SAVDLO (Save Document Library Object)
The Save Document Library Object (SAVDLO) command saves copies of the following:
- Documents
- Folders
- Distribution objects (mail)
- When a folder is saved, the folder object is saved along with the documents contained in that folder and the subfolders and documents in the subfolders and all successively nested folders and documents. Specific folders can be saved individually using DLO(*FLRLVL).
- Distribution objects (mail) cannot be saved or restored for individual users. Mail can be saved only for all users.
- SAVDLO does not require a dedicated system; however, individual objects in use when the save is issued cannot be saved. To ensure all document library objects are saved, run this command when no document or folder activity is occurring on the system.
- You must have *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS special authority to use the following parameter combinations on this command:
- DLO(*SEARCH) OWNER(user-profile-name)
where the user profile name specified is not the user profile name of the user issuing the SAVDLO command.
- Users that do not have *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS special authority must:
- Have *ALL authority for each document or folder to be saved
- Be enrolled as Document Interchange Architecture (DIA) users
- Specifying USEOPTBLK(*YES) may result in a tape that can be duplicated only to a device that supports the same block size.
- Determining document or folder ownership does not include checking group profiles if one is associated with the specified user profile.
- When using the OUTFILE parameter to save to an existing database file, you must have execute authority to the output file library.
Required Parameters
- Specifies the document library objects to save.
*ALL: All document library objects further qualified by the FLR parameter are to be saved. Specifying DLO(*ALL) FLR(*ANY) saves all document library objects.
*SEARCH: All documents and folders that meet the specified search criteria are saved. Search criteria are specified by using the following parameters: FLR, CHKFORMRK, CHKEXP, CRTDATE, DOCCLS, OWNER, REFCHGDATE, and REFCHGTIME.
*CHG: All documents created or changed, all folders created since the last complete save operation, and all mail is saved.
*SYSOBJNAM: The documents with system object names specified on the SYSOBJNAM parameter are saved.
*DOCL: The list of documents referred to in a document list specified on the DOCL parameter are saved.
*MAIL: The distribution objects and documents referred to by a mail log are saved.
*FLRLVL: The folders specified on the FLR parameter and the documents in the folders are saved. Subfolder are not saved.
document-name: Specify the user-assigned names of the documents that are to be saved. A maximum of 300 documents can be specified. All documents specified must be in the same folder and that folder must be specified on the FLR parameter.
- Specifies the name of the device used for the save operation. The device name must already be known on the system by a device description.
*SAVF: The save file specified on the SAVF parameter is to be used.
diskette-device-name: Specify the name of the diskette device to be used.
optical-device-name: Specify the name of the optical device used for the save operation.
tape-media-library-device-name: Specify the name of the tape media library device used for the save operation.
tape-device-name: Specify the names of one or more tape devices used for the save operation. If multiple tape devices are used, they must have compatible media formats and their names must be specified in the order in which they are used. Using more than one tape device permits one tape volume to be rewound and unloaded while another tape device processes the next tape volume.
Optional Parameters
- Specifies the name of the folder to save. If *NONE or *ANY is not specified then a maximum of 300 folders or generic folder names can be specified.
*ANY: Document library objects can be saved from any folder. Consider the following when using the FLR parameter:
- FLR(*ANY) is not valid when one of the following is specified:
- DLO(document-name)
- FLR(*ANY) is required when one of the following is specified:
- When SAVDLO DLO(*ALL) FLR(*ANY) is specified, the following are saved:
- All documents
- All folders
- All distribution objects (mail)
*NONE: The documents saved are not in any folder. FLR(*NONE) is valid only when one of the following is specified:
folder-name: Specify the user-assigned name of the folder from which the documents are to be saved. The folder name can be a maximum of 63 characters in length.
- Folder objects specified here are saved only when DLO(*ALL) or DLO(*FLRLVL) is specified.
