Content management


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  1. Deliver syndicated Web content
  2. Manage Web content
  3. Document Manager
  4. Search
  5. Federated search


Deliver syndicated Web content

The most common delivery protocols for syndicated content are Rich Site Summary (RSS) and Open Content Syndication (OCS).

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This self-syndication defines a procedure for editing, managing, and publishing sources of content.

WebSphere Portal includes integration kits that illustrate steps for publishing RSS content from several Web content management products. Content contribution and approval operations of the Web content management system can also be accessed through portlets that are provided by their respective companies. These portlets provide a user interface for various aspects of content management, such as content submission, workflow management, content approval, and staging or publishing.


Document Manager

WebSphere Portal includes the Document Manager portlet application for contributing and sharing documents between users. Document Manager provides a simple method for storing, navigating, viewing, and searching documents and other content.

Document Manager helps users organize the content they have seen, want to read, or want to share. Documents are organized into folder hierarchies. Document Manager maintains properties and attributes of documents, handles conversion of documents to other formats, and serves as an organized repository for documents of any format. Documents that are maintained in Document Manager can be searched by using the Document Manager built-in search service. Authorized users can control document modifications through a workflow process.



WebSphere Portal provides integrated text search capabilities, including a search portlet, a crawler, and a document indexer. The search service can search the portal document repository and Internet content. The WebSphere Portal built-in search engine is optimized for full-text searching of small and medium-sized collections where precision is essential. It efficiently applies state-of-the-art search algorithms producing high-quality search results.

The search engine supports free-text queries, with query assistance and query word completion. Search queries use advanced query operators (+ or -) to indicate keywords that must be in the document or keywords that must not be in the document. The search engine can search documents in any language and supports synonyms and stop-word lists. Search results include document summarization and search results clustering.

To prepare for searching, the search engine builds a full-text index in order to search documents that are stored in the local file system. The indexer supports multiword indexing for clarity and high precision. The index can be compressed, and lossy compression is allowed for situations where the size of the index needs to be limited. Administration portlets are provided for creating, updating, and managing the index.


Federated Search

Portlets using IBM Lotus Extended Search and IBM Enterprise Information Portal search can access and aggregate other search engines and indexes in a distributed fashion. Customers seeking support for large document collections or for searching a wide range of document types and data sources should consider using Lotus Extended Search or EIP.


See also