RCLDLO (Reclaim Document Library Object)
The Reclaim Document Library Object (RCLDLO) command is used to reclaim:
- A document.
- A folder.
- A folder and all documents and folders directly or indirectly contained within it.
- Internal document library system objects.
- Internal document library system objects, unfiled distribution documents, and all filed folders and documents on the system. Related document details are synchronized.
- Internal document library system objects and all filed folders and documents in one auxiliary storage pool (ASP). Related document details are synchronized.
- The user does not need authority to a document or folder to reclaim it.
- Exclusive use of the document or folder is required while it is being reclaimed.
- The user does not need to be enrolled in the system distribution directory.
- Reclaiming internal document library system objects, all document library objects, or all document library objects in one ASP can be done only when no other jobs are using folders or documents. The user of this command may receive an error message indicating that internal objects are locked. This means that another user is using document library functions which cannot run at the same time as the RCLDLO command. Try this command again after other document library activity has ended.
Note: The iSeries 400 PC/Support jobs and several jobs which run in the QSNADS subsystem work with documents and folders. These jobs can prevent RCLDLO options that reclaim internal system objects because they obtain locks on internal system objects. All jobs running in the QSNADS subsystem and iSeries 400 PC/Support jobs should be ended before attempting to reclaim internal system objects.
Required Parameters
- Specifies the document library object to reclaim.
*FLR: A folder, and all folders and documents directly or indirectly within it, are to be reclaimed.
*SYSOBJNAM: A system object name is used to identify the folder or document to reclaim. DLO(*SYSOBJNAM) must be specified when reclaiming a folderless document, an internal document, or a distribution document. It can also be specified instead of a folder or document name if the system object name is known.
*INT: Internal document library system objects are to be reclaimed.
Note: The internal document library system objects are used to manage the documents and folders on the iSeries 400. RCLDLO DLO(*INT) is only necessary if the internal objects become damaged. If the internal objects are damaged, attempts to access documents and folders will result in the message CPF8A46 (Internal system objects are damaged), possibly followed by the message CPF9032 (Document interchange session not started), *DOCDTL: Internal document library system objects and document details are to be reclaimed. DLO(*DOCDTL) synchronizes the relationships between all document library objects and their document details and will fix inconsistencies between them.
Note: The RCLDLO DLO(*DOCDTL) command can be a long-running function, performing a subset of the RCLDLO DLO(*ALL) processing necessary to guarantee consistency between internal system objects, document details, and DLOs. *ALL: All documents and folders (as specified on the ASP parameter) are reclaimed in addition to DLO(*DOCDTL) processing.
Note: The RCLDLO DLO(*ALL) command can be a long-running function, depending on the number of documents and folders on the system. If the RCLDLO command can be issued at the user's discretion, the user may wish to avoid the operation until the time required can be scheduled. document-library-object-name: Specify the name of the folder or document to reclaim.
Optional Parameters
- Specifies the name of the folder that contains the document.
Note: A folder name is entered in this parameter only if *FLR, or a folder or document name is entered in the DLO parameter. *NONE: The folder or document is not within a folder.
folder-name: Specify the name of the folder that contains the document or folder to reclaim, or the name of the folder to reclaim along with all documents and folders within it.
- Specifies the system object name. This parameter is valid only when DLO(*SYSOBJNAM) or DOCL(*SYSOBJNAM) is specified. A full ten characters must be specified.
- Specifies the attributes of the object to reclaim. A value other than *NONE can be entered in this parameter only if *SYSOBJNAM is entered in the DLO parameter.
*NONE: The object to reclaim is a filed document or folder.
*INTDOC: The object to reclaim is an internal document.
*DST: The object to reclaim is a distribution document.
- Specifies the identifier (ID) of the auxiliary storage pool (ASP) of the document library object to be reclaimed. A value other than *ANY can be specified on this parameter only if *ALL or *DOCDTL is specified on the DLO parameter.
*ANY: The objects to be reclaimed reside in any ASP. When *ALL is specified on the DLO parameter, all document library objects on the system are reclaimed.
ASP-ID: Only document library objects that reside in the specified ASP are to be reclaimed. All document library objects in other ASPs are ignored. Valid values range from 1 through 16 and must designate an existing ASP that contains document library objects. ASP 1 is the system ASP.
Note: Unfiled distribution documents are classified as document library objects in the system ASP. - OUTFILE
- Specifies the name of the database file to which special output is directed. If the output file does not exist, this command creates a database file in the specified library. If the file is created by this function, the descriptive text is "OUTFILE created by RCLDLO" and the authority for users without specific authority to the file is *EXCLUDE. A value other than *NONE can be specified on this parameter only if *ALL or *DOCDTL is specified on the DLO parameter.
