Integrated File System Introduction

Journaled integrated file system objects

Some integrated file system object types can be journaled using OS/400 journaling support. The object types supported are stream files, directories, and symbolic links. The "root" (/), QOpenSys, and UDFS are the only file systems that support journaling of these object types. Integrated file system objects can be journaled using either the traditional system interface (CL commands or APIs) or by using iSeries Navigator. You can Start journaling and End journaling through iSeries Navigator, as well as display journaling information.

Memory mapped stream files and stream files that are used by the Integrated xSeries Server for iSeries (IXS) for virtual drive storage space can not be journaled.

Following is a list that summarizes journaling support in the integrated file system:

For more detailed information on journaling integrated file system objects, refer to Journal management in the iSeries Information Center.

For more information about the layout of various journal entries, there is a C language include file, qp0ljrnl.h, shipped in member QSYSINC/H (QP0LJRNL), that contains details of the integrated file system journal entry specific data content and formats.

For a complete list of all journal entries deposited for integrated file system objects, refer to the Journal code finder in the iSeries Information Center.

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