Integrated File System Introduction
Appendix B. Example program using integrated file system C functions
This simple C language program illustrates the use of several integrated file system functions. The program performs the following operations:
- (1)
- Uses the getuid() function to determine the real user ID (uid).
- (2)
- Uses the getcwd() function to determine the current directory.
- (3)
- Uses the open() function to create a file. It establishes read, write, and execute authority to the file for the owner (the person who created the file).
- (4)
- Uses the write() function to write a byte string to the file. The file descriptor that was provided in the open operation ((3)), identifies the file.
- (5)
- Uses the close() function to close the file.
- (6)
- Uses the mkdir() function to create a new subdirectory in the current directory. The owner is given read, write, and execute access to the subdirectory.
- (7)
- Uses the chdir() function to change the new subdirectory to the current directory.
- (8)
- Uses the link() function to create a link to the file that was previously created ((3)).
- (9)
- Uses the open() function to open the file for read only. The link that was created in ((8)) allows access to the file.
- (10)
- Uses the read() function to read a byte string from the file. The file descriptor that was provided in the open operation ((9)) identifies the file.
- (11)
- Uses the close() function to close the file.
- (12)
- Uses the unlink() function to remove the link to the file.
- (13)
- Uses the chdir() function to change the current directory back to the parent directory in which the new subdirectory was created.
- (14)
- Uses the rmdir() function to remove the subdirectory that was previously created ((6)).
- (15)
- Uses the unlink() function to remove the file that was previously created ((3)).
- This sample program will run correctly on systems where the CCSID of the job in which it is run is 37. The integrated file system APIs must have the object and path names encoded in the job's CCSID; however, the C compiler stores character constants in CCSID 37. For complete compatibility, translate character constants, such as object and path names, before passing APIs to the job's CCSID.
This disclaimer information pertains to code examples.
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #define BUFFER_SIZE 2048 #define NEW_DIRECTORY "testdir" #define TEST_FILE "test.file" #define TEST_DATA "Hello World!" #define USER_ID "user_id_" #define PARENT_DIRECTORY ".." char InitialFile[BUFFER_SIZE]; char LinkName[BUFFER_SIZE]; char InitialDirectory[BUFFER_SIZE] = "."; char Buffer[32]; int FilDes = -1; int BytesRead; int BytesWritten; uid_t UserID; void CleanUpOnError(int level) { printf("Error encountered, cleaning up.\n"); switch ( level ) { case 1: printf("Could not get current working directory.\n"); break; case 2: printf("Could not create file %s.\n",TEST_FILE); break; case 3: printf("Could not write to file %s.\n",TEST_FILE); close(FilDes); unlink(TEST_FILE); break; case 4: printf("Could not close file %s.\n",TEST_FILE); close(FilDes); unlink(TEST_FILE); break; case 5: printf("Could not make directory %s.\n",NEW_DIRECTORY); unlink(TEST_FILE); break; case 6: printf("Could not change to directory %s.\n",NEW_DIRECTORY); rmdir(NEW_DIRECTORY); unlink(TEST_FILE); break; case 7: printf("Could not create link %s to %s.\n",LinkName,InitialFile); chdir(PARENT_DIRECTORY); rmdir(NEW_DIRECTORY); unlink(TEST_FILE); break; case 8: printf("Could not open link %s.\n",LinkName); unlink(LinkName); chdir(PARENT_DIRECTORY); rmdir(NEW_DIRECTORY); unlink(TEST_FILE); break; case 9: printf("Could not read link %s.\n",LinkName); close(FilDes); unlink(LinkName); chdir(PARENT_DIRECTORY); rmdir(NEW_DIRECTORY); unlink(TEST_FILE); break; case 10: printf("Could not close link %s.\n",LinkName); close(FilDes); unlink(LinkName); chdir(PARENT_DIRECTORY); rmdir(NEW_DIRECTORY); unlink(TEST_FILE); break; case 11: printf("Could not unlink link %s.\n",LinkName); unlink(LinkName); chdir(PARENT_DIRECTORY); rmdir(NEW_DIRECTORY); unlink(TEST_FILE); break; case 12: printf("Could not change to directory %s.\n",PARENT_DIRECTORY); chdir(PARENT_DIRECTORY); rmdir(NEW_DIRECTORY); unlink(TEST_FILE); break; case 13: printf("Could not remove directory %s.