RLSRMTPHS (Release Remote Phase)

RLSRMTPHS Command syntax diagram



The Release Remote Phase (RLSRMTPHS) command initiates a session between the iSeries 400 and a System/370* NetView* Distribution Manager (NDM) host system. After the NDM releases the phase, or there is an unsuccessful attempt to release the phase, the session is ended.

The following considerations apply when running this command:

Restriction: This command is shipped with public *EXCLUDE authority and the QPGMR and QSYSOPR user profiles have private authorities to use the command.


Required Parameters

Specifies the name of the NetView Distribution Manager phase that is released. This phase must exist on the NDM host system as part of the plan specified by the PLAN parameter, and must be in a HELD state.

Specifies the name of the NetView Distribution Manager plan that contains the phase that is released. This plan must exist on the NDM host.

Specifies the name of the NetView Distribution Manager application under which the plan name specified by the PLAN parameter was submitted. This is the same name by which NDM was made known to MVS when it was generated.

Specifies the remote location name of the system with which this object communicates.

Note: The device with which the user's program is communicating is specified on the DEV parameter.

Specifies the device name of the iSeries 400 device that is used for the communications session started as a result of this command. The device must be a SNUF device and must be PSR capable.

Example for RLSRMTPHS


This command initiates a session using device SNUFDEV with remote location name A083187 to connect with the System/370 NetView Distribution Manager host application DSXNDM. After the session connection is made, phase MESSAGE, as part of plan ALEXPLAN, attempts to release. If the release is successful, message CPC8889 (Phase MESSAGE released by NetView Distribution Manager) is sent. If the release is not successful, message CPF8880 (Phase MESSAGE not released by Netview Distribution Manager) is sent.

Error messages for RLSRMTPHS

*ESCAPE Messages

Phase &1 not released by NetView Distribution Manager.