- FLR(folder-name) is not valid when one of the following is specified:
- Only one folder name can be specified when one of the following is specified:
- DLO(document-name)
generic*-folder-name: Specify a generic name. A generic name is a character string of one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*); for example, ABC*. The asterisk (*) substitutes for any valid characters. A generic name specifies all objects with names that begin with the generic prefix, for which the user has authority. If an asterisk is not included with the generic (prefix) name, the system assumes it to be the complete object name. For more information on the use of generic functions, refer to generic names.
- Specifies the type of objects for which to search. This parameter is valid only when DLO(*SEARCH) is specified.
*DOC: Only documents are to be searched and saved.
*ALL: Documents and folders are to be searched and saved.
- Specifies whether documents that have been marked for offline storage are saved. This parameter is valid only when DLO(*SEARCH) SRCHTYPE(*DOC) is specified.
*NO: All documents that meet the other search values for this save operation are to be saved regardless of whether or not they were marked for offline storage.
*YES: Only those documents that meet the other search values and are marked for offline storage are saved. Documents may be marked:
- Keep
- Free
- Delete
- Specifies the date for which all documents with an expiration date before this date are to be saved. This date is assigned by the user when the document was created to specify when the document is no longer needed. This parameter is valid only when DLO(*SEARCH) SRCHTYPE(*DOC) is specified.
*NO: The expiration date is ignored.
*CURRENT: All documents with an expiration date before today's date are to be saved.
document-expiration-date: Specify a date when all documents that have an expiration date before this date are to be saved.
- Specifies that documents and folders that have a creation date during the time period specified are to be saved. The time period is specified by a starting time and date and an ending time and date. This parameter is valid only when DLO(*SEARCH) is specified.
Element 1: Starting Time
*AVAIL: Documents and folders created at any time are eligible for selection.
starting-time: Specify the starting time.
When the starting time is used as a search value, the starting date must not be *BEGIN. The starting time must be the same as the value specified on the REFCHGTIME parameter when the REFCHGTIME parameter is specified.
The time is specified in 24-hour format with or without a time separator as follows:
- With a time separator, specify a string of 5 or 8 digits, where the time separator for the job separates the hours, minutes, and seconds. If you issue this command from the command line, the string must be enclosed in apostrophes. If a time separator other than the separator specified for your job is used, this command fails.
- Without a time separator, specify a string of 4 or 6 digits (hhmm or hhmmss) where hh = hours, mm = minutes, and ss = seconds. Valid values for hh range from 00 through 23. Valid values for mm and ss range from 00 through 59.
Element 2: Starting Date
*BEGIN: Documents and folders are saved regardless of the creation date associated with the object.
*CURRENT: The current date is used.
starting-date: Specify the starting date. The date must be specified in the job date format. The start date must be the same as the value specified on the REFCHGDATE parameter when the REFCHGDATE parameter is specified.
Element 3: Ending Time
Documents and folders must have been created before this time to be saved.
*AVAIL: Documents and folders created at any time are saved.
ending-time: Specify the ending time. When the ending time is to be used as a search value, the ending date must not be *END. See the description of starting-time for details about how time can be specified.
Element 4: Ending Date
Documents and folders must have been created on or before this date to be saved.
*END: Documents created on any date after the starting date are eligible to be saved.
ending-date: Specify the ending date in job date format.
- Specifies the class of documents being saved.
The class is assigned by the user when the document is created. This parameter is valid only when DLO(*SEARCH) SRCHTYPE(*DOC) is specified.
Note: Although document classes are user-assigned, double-byte character set (DBCS) data cannot be specified on this parameter. *ANY: The document class is not used to select documents being saved.
document-class: Specify a character string, ranging from 1 through 16 characters in length, that is used to select documents being saved.
- Specifies the owner of the documents and folders being saved. This parameter is valid only when DLO(*SEARCH) is specified.
*CURRENT: Documents and folders owned by the user issuing this command are to be saved.
