RMVDSTSYSN (Remove Distribution Secondary System Name) Command Description
RMVDSTSYSN Command syntax diagram
The Remove Distribution Secondary System Name (RMVDSTSYSN) command removes an entry from the distribution services secondary system name table. The table contains the names of all of the alternate (or alias) systems for which the local system receives distributions. When an alternate system name is removed from the table, the local system no longer receives distributions for the alternate system.
Interactive display support is provided by the Configure Distribution Services (CFGDSTSRV) command. More information about configuring a distribution network is in the SNA Distribution Services book.
System names and system group names are translated to the graphic character set and code page 930 500, using the job's coded character set identifier (CCSID).
Restriction: This command is shipped with public *EXCLUDE authority, and the QPGMR or QSYSOPR user profiles have private authorities to the command.
Required Parameters
- Specifies the alternate system name and system group name being removed from the distribution services secondary system name table.
Element 1: System Name
system-name: Specify the name of the system for which this system is no longer to receive distributions.
Element 2: System Group Name
system-group: Specify the system group name of the system for which this system is no longer to receive distributions. The system name and group name must be separated by at least one blank.
Example for RMVDSTSYSN
RMVDSTSYSN SYSNAME(SYS2LAJ1 ROCHESTR)This command removes the system named SYS2LAJ1 ROCHESTR from the distribution services secondary system name table.
Error messages for RMVDSTSYSN
*ESCAPE Messages
- CPF8807
- Error occurred while using QSNADS journal.
- CPF8818
- Secondary system name table entry &1 &2 not found.
- CPF8835
- System name/Group &1 &2 already specified.
- CPF8837
- System name/Group &1 &2 in use by another distribution services function.
- CPF9845
- Error occurred while opening file &1.
- CPF9846
- Error while processing file &1 in library &2.
- CPF9847
- Error occurred while closing file &1 in library &2.
- CPF9899
- Error occurred during processing of command.