedbackDbPassword: The database password for feedback database. FeedbackDbPassword= # FeedbackDbUrl: The WPCP database URL # Note: The database element of this value should match the value of FeedbackDbName # cloudscape: { jdbc:db2j:fdbk50;create=true } # db2: { jdbc:db2:fdbk50 } # db2_iseries: { jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/QWPCP50 } # db2_iseries (remote): { jdbc:as400:<hostName>/QWPS50 } # db2_zos: { jdbc:db2:fdbk50 } # oracle: { jdbc:oracle:thin:@wps19:1521:fdbk50 } # informix: { jdbc:informix-sqli://wps19:1526/fdbk50:informixserver=freeman } # sqlserver: { jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://wps19:1433;DatabaseName=fdbk50 } FeedbackDbUrl=jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/PORTALDB1 # **Required for Informix only** # LikemindsDbPort: The port number for the Likeminds database. #LikemindsDbPort=1526 # **Required for Informix only** # LikemindsDbInstanceName: The instance name of the Likeminds database. # (i.e ol_myserver) #LikemindsDbInstanceName=ol_myserver # **Required for Informix and MS SQL Server only** # LikemindsDbHostName: The hostname of the Likeminds database. #LikemindsDbHostName=myserver # LikemindsDbName: The name of the Likeminds database. # Note: This value should also appear as the database element in LikemindsDbUrl LikemindsDbName=*LOCAL/PORTALDB1 # **Required for DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # LikemindsDbNameOnZos: The name of the remote WPCP Likeminds database LikemindsDbNameOnZos=lmdb5zos # **Required for DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # LikemindsDbTablespace: The name of the Likeminds database tablespace. LikemindsDbTablespace=lmdb50ts # **Required for DB2, DB2 for z/OS and OS/390, and Informix** # LikemindsDbUser: The database user for Likeminds database. LikemindsDbUser=QSECOFR # LikemindsDbPassword: The database password for Likeminds database. LikemindsDbPassword= # LikemindsDbUrl: The WPCP database URL # Note: The database element of this value should match the value of LikemindsDbName # cloudscape: { jdbc:db2j:lmdb50;create=true } # db2: { jdbc:db2:lmdb50 } # db2_iseries: { jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/QWPCP50 } # db2_iseries (remote): { jdbc:as400:<hostName>/QWPS50 } # db2_zos: { jdbc:db2:lmdb50 } # oracle: { jdbc:oracle:thin:@wps19:1521:lmdb50 } # informix: { jdbc:informix-sqli://wps19:1526/lmdb50:informixserver=freeman } # sqlserver: { jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://wps19:1433;DatabaseName=lmdb50 } LikemindsDbUrl=jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/PORTALDB1 ###### # WPCP Database Properties - END ###### ###### # WPCP Additional Properties - BEGIN ###### # WpcpWorkflow: Type of Workflow to use with WPCP # WpcpWorkflow = { liteWF | None } WpcpWorkflow=liteWF #CmRootLib: Directory containing cmb81.jar and cmbsdk81.jar CmRootLib=C:/CMBROOT/lib #CmCommon: Directory specified by CMCOMMON env variable CmCommon=C:/PROGRA~1/IBM/Cmgmt #WpcpCmServer: Content Manager server WpcpCmServer=icmnlsdb #WpcpCmUser: Content Manager user WpcpCmUser=ICMADMIN #WpcpCmPassword: Content Manager password WpcpCmPassword=password #WpcpCmResourceMgr: Content Manager resource manager WpcpCmResourceMgr=RMDB #standAloneServerName: Cluster standalone server name #standAloneServerName=WebSphere_Portal ###### # WPCP Additional Properties - END ###### ###### # WMM Properties - BEGIN ###### # WmmDsName: The name of datasource to be used for WMM WmmDsName=wmmDS #WmmAppName: The WMM application name WmmAppName=wmmApp # WmmDbName: The name of the WebSphere Portal database # Note: This value should also appear as the database element in WmmDbUrl WmmDbName=*LOCAL/PORTALDB1 # **Required for iSeries only** # WmmDbSchema: The WMM database schema name WmmDbSchema=PORTALDB1 # **Required for DB2 for z/OS and OS/390 only** # WmmDbNameOnZos: The name of the remote WMM database for WmmDbNameOnZos=WPSTST01 # WmmDbUser: The database administrator user ID WmmDbUser=QSECOFR # WmmDbPassword: The database administrator password WmmDbPassword= # WmmDbUrl: The database URL # Note: The database element of this value should match the value of WmmDbName # cloudscape: { jdbc:db2j:wps50;create=true } # db2: { jdbc:db2:wps50 } # db2_iseries: { jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/QWPCP50 } # db2_iseries (remote): { jdbc:as400:<hostName>/QWPS50 } # db2_zos: { jdbc:db2:wps50 } # oracle: { jdbc:oracle:thin:@wps19:1521:wps50 } # informix: { jdbc:informix-sqli://wps19:1526/wps50:informixserver=freeman } # sqlserver: { jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://wps19:1433;DatabaseName=wps50 } WmmDbUrl=jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/PORTALDB1 # WmmEjbName: The name of the ejb WmmEjbName=ejb/MemberServiceHome ###### # WMM Properties - END ###### ###### # # Lotus Collaborative Components Properties - BEGIN # ###### ###### # Lotus QuickPlace Properties - BEGIN ###### # Description: Lotus Collaborative Components required properties # to enable Lotus QuickPlace # LCC.QuickPlace.Enabled: Is Lotus QuickPlace enabled in the environment? # { true | false } LCC.QuickPlace.Enabled=false # LCC.QuickPlace.Server: The Lotus QuickPlace server name. # { hostname | ip address } LCC.QuickPlace.Server=my.server.com # LCC.QuickPlace.Protocol: The protocol used to connect to the Lotus QuickPlace server. # { http | https } LCC.QuickPlace.Protocol=http # LCC.QuickPlace.Port: The port number for the Lotus QuickPlace server. # { port number } LCC.QuickPlace.Port=80 ###### # Lotus QuickPlace Properties - END ###### ###### # Lotus Sametime Properties - BEGIN ###### # Description: Lotus Collaborative Components required properties # to enable Lotus Sametime # LCC.Sametime.Enabled: Is Lotus Sametime enabled in the environment? # { true | false } LCC.Sametime.Enabled=false # LCC.Sametime.Server: The Lotus Sametime server name. # { hostname | ip address } LCC.Sametime.Server=my.server.com # LCC.Sametime.Protocol: The protocol used to connect to the Lotus Sametime server. # { http | https } LCC.Sametime.Protocol=http # LCC.Sametime.Port: The port number for the Lotus Sametime server. # { port number } LCC.Sametime.Port=80 ###### # Lotus Sametime Properties - END ###### ###### # Lotus Discovery Server Properties - BEGIN ###### # Description: Lotus Collaborative Components required properties # to enable Lotus Discovery Server # LCC.DiscoveryServer.Enabled: Is Lotus Discovery Server enabled in the environment? # { true | false } LCC.DiscoveryServer.Enabled=false # LCC.DiscoveryServer.Server: The Lotus Discovery Server name. # { hostname | ip address } LCC.DiscoveryServer.Server=my.server.com # LCC.DiscoveryServer.Protocol: The protocol used to connect to the Lotus Discovery Server. # { http | https } LCC.DiscoveryServer.Protocol=http # LCC.DiscoveryServer.Port: The port number for the Lotus Discovery Server. # { port number } LCC.DiscoveryServer.Port=80 ###### # Lotus Discovery Server Properties - END ###### ###### # Lotus Domino Directory Properties - BEGIN ###### # Description: Lotus Collaborative Components required properties # to enable Lotus Domino Directory # LCC.DominoDirectory.Enabled: Is Lotus Domino Directory enabled in the environment? # { true | false } LCC.DominoDirectory.Enabled=false # LCC.DominoDirectory.Server: The Lotus Domino Directory server name. # { hostname | ip address } LCC.DominoDirectory.Server=my.server.com # LCC.DominoDirectory.Port: The port number for the Lotus Domino Directory server. # { port number } LCC.DominoDirectory.Port=389 # LCC.DominoDirectory.SSL: Is SSL used to connect to the Lotus Domino Directory Server? # { true | false } LCC.DominoDirectory.SSL=false ###### # Lotus Domino Directory Properties - END ###### ###### # # Lotus Collaborative Components Properties - END # ###### ###### # # WebSphere Portal Security Configuration - BEGIN # ###### ###### # WebSphere Portal Security LTPA and SSO configuration ###### # LTPAPassword: Specifies the password to encrypt and decrypt the LTPA keys. LTPAPassword= # LTPATimeout: Specifies the time period in minutes at which an LTPA token will expire. LTPATimeout=120 # SSOEnabled: Specifies that the Single Sign-on function is enabled. SSOEnabled=true # SSORequiresSSL: Specifies that Single Sign-On function is enabled # only when requests are over HTTPS Secure Socket Layer (SSL) connections. SSORequiresSSL=false # SSODomainName: Specifies the domain name (.ibm.com, for example) for