Integrated File System Introduction
Example: Convert all file systems (small number of objects)
System A has five auxiliary storage pools (ASPs) configured: 1 (the system ASP), 3, 5, 11, and 25. None of the file systems have been converted from *TYPE1 directories to *TYPE2 directories on the system. You would like to convert all of the file systems. The file systems do not contain a large number of objects, so you plan to perform all the steps in a single day.
To convert directories in all file systems that have a small number of objects:
- Put the system in restricted state.
- Type RCLSTG SELECT(*ALL) on the command line.
- Save the system using the Save menu. Type GO SAVE on the command line, and select option 21.
- Check for any error messages from the *ESTIMATE function.
- Verify all ASPs have enough available auxiliary storage space.
- Type CVTDIR OPTION(*CONVERT) FILESYS(*ALL) FORMAT(*TYPE2) on the command line.
- When converting all file systems (*ALL), message CPAA084 is displayed and asks you to verify that the listed file systems are to be converted.
- Check for any error messages from the *CONVERT function.
- Take the system out of restricted state.
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