STRDBG (Start Debug) syntax diagram

Job: B,I Pgm: B,I REXX: B,I Exec
Threadsafe: No
   |       .-*NONE------------------------------------.    |
   |       | .--------------------------------------. |    |
   |       | V .-*LIBL/--------.               (1)  | |    |
   |          .-*PGM---------.    |
   |          .-200----------------------.    |
   |           .-*STOPTRC-.    |  |           .-*NO--.    |
   '-TRCFULL(--+-*WRAP----+--)-'  '-UPDPROD(--+-*YES-+--)-'
   |             .-*PGMDEP-.    |
   |             .-*SYSDFT-------------------------.    |
   |            .-*NONE---------------------------.    |
   |            | .-*LIBL/--------.               |    |
   |          .-*NO--.    |
   |          .-*NONE--------------------------------------------.    |
   |          | .----------------------------------------------. |    |
   |          | V .-*LIBL/--------.                       (3)  | |    |
   V                                           |
     |         .-*NONE------------------.    |
     |         |                   (4)  |    |


  1. A maximum of 20 repetitions of program name.

  2. All parameters preceding this point can be specified in positional form.

  3. A maximum of 20 repetitions of service program name.

  4. A maximum of 20 repetitions of class file name.