*ALL: The OWNER parameter is not used to select documents and folders to be saved. *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS special authority is required when OWNER(*ALL) is specified.
user-profile-name: Specify the name of the user who owns the documents and folders that are to be saved. All documents and folders owned by this user and that meet the other search values specified are to be saved. *ALLOBJ or *SAVSYS special authority is required if the user profile specified is other than the user profile of the user issuing this command.
- Specifies the date after which the folders that are created and the documents that are changed or created are to be saved. The change date is updated when the document content or description is changed. This parameter is valid only when DLO(*SEARCH) is specified.
*ANY: No specific date is specified. Documents are saved regardless of the date they were created or changed. Folders are saved regardless of the date they were created.
*SAVDLOALL: Folders that have been created and documents that have been created or changed since the last complete save operation are to be saved.
reference-date: Specify the date after which the created folders or the created or changed documents are saved.
- Specifies the time, relative to the date specified on the REFCHGDATE parameter, after which the folders that are created and the documents that are changed or created are to be saved. The change time is updated when the document content or description is changed. This parameter is valid only when DLO(*SEARCH) is specified.
*ANY: No time is specified. The documents are saved regardless of the date they were created or changed. Folders are saved regardless of the date they were created.
reference-time: Specify the time after which the created folders or the created or changed documents are saved. Information on how to specify time is in the CRTDATE parameter description.
- Specifies the system object name. This parameter is valid only when DLO(*SYSOBJNAM) is specified.
*NONE: The system object name is ignored.
system-object-name: Specify the system object name of the document to be saved. A full 10 characters must be specified. A maximum of 300 names can be specified.
- Specifies a document list that contains the names of documents to be saved. The document list must be in a folder and the folder must be specified on the FLR parameter. This parameter is valid only when DLO(*DOCL) is specified.
The user must have *USE authority to the document list.
Note: The document list must be the result of a local search, not a remote search. *NONE: Documents are not to be saved from a document list.
document-list: Specify the document list containing the names of the documents to be saved.
- Specifies the volume identifiers of the volumes, or the cartridge identifier of a tape in a tape media library device, on which the data is saved. The volumes must be placed in the device in the order specified on this parameter. More information on this parameter is in Commonly used parameters.
*MOUNTED: The data is saved on the volumes placed in the device. For a media library device, the volume to be used is the next cartridge in the category mounted by the Set Tape Category (SETTAPCGY) command.
Note: This value cannot be specified when using an optical media library device. volume-identifier: Specify the identifiers of up to 75 volumes in the order they are placed in the device and used to save the system data.
- Specifies the starting tape sequence number to use for saving the documents library objects.
*END: The system saves the document library objects starting after the last sequence number on the first tape. If the first tape is full, an error message is issued and the operation ends.
sequence-number: Specify the sequence number of the file that is used as a starting point to save the document library objects. Valid values range from 1 through 16777215.
- Specifies the expiration date of the diskette, tape, or optical file being created. The diskette, tape, or optical files cannot be overwritten until the expiration date. The expiration date must be later than or equal to the current date.
- This parameter is valid for tape, diskette, and optical files. For save operations to diskette, the expiration date specified must be later than the date of the save operation. Otherwise, the save and restore files whose expiration date has been exceeded may be lost when the next save and restore file is written during the save operation.
- Specifying this parameter does not protect against a later save operation specifying CLEAR(*ALL).
*PERM: The file is permanently protected.
expiration-date: Specify the date when protection for the file ends.
- Specifies the operation that is automatically performed on the tape or optical volume after the save operation ends. If more than one volume is used, this parameter applies only to the last volume used; all other volumes are unloaded when the end of the volume is reached.
Note: This parameter is valid only if a tape or optical device name is specified on the DEV parameter. For optical devices, *UNLOAD is the only special value supported, *REWIND and *LEAVE will be ignored. *REWIND: The tape is automatically rewound, but not unloaded, after the operation has ended.
*LEAVE: The tape is not rewound; another save operation can start at the current position on the tape.
*UNLOAD: The tape is automatically rewound and unloaded after the operation ends. Some optical devices will eject the volume after the operation ends.
