VRYCFG (Vary Configuration) syntax diagram

Job: B,I Pgm: B,I REXX: B,I Exec
Threadsafe: No
            | .---------------------------------------------.      |
            | V                                             | (1)  |
           (2)                       (3)
   |         .-*NET-.    |  |           .-*CFGOBJ------.    |
   '-RANGE(--+-*OBJ-+--)-'  '-VRYWAIT(--+-*NOWAIT------+--)-'
   |             .-*NO--.    |  |         .-*NO--.    |
   '-ASCVRYOFF(--+-*YES-+--)-'  '-RESET(--+-*YES-+--)-'
   |            .--------------------------.    |
   |            V                     (4)  |    |
   |            .-*NO--.    |  |             .-*NO---.    |
   '-RESETCFG(--+-*YES-+--)-'  '-FRCVRYOFF(--+-*YES--+--)-'
   |            (5)   .-*YES-.    |
   |             .-*NO--. (6)     |
   |        .-QBATCH----------------------------------.    |
   |        | .-*LIBL/--------.                       |    |


  1. A maximum of 256 repetitions. Only 1 object is allowed if the CFGTYPE is *MLBRSC.

  2. *RESET, *ALLOCATE, *UNPROTECT and *DEALLOCATE are allowed only for CFGTYPE(*MLBRSC). *ON and *OFF are not allowed for CFGTYPE(*MLBRSC).

  3. All parameters preceding this point can be specified in positional form.

  4. A maximum of 16 repetitions.

  5. This parameter is valid for CFGTYPE(*NWS) and network servers of type *WINDOWSNT, otherwise it will be ignored.

  6. >This parameter is valid for CFGTYPE(*NWS) and for auxilliary storage pool (ASP) device descriptions.