The output directed to this file includes the names of any documents that are physically damaged (and therefore unusable) or documents or folders that were missing from the system (and for which the document details have been removed). This file is intended to provide the user with a record of what was lost (such as a user ASP) when recovering from hardware failure.
*NONE: No output is directed to a database file.
The name of the database file can be qualified by one of the following library values:
*LIBL: All libraries in the job's library list are searched until the first match is found.
*CURLIB: The current library for the job is searched. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.
library-name: Specify the name of the library to be searched.
database-file-name: Specify the qualified name of the database file that is to receive the output. This file can be reused when other RCLDLO commands are issued. Output is added to the file as specified on the OUTMBR parameter. The IBM-supplied database file, QSYS/QARCLDLO, cannot be specified.
- Specifies the name of the database file member to which the output is directed. If a member already exists, the system uses the second element of this parameter to determine whether the member is cleared before the new records are added. If the member does not exist and a member name is not specified, the system creates a member with the name of the output file specified on the OUTFILE parameter. If an output file member name is specified, but the member does not exist, the system creates it.
Element 1: Member to Receive Output
*FIRST: The first member in the file receives the output. If OUTMBR(*FIRST) is specified and the member does not exist, the system creates a member with the name of the file specified on the OUTFILE parameter. If the member exists, the system adds records to the end of the member or clears the member and then adds the records.
member-name: Specify the file member that receives the output. If OUTMBR(member-name) is specified and the member does not exist, the system creates it.
Element 2: Operation to Perform on Member
*REPLACE: The system clears the existing member and adds the new records.
*ADD: The system adds the new records to the end of the existing records.
Examples for RCLDLO
Example 1: Reclaiming a Folder
RCLDLO DLO(FLR1)This command reclaims folder FLR1.
Example 2: Reclaiming a Document Within a Folder
RCLDLO DLO(A) FLR(FLR2)This command reclaims folder or document A in folder FLR2.
Example 3: Reclaiming a Folder and All Documents and Folders Within It
RCLDLO DLO(*FLR) FLR(FLR3)This command reclaims folder FLR3 and all folders and documents directly or indirectly contained within it.
Example 4: Reclaiming an Internal Document
RCLDLO DLO(*SYSOBJNAM) SYSOBJNAM(AMBT133080) SYSOBJATR(*INTDOC)This command reclaims the internal document specified by the system object name AMBT133080.
Example 5: Reclaiming a Distribution Document
RCLDLO DLO(*SYSOBJNAM) SYSOBJNAM(AMBT133082) SYSOBJATR(*DST)This command reclaims the distribution document specified by the system object name AMBT133082.
Example 6: Reclaiming Document Library System Objects
RCLDLO DLO(*INT)This command reclaims internal document library system objects.
Example 7: Reclaiming Document Library System Objects and Document Details
RCLDLO DLO(*DOCDTL)This command reclaims internal document library system objects and document details for all folders and documents.
Example 8: Reclaiming Document Library System Objects and All Documents and Folders
RCLDLO DLO(*ALL)This command reclaims internal document library system objects and all documents and folders and synchronizes their document details.
Example 9: Reclaiming Document Library System Objects and All Documents and Folders in an ASP
RCLDLO DLO(*ALL) ASP(2)This command reclaims internal document library system objects and all documents and folders residing in ASP 2 and synchronizes their document details.
Additional Considerations
When RCLDLO DLO(*ALL) or DLO(*DOCDTL) is run, the following items indicate what happens for folders and documents whose document details are updated.
- Objects that have lost folder path information are associated with a system reclaim folder. An informational message is sent to QSYSOPR message queue for each object reclaimed in this manner. System reclaim folders, recognized by the name 'QRCLnnnn.DOC' or 'QRCLnnnn.FLR,' should be deleted from the system after moving the objects within them to an appropriate user folder. It may also be necessary to use the Edit Document Library Object Authority (EDTDLOAUT) command to grant specific authority to the reclaimed objects again.
Note: System reclaim folders are created in the ASP of the object or objects they are to contain. - A log of the actions taken by the RCLDLO DLO(*ALL) or DLO(*DOCDTL) command is sent to the joblog and a listing of status messages is sent to the QHST system log. Additional information about the objects shown in the log can be displayed by the Display Object Description (DSPOBJD) command.
- If the OUTFILE option is used on RCLDLO DLO(*ALL) or DLO(*DOCDTL), records for every document or folder which was physically damaged (permanently unusable) or destroyed are placed into the specified file. This provides the system administrator with a list that can be used to determine which documents and folders need to be restored from backup media.
Error messages for RCLDLO
*ESCAPE Messages
- Reclaim of &2 not successful.
- CPF8A29
- Reclaim of &2 partially successful.