- Specifies the name that identifies the data file on the tape or diskette used for the save. If the LABEL parameter is used, the label must be specified on the restore command.
*GEN: The system generates the label name.
data-file-identifier: Specify the data file identifier that is used as the label for the data file being used for the save operation. Up to 17 characters can be specified.
- Specifies the qualified name of the save file used to contain the save data.
The name of the save file can be qualified by one of the following library values:
*LIBL: All libraries in the job's library list are searched until the first match is found.
*CURLIB: The current library for the job is searched. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.
library-name: Specify the name of the library to be searched.
save-file-name: Specify the name of the save file.
- Specifies the names of one of more folders, or the generic names of each group of folders, to be excluded from the save operation. If a value other than *NONE is specified then up to 300 values can be specified.
*NONE: No folders are excluded from the save operation.
folder-name: Specify the name of the folder to be excluded from the save operation.
generic*-folder-name: Specify a generic name. A generic name is a character string of one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*); for example, ABC*. The asterisk (*) substitutes for any valid characters. A generic name specifies all folders with names that begin with the generic prefix, for which the user has authority. If an asterisk is not included with the generic (prefix) name, the system assumes it to be the complete folder name. For more information on the use of generic functions, refer to generic names.
- Specifies whether a list with information about the saved document library objects is created.
*NONE: No output is created.
*OUTFILE: The output is directed to a database file specified on the OUTFILE parameter. The file must have the same format as database file QAOJSAVO.
*PRINT: The output is printed with the job's spooled output.
- Specifies the qualified name of the database file to which the information about the document library objects is directed. If the file does not exist, this command creates a database file in the specified library. If a new file is created, the system uses QAOJSAVO in QSYS as a model with the format name of QJSDLO. This parameter is valid only when OUTPUT(*OUTFILE) is specified.
The name of the database file can be qualified by one of the following library values:
*LIBL: All libraries in the job's library list are searched until the first match is found.
*CURLIB: The current library for the job is searched. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.
library-name: Specify the name of the library to be searched.
database-file-name: Specify the name of the database file to be used.
- Specifies the name of the database file member to which the output is directed when OUTPUT(*OUTFILE) is specified.
Element 1: Member to Receive Output
*FIRST: The first member in the file receives the output. If OUTMBR(*FIRST) is specified and the member does not exist, the system creates a member with the name of the file specified on the OUTFILE parameter.
member-name: Specify the name of the file member that is to receive the output. If OUTMBR(member-name) is specified and the member does not exist, the system creates it.
Element 2: Operation to Perform on Member
*REPLACE: The existing records in the specified database file member are replaced by the new records.
*ADD: The new records are added to the existing information in the specified database file member.
- Specifies whether active data on the media is automatically cleared or replaced. Active data is any file on the media that has not expired. Clearing active data removes all files from the volume, starting at the specified sequence number for tape. Replacing active data on optical media replaces only the optical files created by this operation.
- Clearing a tape does not initialize it. You should initialize tapes to a standard label format before the save command is issued by using the Initialize Tape (INZTAP) command and specifying a value on the NEWVOL parameter.
- Clearing an optical volume does initialize it.
- Clearing a diskette does not initialize it. You should initialize diskettes to a save and restore format before the save command is issued by using the Initialize Diskette (INZDKT) command and specifying FMT(*SAVRST).
- If a volume that is not initialized is encountered during the save operation, an inquiry message is sent and an operator can initialize the volume.
*NONE: None of the media is automatically cleared. If the save operation encounters active data on a tape, diskette, or save file, an inquiry message is sent, allowing the operator to either end the save operation or clear the media. If the save operation encounters the specified optical file, an inquiry message is sent, allowing the operator to either end the save operation or replace the file.
*ALL: All of the media is automatically cleared.
If tapes are used and a sequence number is specified on the SEQNBR parameter, the first tape is cleared beginning at that sequence number. All tapes following that first tape are completely cleared. To clear the entire first tape, SEQNBR(1) must be specified.
