JOB parameter
The JOB parameter specifies the name of the job to which the command is applied. The job name identifies all types of jobs on the system. Each job is identified by a qualified job name, which has the following format:
Note: Although the syntax is similar, job names are qualified differently than OS/400 object names. The following list describes the pieces of the qualified job name:
- Job number: The job number is a unique 6-digit number that is assigned to each job by the system. The job number provides a unique qualifier if the job name is not otherwise unique. The job number can be determined by means of the Display Job (DSPJOB) command. If specified, the job number must have exactly six digits.
- User name: The user name identifies the user profile under which the job is to run. The user name is the same as the name of the user profile and contains a maximum of 10 alphanumeric characters. The name can come from one of several sources, again, depending on the type of job:
- Batch job: The user name is specified on the SBMJOB command, or it is specified in the job description referenced by the BCHJOB or SBMJOB commands.
- Interactive job: The user name is specified at sign-on, or the user name is provided from the default in the job description referred to by the work station's job entry.
- Autostart job: The user name is specified in the job description referred to by the job entry for the autostart job.
- Job name: The job name can contain a maximum of 10 alphanumeric characters, of which the first character must be alphabetic. The name can come from one of three sources, depending on the type of job:
- Batch job: The job name is specified on the Batch Job (BCHJOB) or Submit Job (SBMJOB) commands or, if not specified there, the unqualified name of the job description is used.
- Interactive job: The job name is the same as the name of the device (work station) from which the sign-on was performed.
- Autostart job: The job name is provided in the autostart job entry in the subsystem description under which the job runs. The job name was specified in the Add Autostart Job Entry (ADDAJE) command.
Commands only require that the simple name be used to identify the job. However, additional qualification must be used if the simple job name is not unique.
Duplicate job names
If a duplicate job name is specified in a command in an interactive job, the system displays all of the duplicates of the specified job name to the user in qualified form. The job names are displayed in qualified form along with the user name and job number so that you can further identify the job that is to be specified in a command. You can then enter he correct qualified job name.
If a duplicate job name is used in a command in a batch job, the command is not processed. Instead, an error message is written to the job log.
Values allowed
The JOB parameter can have one or more of the following values, depending upon the command:
*: The job is the one in which the command is entered; that is, the command with JOB(*) specified on it.
*JOBD: The simple job name is the unqualified name of the job description.
*NONE: No job name is specified as in the Display Log (DSPLOG) command.
job-name: A simple job name is specified.
qualified-job-name: You must specify a qualified job name. If no job qualifier (user name and job number) is given, all of the jobs currently in the system are searched for the job name. If duplicates of the specified name are found, a qualified job name must be specified.