RSTDLO (Restore Document Library Object) syntax diagram

Job: B,I Pgm: B,I REXX: B,I Exec
Threadsafe: No
                 | .--------------------. |
                 | V               (1)  | |
         | .-----------------------.      |
         | V                  (2)  |      |
   |          .-*ANY-----------------------.    |
   |          |       (4)                  |    |
              | .------------------------. |
              | V                   (1)  | |
   |          .-*SAME----------------------.    |
   |          | .------------------------. |    |
   |          | V                   (1)  | |    |
   |          .-*SAME--------------------.    |
   |          |                     (5)  |    |
   |             .-*NONE-----------------------.    |
   |             | .-------------------------. |    |
   |             | V                    (1)  | |    |
   |                  (6)                    |
   |       .-*MOUNTED-------------------.    |
   |       | .------------------------. |    |
   |       | V                   (7)  | |    |
   |                   .-*SEARCH-----------------------------------------------.    |
   |         (8) (9)   |                            .-*ONLY------------------. |    |
   |          .-*REWIND-.    |
   |         .-*GEN-----------------.    |
   |        .-*LIBL/--------.                    |
   |          .-*SAME-.    |
   |             .-*NONE-.    |
   |          .-*ANY--------------------------------.    |
   |          |                               (10)  |    |
   |                    (11)                       |
   |          .-*SAVASP-----------------------.    |
   |          .-*NONE----.    |
   |          (12)   .-*LIBL/--------.                        |
   |         (12)   .-*FIRST------.  .-*REPLACE-.    |
   |           .-'*'-----------------------------.    |


  1. A maximum of 300 repetitions.

  2. A maximum of 4 repetitions.

  3. All parameters preceding this point can be specified positionally.

  4. *NONE is valid only when DLO(*ALL) is specified.

  5. This value is not valid when DLO(*SYSOBJNAM) is specified.

  6. This value cannot be specified when using an optical media library device.

  7. A maximum of 75 repetitions.

  8. For restore from diskette, or if SEQNBR(*SEARCH) is used to restore from tape, only the first file on diskette or tape that contains saved documents is restored.

  9. Applies to tape devices only.

  10. This value is not valid when a user-defined value is specified on the LABEL parameter.

  11. This value is required when DLO(*MAIL) is specified.

  12. This parameter is valid only when OUTPUT(*OUTFILE) is specified.