*AFTER: All media after the first volume is automatically cleared. If the save operation encounters active data on the first tape or diskette, an inquiry message is sent, allowing the operator to either end the save operation or clear the media. If the save operation encounters the specified optical file on the first volume, an inquiry message is sent, allowing the operator to either end the save operation or replace the file.
Note: The *AFTER value is not valid for save files. *REPLACE: Active data on the media is automatically replaced. Optical volumes are not initialized. Tapes, diskettes, and save files are automatically cleared in the same way as the *ALL value.
- Specifies, only for filed documents, whether the system storage that is occupied by the document being saved is kept, deleted, or freed after the save operation is completed.
Note: STG(*DELETE) and STG(*FREE) are not valid when any of the following are specified:
*KEEP: The storage occupied by the document remains unchanged after the save operation.
*DELETE: The document object and all search terms are deleted from the system after the save operation.
*FREE: The document description and search terms remain on the system but the storage occupied by the document is deleted after the save operation.
- Specifies whether data compression is performed.
*DEV: If the tape device has the hardware compression feature installed, processing proceeds as if DTACPR(*YES) is specified. If the compression feature is not installed or if save data is written to a diskette or save file, processing proceeds as if DTACPR(*NO) is specified.
Note: If *DEV is specified on both the DTACPR parameter and the COMPACT parameter, only device data compaction is performed if compaction is supported on the device. Otherwise, data compression is performed if supported on the device. If *YES is specified on the DTACPR parameter and *DEV is specified on the COMPACT parameter, both device data compaction and device data compression are performed if supported on the device.
*NO: No data compression is performed.
*YES: If the save is to tape and the target device has the hardware compression feature, hardware compression is performed. If the feature is not present or if the save data is written to optical, diskette, or save file, software compression is performed. If the save operation is run while other jobs on the system are active and software compression is used, there may be an effect on the overall system performance.
- Specifies whether device data compaction is performed.
*DEV: Device data compaction is performed if the data is saved to tape and all tape devices specified on the DEV parameter support the compaction feature.
Note: If *DEV is specified on both the DTACPR parameter and the COMPACT parameter, only device data compaction is performed if compaction is supported on the device. Otherwise, data compression is performed if supported on the device. If *YES is specified on the DTACPR parameter and *DEV is specified on the COMPACT parameter, both device data compaction and device data compression are performed if supported on the device.
*NO: Device data compaction is not performed.
- Specifies the character identifier (graphic character set and code page) for data being specified as parameter values on this command. This character identifier (CHRID) is related to the display device used to specify the command. More information about CHRID processing is in the Application Display Programming
*SYSVAL: The system determines the graphic character set and code page values for the command parameters from the QCHRID system values.
*DEVD: The system determines the graphic character set and code page values for the command parameter from the display device description where the command is entered. This option is valid only when specified from an interactive job. If this value is specified in an interactive CL program or a batch job, an error message is sent.
graphic-character-set-identifier: Specify the graphic character set and code page values that were used to create the command parameters. Each value can be up to 3 bytes in length and must be separated by at least one blank.
- Specifies the release level of the operating system on which you intend to restore and use the object.
When specifying the target-release value, the format VxRxMx is used to specify the release, where Vx is the version, Rx is the release, and Mx is the modification level. For example, V5R2M0 is version 5, release 2, modification level 0.
Valid values depend on the current version, release, and modification level, and they change with each new release. See the Values for TGTRLS Parameter table in the Backup and Recovery book for a complete list of valid values.
*CURRENT: The object is to be restored to, and used on, the release of the operating system currently running on your system. The object can also be restored to a system with any subsequent release of the operating system installed.
*PRV: The object is to be restored to the previous release with modification level 0 of the operating system. The object can also be restored to a system with any subsequent release of the operating system installed.
target-release: Specify the release in the format VxRxMx. The object can be restored to a system with the specified release or with any subsequent release of the operating system installed.
