Integrated File System Introduction

Move objects to another file system

Before using the integrated file system to move objects between file systems, review the Considerations for moving objects to another file system.

To move objects to another file system, perform the following steps:

  1. Save a copy of all objects that you are planning to move.

    Having a backup copy allows you to restore the objects to the original file system if you find that applications cannot access the objects in the file system to which you have moved them.

    You cannot save objects from one file system and restore them to another.
  2. Create the directories in the file system that you want to move the objects to using the Create Directory (CRTDIR) command.

    You should carefully examine the attributes of the directory the objects are currently in to determine if you want to duplicate those attributes on the directories you create. For example, the user who creates the directory is its owner, rather than the user who owned the old directory. You may want to transfer ownership of the directory after you have created it, if the file system supports setting the owner of a directory.

  3. Move the files to the file system that you have chosen using the Move (MOV) command.

    MOV is recommended because it preserves the ownership of the objects, if the file system supports setting the ownership of objects. You can, however, use the Copy (CPY) command to preserve the ownership of the objects by using the OWNER(*KEEP) parameter. Keep in mind that this only works for file systems that support setting the owner of an object. Note that when using MOV or CPY:

    • Attributes may not match and may be discarded.
    • Extended attributes may be discarded.
    • Authorities may not be equivalent and may be discarded.

    This means that if you decide to return the object to its original file system, you may not want to just move or copy it back because of the attributes and authorities that have been discarded. The safest way to return an object is to restore a saved version of it.

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