Verify database connections
After WebSphere Portal is configured to work with the preferred database, the connection should be verified to ensure that it operates correctly. You can verify the database connection with the WAS administrative console or from a command line.
Verify the connection with WAS
This topic includes information on verifying the database connection after installation and configuration. Verify that the database server is installed and working properly.
- Access the WAS administrative console by entering...
http://<>:<port_number>/ a browser. Type the following information in a 5250 session command line to determine the port number:
qsh cmd('/QIBM/ProdData/WebAS5/PME/bin/dspwasinst -instance <instance>')- Log in to the administrative console and go to...
ResourcesJDBC Providers
Data Sources
Additional Properties
- Check the data source that you want to test.
- Click Test Connection to verify the database connection.
You might have to restart the WAS for the test to complete.
Verify the connection from a command line
You can also verify the database connection from a command line starting a 5250 session on the local machine where WebSphere Portal is installed, and then running...
> strqsh
> cd /qibm/userdata/webas5/base/<instance>/portalserver5/config
> validate-database-connection-<schema_name> -DDbPassword=<password>...where <schema_name> is wmm, wps, or wpcp
Note on passwords: For security reasons, not leave passwords in the file. It is recommended that you edit the file prior to running a configuration task, inserting the passwords that are needed for that task. Then, after the task has run, delete all passwords from the file. For more information, see Deleting passwords.
Alternatively, you can specify the password on the command line rather than update the file. For example: -DPortalAdminPwd=<password> validate-wps-admin-loginIf you select the Install and Configure option when installing WebSphere Portal, or use the IBM Web Administration for iSeries tool, the passwords in the file are automatically removed after configuration.
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