- Specifies whether an object can be updated while it is being saved.
*NO: Objects are not allowed to be saved if they are in use by another job.
*YES: Objects are allowed to be changed during the save request.
Note: Some applications update document library objects directly, as the data is supplied to the application rather than saving the updates in a temporary file and then updating the DLOs. DLOs that are being updated directly (typically, those being updated by PC-based applications) will not be saved. See the Backup and recovery topic in the Information Center for more information on using this parameter.
- Specifies the amount of time to wait for an object that is in use before continuing the save. If a lock is not obtained in the specified time, the object is not saved.
120: The system waits up to 120 seconds for an object lock before continuing the save operation.
*NOMAX: No maximum wait time exists.
wait-time: Specify the time (in seconds) to wait for an object lock before continuing the save operation. Valid values range from 0 through 99,999.
- Specifies the number of the auxiliary storage pool (ASP) of the document library object to be saved.
*ANY: The objects to be saved reside in any ASP. When *ALL is specified on the DLO parameter, all document library objects on the system are saved.
auxiliary-storage-pool-number: Specify the ASP to be saved. Only document library objects that reside in the specified ASP are to be saved. All document library objects in other ASPs are ignored. Valid values must designate an existing ASP that contains document library objects. ASP 1 is the system ASP.
Note: Mail that has not been filed and documents that are not in a folder reside in the system ASP.
- Specifies the path name of the optical file that is used for the save operation, beginning with the root directory of the volume. For more information on specifying path names, refer to path names.
'*': The system generates an optical file name in the root directory of the optical volume.
'optical-directory-path-name/*': The system generates an optical file name in the specified directory of the optical volume.
'optical-file-path-name': Specify the path name of the optical file.
- Specifies whether or not the optimum block size is used for the save operation.
*YES: The optimum block size supported by the device is used for Save commands. If the block size that is used is larger than a block size that is supported by all device types then:
- Performance may improve.
- The tape file that is created is only compatible with a device that supports the block size used. Commands such as Duplicate Tape (DUPTAP) do not duplicate files unless the files are being duplicated to a device which supports the same block size that was used.
- The value for the DTACPR parameter is ignored.
If the target release value that is specified is earlier than V3R7M0 then the block size supported by all device types is used.
*NO: The optimum block size supported by the device is not used. Save commands use the default block size supported by all device types. The tape volume can be duplicated to any media format using the Duplicate Tape (DUPTAP) command.
Examples for SAVDLO
Example 1: Performing a Complete Save Operation
SAVDLO DLO(*ALL) FLR(*ANY) DEV(TAP01)This command saves all folders, documents, and mail to the tape device TAP01.
Example 2: Saving All Changes
SAVDLO DLO(*CHG) DEV(TAP01)This command saves all documents created or changed since the last complete save operation, folders created since the last complete save operation, and all mail.
Example 3: Saving An Entire ASP
SAVDLO DLO(*ALL) DEV(TAP01) FLR(*ANY) ASP(2)This command saves all folders and documents in user ASP 2.
Example 4: Saving Objects Changed After a Specific Date
SAVDLO DLO(*SEARCH) DEV(TAP01) OWNER(*ALL) REFCHGDATE('01/01/92')This command saves all documents changed or created after 01/01/92. This command is useful for saving changes between backups of the documents. This command is similar to the Save Changed Objects (SAVCHGOBJ) used for other object types.
Example 5: Saving Documents and Folders Changed After a Specific Date
SAVDLO DLO(*SEARCH) DEV(TAP01) SRCHTYPE(*ALL) OWNER(*ALL) REFCHGDATE('01/01/92')This command saves all folders created since 01/01/92 and all documents created or changed since 01/01/92.
Example 6: Saving Documents Created After a Specific Date
SAVDLO DLO(*SEARCH) DEV(TAP01) CRTDATE((*AVAIL '01/01/92')) OWNER(*ALL)This command saves all documents created or changed since 01/01/92.
