RMVLANADPI (Remove LAN Adapter Information)
RMVLANADPI Command syntax diagram
The Remove Local Area Network Adapter Information (RMVLANADPI) command removes an adapter name entry from the adapter file.
Required Parameters
- Specifies the name of the entry being removed from the adapter file.
*ADPTADR: The adapter address is used to identify the adapter entry being removed.
adapter-name: Specify the name of the adapter entry to remove. The name can be a maximum of 10 characters in length.
Optional Parameters
- Specifies the 12-character hexadecimal adapter address.
Example for RMVLANADPI
RMVLANADPI ADPTNAME(PAYROLL)This command removes the adapter PAYROLL from the adapter file.
Error messages for RMVLANADPI
*ESCAPE Messages
- CPF8B43
- Request to remove adapter &29 from network adapter file failed. Adapter not found.
- CPF8B44
- Adapter address required.
- CPF8B62
- Adapter &29 on line &23 not removed. Adapter not found in network adapter file.
- CPF8B68
- Line description &23 not found.
- CPF8B74
- Request to display active adapters failed.
- CPF8B75
- No adapter entries in network adapter file.
- CPF8B76
- No functional addresses for adapter.