\n",NEW_DIRECTORY); rmdir(NEW_DIRECTORY); unlink(TEST_FILE); break; case 14: printf("Could not unlink file %s.\n",TEST_FILE); unlink(TEST_FILE); break; default: break; } printf("Program ended with Error.\n"\ "All test files and directories may not have been removed.\n"); } int main () { (1) /* Get and print the real user id with the getuid() function. */ UserID = getuid(); printf("The real user id is %u. \n",UserID); (2) /* Get the current working directory and store it in InitialDirectory. */ if ( NULL == getcwd(InitialDirectory,BUFFER_SIZE) ) { perror("getcwd Error"); CleanUpOnError(1); return 0; } printf("The current working directory is %s. \n",InitialDirectory); (3) /* Create the file TEST_FILE for writing, if it does not exist. Give the owner authority to read, write, and execute. */ FilDes = open(TEST_FILE, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, S_IRWXU); if ( -1 == FilDes ) { perror("open Error"); CleanUpOnError(2); return 0; } printf("Created %s in directory %s.\n",TEST_FILE,InitialDirectory); (4) /* Write TEST_DATA to TEST_FILE via FilDes */ BytesWritten = write(FilDes,TEST_DATA,strlen(TEST_DATA)); if ( -1 == BytesWritten ) { perror("write Error"); CleanUpOnError(3); return 0; } printf("Wrote %s to file %s.\n",TEST_DATA,TEST_FILE); (5) /* Close TEST_FILE via FilDes */ if ( -1 == close(FilDes) ) { perror("close Error"); CleanUpOnError(4); return 0; } FilDes = -1; printf("File %s closed.\n",TEST_FILE); (6) /* Make a new directory in the current working directory and grant the owner read, write and execute authority */ if ( -1 == mkdir(NEW_DIRECTORY, S_IRWXU) ) { perror("mkdir Error"); CleanUpOnError(5); return 0; } printf("Created directory %s in directory %s.\n",NEW_DIRECTORY,InitialDirectory); (7) /* Change the current working directory to the directory NEW_DIRECTORY just created. */ if ( -1 == chdir(NEW_DIRECTORY) ) { perror("chdir Error"); CleanUpOnError(6); return 0; } printf("Changed to directory %s/%s.\n",InitialDirectory,NEW_DIRECTORY); /* Copy PARENT_DIRECTORY to InitialFile and append "/" and TEST_FILE to InitialFile. */ strcpy(InitialFile,PARENT_DIRECTORY); strcat(InitialFile,"/"); strcat(InitialFile,TEST_FILE); /* Copy USER_ID to LinkName then append the UserID as a string to LinkName. */ strcpy(LinkName, USER_ID); sprintf(Buffer, "%d\0", (int)UserID); strcat(LinkName, Buffer); (8) /* Create a link to the InitialFile name with the LinkName. */ if ( -1 == link(InitialFile,LinkName) ) { perror("link Error"); CleanUpOnError(7); return 0; } printf("Created a link %s to %s.\n",LinkName,InitialFile); (9) /* Open the LinkName file for reading only. */ if ( -1 == (FilDes = open(LinkName,O_RDONLY)) ) { perror("open Error"); CleanUpOnError(8); return 0; } printf("Opened %s for reading.\n",LinkName); (10) /* Read from the LinkName file, via FilDes, into Buffer. */ BytesRead = read(FilDes,Buffer,sizeof(Buffer)); if ( -1 == BytesRead ) { perror("read Error"); CleanUpOnError(9); return 0; } printf("Read %s from %s.\n",Buffer,LinkName); if ( BytesRead != BytesWritten ) { printf("WARNING: the number of bytes read is "\ "not equal to the number of bytes written.\n"); } (11) /* Close the LinkName file via FilDes. */ if ( -1 == close(FilDes) ) { perror("close Error"); CleanUpOnError(10); return 0; } FilDes = -1; printf("Closed %s.\n",LinkName); (12) /* Unlink the LinkName link to InitialFile. */ if ( -1 == unlink(LinkName) ) { perror("unlink Error"); CleanUpOnError(11); return 0; } printf("%s is unlinked.\n",LinkName); (13) /* Change the current working directory back to the starting directory. */ if ( -1 == chdir(PARENT_DIRECTORY) ) { perror("chdir Error"); CleanUpOnError(12); return 0; } printf("changing directory to %s.\n",InitialDirectory); (14) /* Remove the directory NEW_DIRECTORY */ if ( -1 == rmdir(NEW_DIRECTORY) ) { perror("rmdir Error"); CleanUpOnError(13); return 0; } printf("Removing directory %s.\n",NEW_DIRECTORY); (15) /* Unlink the file TEST_FILE */ if ( -1 == unlink(TEST_FILE) ) { perror("unlink Error"); CleanUpOnError(14); return 0; } printf("Unlinking file %s.\n",TEST_FILE); printf("Program completed successfully.\n"); return 0; }
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