Example 7: Saving Documents and Folders Created After a Specific Date
SAVDLO DLO(*SEARCH) DEV(TAP01) SRCHTYPE(*ALL) CRTDATE((*AVAIL '01/01/92')) OWNER(*ALL)This command saves all documents and folders created since 01/01/92.
Example 8: Freeing System Storage During the Save Operation
SAVDLO DLO(DOCX) FLR(FOLDERA) DEV(DKT01) STG(*FREE)This command saves the document named DOCX in folder FOLDERA to the diskette device DKT01. As part of the save operation, the system storage that was occupied by the data portion of the document is freed.
Example 9: Saving Folders
SAVDLO DLO(*ALL) DEV(*SAVF) FLR(BILL TOM MARY) SAVF(SAVF1)This command saves the folders BILL, TOM, and MARY, and all the documents in these folders.
Example 10: Saving Just the Folder Level of a Folder
SAVDLO DLO(*FLRLVL) FLR(DEC01) DEV(*SAVF) SAVF(MYLIB/SAVF1)This command saves folder DEC01 in folder STATUS and all the documents in this folder to save file SAVF1 in library MYLIB. Subfolders in this folder are not saved.
Example 11: Saving Just Mail
SAVDLO DLO(*MAIL) DEV(*SAVF)This command saves all distribution objects and all documents referred to by a mail log.
Error messages for SAVDLO
*ESCAPE Messages
- CPF3728
- Device &1 specified with other devices.
- CPF3733
- &2 &1 in &3 previously damaged.
- CPF3767
- Device &1 not found.
- CPF3768
- Device &1 not valid for command.
- CPF3793
- Machine storage limit reached.
- CPF3812
- Save file &1 in &2 in use.
- CPF384D
- Save or restore operation not allowed on ASP &1.
- CPF384E
- USEOPTBLK(*YES) not valid for CD-ROM premastering.
- ASP &5 is not valid.
- CPF8A47
- Internal system objects in use.
- CPF90B2
- List of folder names not valid with DLO parameter.
- CPF90C1
- Document list &1 empty.
- CPF90C2
- Document list &1 not used.
- CPF90D7
- Documents not saved.
- CPF90E1
- Folder &1 cannot be used with TGTRLS(*PRV).
- CPF90E5
- Not authorized to document list &1.
- CPF9006
- User not enrolled in system distribution directory.
- CPF902E
- &1 document library objects saved. &10 not saved.
- CPF903B
- Too many objects for save file.
- CPF903C
- No document library objects saved.
- CPF9030
- Owner profile (&1) not found.
- CPF9046
- No documents found satisfying search specification in folder &1.
- CPF9053
- Not authorized to requested function.
- CPF9056
- Not authorized to requested function.
- CPF906B
- No document library objects saved.
- CPF908A
- Requester &1 not enrolled.
- CPF9096
- Cannot use CMDCHRID(*DEVD), DOCCHRID(*DEVD) in batch job.
- CPF941B
- Save data area &1 in use.
- CPF9410
- &1 document library objects saved. &10 not saved.
- CPF9411
- Changes for ASP &1 not saved.
- CPF9417
- CRTDATE value not valid with REFCHGDATE or REFCHGTIME.
- CPF9418
- SAVF or OPTFILE parameter not valid.
- CPF9419
- LABEL(*GEN) required.
- CPF9810
- Library &1 not found.
- CPF9812
- File &1 in library &2 not found.
- CPF9820
- Not authorized to use library &1.
- CPF9822
- Not authorized to file &1 in library &2.
- CPF9825
- Not authorized to device &1.
- CPF9830
- Cannot assign library &1.
- CPF9831
- Cannot assign device &1.
- CPF9845
- Error occurred while opening file &1.
- CPF9846
- Error while processing file &1 in library &2.
- CPF9850
- Override of printer file &1 not allowed.
- CPF9851
- Overflow value for file &1 in &2 too small.
- CPF9860
- Error occurred during output file processing.
- CPF9899
- Error occurred during processing of command.