STRPFRTRC (Start Performance Trace)
STRPFRTRC Command syntax diagram
The Start Performance Trace (STRPFRTRC) command is a simplified interface to the TRCINT command for collecting Multiprogramming level (MPL) and Transaction trace data. This command collects the same performance trace data as was collected in previous releases by the Start Performance Monitor (STRPFRMON) command.
The trace started by this command creates and uses trace table QPM_STRPFRTRC. If the trace table exists, any existing data will be deleted before this trace begins.
The trace can be stopped and the data can be written to a data base file by using the End Performance Trace (ENDPFRTRC) command.
- This command is shipped with public *EXCLUDE authority.
- The following user profiles have private authorities to use the command:
- Specifies the size of the trace table.
Note: The storage indicated on this parameter is immediately allocated from the system auxiliary storage pool (ASP 1). Refer to the Trace Internal (TRCINT) command SIZE parameter for additional information regarding the setting of trace table size. Specifying a size of less than 16 megabytes is not recommended.
Element 1: Size>
*CALC: The minimum trace table size is determined based on the processor group of your system.
*MAX: The trace table is set to the maximum size of
258048 megabytes
table-size: Specify the size of the trace table in
kilobytes or megabytes
. Valid values range from
1 through 998000.
Element 2: Unit of Measure
Specify whether the table-size value specified for the Size element should be treated as number of kilobytes or number of megabytes.
*KB: The trace table size is specified in kilobytes. The valid range is 128 through 998000.
*MB: The trace table size is specified in megabytes. The valid range is 1 through 258048.
- Specifies trace points whose trace records are to be excluded.
*NONE: No trace points are to be excluded.
*RSCMGT: Resource management trace points (seize/lock conflict data) will be excluded from the trace.
- Specifies the types of jobs for which trace data is being collected for use in the batch job trace report. A maximum of 11 of the following job types can be traced, or one of the single values *NONE or *ALL can be specified.
Note: The value *DFT includes the values *ASJ, *BCH, *EVK, *MRT, *PDJ, *PJ and *BCI. The value *BCH includes the values *EVK, *MRT, *PDJ, *PJ, and *BCI.
*DFT: Batch and autostart job types are traced.
*ASJ: Autostart job types are traced.
*BCH: Batch job types are traced.
*EVK: Jobs started (evoked) by a procedure start request are traced.
*INT: Interactive jobs are traced.
*MRT: Multiple requester terminal job types are traced.
*RDR: Reader job types are traced.
*SBS: Subsystem monitor job types are traced.
*SYS: System job types are traced.
*WTR: Writer job types are traced.
*PDJ: Print driver job types are traced.
*PJ: Prestart job types are traced.
*BCI: Batch Immediate job types are traced.
*NONE: No job types are traced.
*ALL: All of the job types listed above are traced.
- Specifies the time (in CPU seconds) between each collection of the job trace data.
0.5: A time slice interval value of 0.5 CPU seconds is used.
number-of-seconds: Specify a time slice interval value ranging from 0.1 through 9.9 CPU seconds.
Example for STRPFRTRC
Example 1: Starting Performance Trace
STRPFRTRC SIZE(*CALC)In this example, the trace table size may be adjusted to the calculated minimum and performance trace data is collected. This example will result in the same trace table size and data as would STRPFRMON TRACE(*ALL) DMPTRC(*NO).
Error messages for STRPFRTRC
*ESCAPE Messages
- Performance trace already started