all Single Sign-on hosts. SSODomainName= ###### # General Global Security Settings ###### # Description: The values in this section should only be adapted by advanced users # useDomainQualifiedUserNames: Specifies the user names to qualify with the security domain within which they reside. useDomainQualifiedUserNames=false # cacheTimeout: Specifies the timeout value in seconds for security cache. cacheTimeout=600 # issuePermissionWarning: Specifies that when the Issue permission warning is enabled, during application deployment # and application start, the security run time emits a warning if applications are granted any custom permissions. issuePermissionWarning=true # activeProtocol: Specifies the active authentication protocol for RMI/IIOP requests when security is enabled. activeProtocol=BOTH # activeAuthMechanism: Specifies the active authentication mechanism, when security is enabled. activeAuthMechanism=LTPA ###### # # Credentials for WAS administration secure SOAP connection # # Used for Portlet deployment with WAS security enabled # ###### # TrustStore: The location of the trust store TrustStore=/etc/DummyClientTrustFile.jks # TrustStorePwd: The password to access the trust store. TrustStorePwd=WebAS # KeyStore: The location of the key store KeyStore=/etc/DummyClientKeyFile.jks # KeyStorePwd: The password to access the key store. KeyStorePwd=WebAS ###### # Custom User Registry Configuration - BEGIN ###### # CUClassName: Specifies a dot-separated class name that implements the com.ibm.websphere.security.UserRegistry # interface (should be in the classpath). CUClassName=com.ibm.websphere.wmm.registry.WMMCustomRegistry ###### # Custom User Registry Configuration - END ###### ###### # LDAP Properties Configuration - BEGIN ###### # LookAside: To configure LDAP with an additional LookAside Database # true - LDAP + Lookaside database # false - only LDAP LookAside=false # LDAPHostName: The LDAP server hostname LDAPHostName=yourldapserver.com # LDAPPort: The LDAP server port number # For example, 389 for non-SSL or 636 for SSL LDAPPort=389 # LDAPAdminUId: The LDAP administrator ID LDAPAdminUId=cn=root # LDAPAdminPwd: The LDAP administrator password LDAPAdminPwd= # LDAPServerType: The type of LDAP server to be used for WebSphere Portal # IBM Directory Server: { IBM_DIRECTORY_SERVER } # Domino: { DOMINO502 } # Active Directory: { ACTIVE_DIRECTORY } # SunOne: { IPLANET } # Novell eDirectory: { NDS } # Note: use IPLANET for SunONE LDAPServerType=IBM_DIRECTORY_SERVER #LDAPBindID: The user ID for LDAP Bind authentication # See LDAP examples below: # IBM Directory Server: { uid=wpsbind,cn=users,dc=yourco,dc=com } # Domino: { cn=wpsbind,o=yourco.com } # Active Directory: { cn=wpsbind,cn=users,dc=yourco,dc=com } # SunOne: { uid=wpsbind,ou=people,o=yourco.com } # Novell eDirectory { uid=wpsbind,ou=people,o=yourco.com } LDAPBindID=uid=wpsbind,cn=users,dc=yourco,dc=com #LDAPBindPassword: The password for LDAP Bind authentication LDAPBindPassword= ###### # LDAP Properties Configuration - END ###### ###### # Advanced LDAP Configuration - BEGIN ###### # LDAPSuffix: The LDAP suffix appropriate for the LDAP server # IBM Directory Server: { dc=yourco,dc=com } # Domino value is null # Domino: { } # Active Directory: { dc=yourco,dc=com } # SunOne: { o=yourco.com } # Novell eDirectory { o=yourco.com } LDAPSuffix=dc=yourco,dc=com # LdapUserPrefix: The LDAP user prefix appropriate for the LDAP server # IBM Directory Server: { uid } # Domino: { cn } # Active Directory: { cn ) # SunOne: { uid } # Novell eDirectory { uid } LdapUserPrefix=uid # LDAPUserSuffix: The LDAP user suffix appropriate for the LDAP server # IBM Directory Server: { cn=users } # Domino: { o=yourco.com } # Active Directory: { cn=users } # SunOne: { ou=people} # Novell eDirectory { ou=people } LDAPUserSuffix=cn=users # LdapGroupPrefix: The LDAP group prefix appropriate for the LDAP server # IBM Directory Server: { cn } # Domino: { cn } # Active Directory: { cn } # SunOne: { cn } # Novell eDirectory { cn } LdapGroupPrefix=cn # LDAPGroupSuffix: The LDAP group suffix appropriate for the LDAP server # IBM Directory Server: { cn=groups } # Domino value is null # Domino: { } # Active Directory: { cn=groups } # SunOne: { ou=groups } # Novell eDirectory { ou=groups } LDAPGroupSuffix=cn=groups # LDAPUserObjectClass: The LDAP user object class appropriate for the LDAP server # IBM Directory Server: { inetOrgPerson } # Domino: { inetOrgPerson } # Active Directory: { user } # SunOne: { inetOrgPerson } # Novell eDirectory { inetOrgPerson } LDAPUserObjectClass=inetOrgPerson # LDAPGroupObjectClass: The LDAP group object class appropriate for the LDAP server # IBM Directory Server: { groupOfUniqueNames } # Domino: { groupOfNames } # Active Directory: { group } # SunOne: { groupOfUniqueNames } # Novell eDirectory { groupOfNames } # Shared UserRegistry with WebSeal/TAM: { accessGroup } LDAPGroupObjectClass=groupOfUniqueNames # LDAPGroupMember: The LDAP group member attribute name appropriate for the LDAP server # IBM Directory Server: { uniqueMember } # Domino: { member } # Active Directory: { member } # SunOne: { uniqueMember } # Novell eDirectory { uniqueMember } # Shared UserRegistry with WebSeal/TAM: { member } LDAPGroupMember=uniqueMember # LDAPUserFilter: The LDAP user filter appropriate for the LDAP server (to work with default values in WMM) #IBM Directory Server: { (&(uid=%v)(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)) } #Domino: { (&(|(cn=%v)(uid=%v))(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)) } #Active Directory: { (&(|(cn=%v)(samAccountName=%v))(objectclass=user)) } #SunOne: { (&(uid=%v)(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)) } #Novell eDirectory { (&(uid=%v)(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)) } LDAPUserFilter=(&(uid=%v)(objectclass=inetOrgPerson)) # LDAPGroupFilter: The LDAP group filter appropriate for the LDAP server (to work with default values in WMM) #IBM Directory Server: { (&(cn=%v)(objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames)) } #Domino: { (&(cn=%v)(|(objectclass=groupOfNames)(objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames))) #Active Directory: { (&(cn=%v)(objectclass=group)) } #SunOne { (&(cn=%v)(objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames)) } #Novell eDirectory { (&(cn=%v)(objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames)) } LDAPGroupFilter=(&(cn=%v)(objectclass=groupOfUniqueNames)) # LDAPGroupMinimumAttributes: This attribute is loaded for group search (performance issues) LDAPGroupMinimumAttributes= # LDAPUserBaseAttributes: These attributes are loaded for user login (performance issues) LDAPUserBaseAttributes=givenName,sn,preferredLanguage # LDAPUserMinimumAttributes: These attributes are loaded for user search (performance issues) LDAPUserMinimumAttributes= #LDAPsearchTimeout: Specifies the timeout value in seconds for an LDAP server to respond before aborting a request. LDAPsearchTimeout=120 #LDAPreuseConnection: Should set to true by default to reuse the LDAP connection. # { false | true } LDAPreuseConnection=true #LDAPIgnoreCase: Specifies that a case insensitive authorization check is performed. # { false | true } LDAPIgnoreCase=true #LDAPsslEnabled: Specifies whether secure socket communications is enabled to the LDAP server. # { false | true } # Set to true if configuring LDAP over SSL LDAPsslEnabled=false ###### # Advanced LDAP Configuration - END ###### ###### # LDAP Properties - END ###### ###### # # WebSphere Portal Security Configuration - END # ###### ###### # WEBSPHERE TRANSLATION SERVER Properties - BEGIN ###### # Update Translation Server:port # Replace value="localhost:1098" with actual WTS server host and port # Multiple WTS servers should be specified by a comma separated list # ex: hostname1:port1,hostname2:port2 # NOTE: The entire list will be updated with the new value # It will NOT be Appended to the existing values. WTSserverPortList=localhost:1098 #### # WEBSPHERE TRANSLATION SERVER Properties - END #### #### # iSeries CCSID value # # If the CCSID on an iSeries is set to 65535, # some configuration commands will not work # correctly. Configuration run under a job with # CCSID of 65535 will be changed by default # to CCSID 37. The CCSIDvalue property can # be used to change the default CCSID to something # other than 37. This property is only used # when the configuration job CCSID is 65535. # #### # CCSIDvalue=37 Instance=WAS5Portal