RMVCRGDEVE (Remove Cluster Resource Group Device Entry) Command Description

RMVCRGDEVE Command syntax diagram



The Remove Cluster Resource Group Device Entry (RMVCRGDEVE) command removes one or more configuration objects from a device cluster resource group. All configuration object entries can be removed but at least one configuration object entry must exist before the Start Cluster Resource Group (STRCRG) command can be called.

Ownership of the hardware associated with the configuration object being removed is not affected. The hardware is still owned by whatever node owned it before this command was called.

If an exit program is specified for the cluster resource group, the cluster resource group exit program is called with an action code of Remove Device Entry on all active nodes in the recovery domain. The cluster resource group status is set to Remove Device Entry Pending. If the exit program completes successfully, the cluster resource group status is reset to its value at the time the command was called. If the exit program fails and the cluster resource group cannot be restored to its original condition, the cluster resource group status is set to Indoubt.


  1. To use this command have *IOSYSCFG authority.
  2. This CL command cannot be called from a cluster resource group exit program.
  3. Cluster Resource Services must be active on the node processing the request.
  4. At least one node in the recovery domain must be active.
  5. If the cluster resource group is Active, the last device entry cannot be removed. The cluster resource group must be ended first.


Required Parameters

Specifies the name of the cluster to which the cluster resource group belongs.

cluster-name: Specify the name of the cluster which contains the cluster resource group.

Specifies the name of the cluster resource group from which device list entries are being removed.

cluster-resource-group-name: Specify the name of the cluster resource group.

Specifies the resilient devices that are to be removed from the cluster resource group.

Element 1: Configuration Object Name

Specifies the auxiliary storage pool device description object which will be removed from the device list of the cluster resource group.

configuration-object: Specify the device description name.

Element 2: Configuration Object Type

Specifies the type of configuration object specified with configuration object name.

*DEVD: Type of configuration object is a device description.

Example for RMVCRGDEVE


This command removes configuration object IASP01 from an existing cluster resource group MYCRG in cluster MYCLUSTER.

Error messages for RMVCRGDEVE

*ESCAPE Messages

Error found on &1 command.