SAVBRM (Save Object Using BRM) syntax diagram

Job: B,I Pgm: B,I REXX: B,I Exec
Threadsafe: No
           |          .-*NONE--------------.    |
                      |         (1)        |
   |             .-*NO--.    |
         | .----------------------. |
         | V                 (2)  | |
   |       .-*------------------------.  .-*INCLUDE-.    |
   |           .-*ALL--.    |  |          .-*NO---.    |
   '-SUBTREE(--+-*DIR--+--)-'  '-SAVACT(--+-*YES--+--)-'
               +-*NONE-+                  '-*SYNC-'
   |             .-*NONE------.    |
   |              .-*NONE---------------------------------.    |
                  | .-*LIBL/--------.                     |
   |            (4)   .-*BKUPCY-.    |
   |          (4)   .-*FULL-.    |
   |          .-*REWIND-.    |
   |         (4)   .-*END-----------------.    |
   |         (4)   .-*CURRENT------.    |
   |        (4)   .-*NONE--.    |
   |         (4)   .-*NO--.    |
   |         (4)   .-*DEV-.    |
   |          (4)   .-*DEV-.    |
   |          (4)   .-*REF-----------.    |
   |          (4)   .-*REF-----------.    |
   |          (5)   .-*MEDPCY---------.    |
   |               .-*MEDPCY-----.    |
   |         (5)   |       (6)   |    |
   |               .-*MEDPCY-----.    |
   |         (5)   |       (6)   |    |
   |      (5)   .-*MEDPCY--.    |
   |       (5)   .-*MEDPCY-.    |
   |          (5)   .-*MEDPCY--------------.    |
   |          (5)   .-*MEDPCY---------.    |
   |         (5)   .-*MEDPCY-------.    |
   |               .-*MEDPCY----.    |
   |         (5)   |       (6)  |    |
   |         (5)   .-*MEDPCY----------------.    |
                   |                   (7)  |
   |          (5)   .-*MEDPCY---.    |
                    |      (7)  |
   |         .-*NEW----.    |
   |             (8)   .-*NONE------------------------------.    |
   |             (8)   .-*NONE--------------.    |


  1. Advanced Functions feature required to use value.

  2. A maximum of 4 repetitions. Only 1 device if MEDCLS(*ADSM) is specified.

  3. All parameters preceding this point can be specified positionally.

  4. If CTLGRPATR(*YES) is specified, this parameter cannot be specified. The value for this parameter will be determined from the attributes of the control group specified on the CTLGRP parameter.

  5. If CTLGRPATR(*YES) is specified, the value *MEDPCY must be specified.

  6. *ADSM required when MOVPCY(*ADSM), MEDCLS(*ADSM), or VOLSEC(*ADSM) is specified.

  7. Not allowed when MEDCLS(*ADSM).

  8. RCYEXITPGM and RCYEXITDTA can be specified only if PKGID(*NEW) is specified.