RNMDIRE (Rename Directory Entry)

RNMDIRE Command syntax diagram



The Rename Directory Entry (RNMDIRE) command renames a local or remote user identifier (ID) and user address to a new user ID and user address. A rename operation is not allowed for generic (*ANY) user IDs or default directory entries (QSYS, QDFTOWN, QLPAUTO, QLPINSTL). This command renames all occurrences of the specified user ID and address in all IBM-supplied files.

It is recommended that this job be scheduled during low-use periods using the Submit Job (SBMJOB) command. Rename is a long-running operation that does not allow OfficeVision or calendar activity while it is running.

Only one rename operation can be run on the system at one time. If the rename is submitted to batch, the job waits for an active rename to complete.



  1. You must have security administrator (*SECADM) or all object (*ALLOBJ) authority to rename the user ID and user address.
  2. The following must be ended before an entry can be renamed:

    • OfficeVision
    • Client Access/400
    • Hierarchical file support
    • QSNADS subsystem
    • TCP/IP electronic mail job (QTMSMTP)
    • Automatic cleanup through Operational Assistant*

    If any one of these are in use during the rename request, the request fails and an error message is sent.


Required Parameters

Specifies the user ID and address of the directory entry being renamed. Both elements must be specified. If lowercase characters are specified, the system stores them as uppercase characters. More information about specifying the user ID and address is in the SNA Distribution Services book.

Element 1: User ID

user-ID: Specify the current user ID for the directory entry. A maximum of 8 characters can be specified. If this value is specified, an address must be specified on Element 2.

Element 2: Address

address: Specify the current address for the directory entry. A maximum of 8 characters can be specified. If this value is specified, a user ID must be specified on Element 1.

Specifies the user ID and address to which the old user ID and address is being renamed. Both elements must be specified but only one element needs to be different from the user ID and address specified on the OLDUSRID parameter.

The new user ID and address specified cannot be an existing user ID and address or exist as a forward-from value in the directory.

If the entry being renamed is in error from a previous rename request, you can continue with the rename operation or back out the changes and reset the files to the original values. To back out the changes, specify *BACKOUT on this parameter. To continue with the rename operation, do not change the value of this parameter (if the value is changed this is an error).

If lowercase characters are specified, the system stores them as uppercase characters.

*BACKOUT: Back out of the rename directory entry operation. This value is only allowed on a directory entry that is in error as the result of a previous rename. This value sets the user ID and address in all IBM-supplied files changed by a previous rename request to the values specified on the OLDUSRID parameter.

Element 1: User ID

user-ID: Specify the new user ID for the directory entry. A maximum of 8 characters can be specified. If this value is specified, an address must be specified on Element 2.

Element 2: Address

address: Specify the new address for the directory entry. A maximum of 8 characters can be specified. If this value is specified, a user ID must be specified on Element 1.

Note: Changing the address element does not change the system name of the directory entry. If you want distributions for the user forwarded to a system other than what is specified by the directory entry, you must change the system name for the directory entry using the Change Directory Entry (CHGDIRE) command.


Optional Parameters

Specifies whether distributions are automatically forwarded from the old user ID and address or a specified user ID and address. This value is valid only for local users.

*NONE: Distributions are not forwarded.

*OLDUSRID: All distributions are forwarded from the old user ID and address.

Element 1: User ID

user-ID: Specify the user ID from which distributions are to be forwarded. A maximum of 8 characters can be specified. If this value is specified, an address must be specified on Element 2.

Element 2: Address

address: Specify the address from which distributions are to be forwarded. A maximum of 8 characters can be specified. If this value is specified, a user ID must be specified on Element 1.

Specifies whether the current network user ID and address are renamed to the new user ID and address. The network user ID is used in shadowing to uniquely identify a user in the network. The default is the user ID and address. If you are using directory shadowing with the user ID and address as the unique value in the network, you can also change this value to the new user ID and address specified on the NEWUSRID parameter.

*SAME: The value does not change.

*NEWUSRID: The network user ID and address are changed to the new user ID and address.

Examples for RNMDIRE

Example 1: Renaming a User ID


This command renames the current user ID HURST PAYROLL to the new user ID HURST NEWYORK. Distributions sent to the old user ID and address are forwarded.

Example 2: Renaming a User ID and Network User ID


This command renames the current user ID HURST PAYROLL and the current network user ID to the new user ID HURST NEWYORK. Distributions sent to the old user ID and address are forwarded.

Error messages for RNMDIRE

*ESCAPE Messages

Rename failed for user ID and address &1 &2.
Rename completed with errors. See previously listed messages.