RST (Restore) syntax diagram

Job: B,I Pgm: B,I REXX: B,I Exec
Threadsafe: No
              | .-----------------------------.       |
              | V                             | (1)   |
   |       .---------------------------------------------------------------------------.    |
   |       |    .-'*'---------------------.                                            |    |
   |       V    |                    (2)  |  .-*INCLUDE-.  .-*SAME-----------.    (3)  |    |
   |           .-*ALL--.    |  |          .-*LCL-.    |
   '-SUBTREE(--+-*DIR--+--)-'  '-SYSTEM(--+-*RMT-+--)-'
               +-*NONE-+                  '-*ALL-'
   '-SAVTIME(--time-when-saved--)-'  |          .-*ALL-.    |
   |             .-*NONE---------------.    |
                 | .------------.      |
                 | V            | (1)  |
   |             .-*SYSVAL--------.    |
                 |       .-*RQD-. |
   |         .-*SAVED-.    |
   |                  (5)                        |
   |       .-*MOUNTED-----------------------.    |
   |       | .-----------------------.      |    |
   |       | V                       | (6)  |    |
   |         .-*SEARCH------------------.    |
   |         (7)   .-*SEARCH---------.    |
   |          .-*REWIND-.    |
   |           .-*-------------------------------.    |
   |          .-*NONE-------------------.    |
   |           .-*ALL-----.    |


  1. A maximum of 4 repetitions.

  2. You can specify a pattern for this path name.

  3. A maximum of 300 repetitions.

  4. All parameters preceding this point can be specified in positional form.

  5. This value cannot be specified when using an optical media library device.

  6. A maximum of 75 repetitions.

  7. Applies to tape devices only.