PRTTNSRPT (Print Transaction Report)
Note: To use this command, have the 5722-PT1 (Performance Tools for iSeries) licensed program installed.
PRTTNSRPT Command syntax diagram
The Print Transaction Report (PRTTNSRPT) command creates and prints performance reports that show detailed information about the transactions that occurred during the time that the performance data was collected. These reports use trace data collected by using the Start Performance Trace (STRPFRTRC) command. Jobs may be selectively included in the reports or excluded from the reports based on a variety of job details and interval times.
Required Parameters
- Specifies the performance data member used. This name should correspond to the member name specified on the MBR parameter of the End Performance Trace (ENDPFRTRC) command.
Optional Parameters
- Specifies the library where the performance data is located.
QPFRDATA: The performance data files are located in the IBM-supplied performance data library, QPFRDATA.
library-name: Specify the name of the library where the database files are located.
- Specifies a title that prints in the heading at the top of each page of the report.
*BLANK: No title is printed on the transaction report.
'report-title': Specify a title of up to 50 characters enclosed in apostrophes.
- Specifies the type of transaction analysis report that is printed. A list of report types can be requested so that both summary level and transaction detail reports can be requested at the same time. The *TNSACT and *TRSIT reports are quite detailed. Use of these values should be combined with selection of specific jobs, users and/or time intervals.
*SUMMARY: A summary level report is printed.
*TNSACT: The transaction detail report is printed.
*TRSIT: The transition detail report is printed.
*FILE: A transaction summary, job summary, and job trace database file members are created. The summaries exist in the QTRTSUM, QTRJSUM, and QTRJOBT in the library specified for the LIB parameter. The member names are the names specified on the MBR parameter. The data in any existing member is replaced as a result of this command. This option is used to build field level database files that are processed by user-defined programs and the Print Job Trace Report (PRTTRCRPT) command.
*TRCDTA: A database file version of the trace data file QAPMDMPT is created. The database file is named QTRDMPT and is a field-level database file which can be processed by user-defined programs.
- Specifies the times when transactions are reported. If PERIOD is not specified, the following values are assumed:
PERIOD((*FIRST) (*LAST))Element 1: Starting Time
One of the following is used to specify the starting time after which the data must be measured to be included in the report. Data measured before the specified time is not shown.
*FIRST: Transactions are reported beginning with the first one recorded.
start-time: Specify the time after which measured data is included in the report. The time is specified in 24-hour format with or without a time separator as follows:
- With a time separator, specify a string of 5 or 8 digits, where the time separator for the job separates the hours, minutes, and seconds. If you issue this command from the command line, the string must be enclosed in apoltrophes. If a time separator other than the separator specified for your job is used, this command fails.
- Without a time separator, specify a string of 4 or 6 digits (hhmm or hhmmss) where hh = hours, mm = minutes, and ss = seconds. Valid values for hh range from 00 through 23. Valid values for mm and ss range from 00 through 59.
Element 2: Ending Time
One of the following is used to specify the ending time before which the data must be measured to be included in the report.
*LAST: Transactions are reported ending with the last one recorded.
end-time: Specify the time after which measured data is not included in the report. See start-time in this parameter for details on how the time must be specified.
- Specifies additional options that can be applied to the transaction report.
*SS: An additional set of system summary reports are included. These reports are included if RPTTYPE(*SUMMARY) is specified.
*SI: Only interactive jobs are selected.
*OZ: All jobs that have zero transactions are omitted from the *SUMMARY report.
*EV: Event wait is considered as a transaction boundary. This is useful in the analysis of communications jobs.
*HV: SLIC tasks are listed on the *SUMMARY report.
*DI: The trace records for the display I/O transaction boundary are counted as transactions, instead of wait-to-active state transitions.
*DQ: The trace records for the data queue transaction boundary are counted as transactions, instead of wait-to-active state transitions.
If you specify *DI and *DQ, the Transaction Report uses a combination of display I/O and data queue transaction boundary records instead of wait-to-active state transitions to tabulate transactions.
If you do not specify either *DI or *DQ, the Transaction Report uses the traditional wait-to-active state transitions to tabulate transactions.
- Specifies whether you want the report to provide detailed job information at the job level or the thread level.
*JOB Specifies that you want detailed information at the job level.
*THREAD Specifies that you want detailed information at the thread level.
- Specifies which jobs are included in the report. This allows you to narrow the scope of the report to certain jobs through job selection. Specifies either the special value *ALL or a list of qualified names of jobs to select.
Element 1: Job name
*ALL: All the jobs are included in the transaction report.
job-name: Specify one or more job names to be included in the transaction report. A generic job name may be specified in the form NAME*.
Note: The job name is not a fully qualified job name. It is the ten-character job name portion of the qualified name. The job number is allowed on this parameter. The use of job name and job number cannot be mixed; one or the other must be used on a given request.
Element 2: Thread
*ALL: All threads are included, unless excluded by some other selection criterion.
thread-identifier: Specify the thread identifier to select. Because some jobs can have identical thread identifiers, this value may not identify a specific thread.
- Specifies which jobs are omitted from the report. This allows the user to narrow the scope of the transaction report to certain jobs through job omission.
The SLTJOB and OMTJOB parameters are mutually exclusive, so the default must be used for at least one of them.
Element 1: Job name
*NONE: None of the jobs are excluded from the transaction report.
job-name: Specify one or more job names to be excluded from the transaction report. A generic job name may be specified in the form NAME*.
Note: The job name is not a fully qualified job name. It is the ten-character job name portion of the qualified name. The job number is allowed on this parameter. The job name and job number cannot be mixed, one or the other must be used on a given request.
Element 2: Thread
*ALL: All threads are included, unless excluded by some other selection criterion.
thread-identifier: Specify the thread identifier to select. Because some jobs can have identical thread identifiers, this value may not identify a specific thread.
- Specifies a list of up to 50 user names to select. Only jobs with one of the specified user names are included in the report.
*ALL: Jobs with all user names are included, unless excluded by some other selection criterion.
user-name: Specify the user names of the jobs to select. Because jobs may have identical user names, this value may not identify a specific job. You can specify a generic name for this value. SLTUSRID(user) is equivalent to SLTJOB(*N/user/*N). A generic name is a character string that contains one or more characters followed by an asterisk(*), for example, ABC*. The asterisk substitutes for any valid characters. A generic name specifies all objects with names that begin with the generic prefix for which the user has authority. If an asterisk is not included with the generic name, the system assumes it to be the complete object name.
- Specifies a list of up to 50 user names to omit. Jobs with any of the user names specified are excluded from the report.
*NONE: Jobs are not excluded based on user name.
user-name: Specify the specific or generic user name of the job to omit. Because jobs may have identical user names, this value may not identify a specific job. You can specify a generic name for this value. SLTUSRID(user) is equivalent to SLTJOB(*N/user/*N). A generic name is a character string that contains one or more characters followed by an asterisk(*), for example, ABC*. The asterisk substitutes for any valid characters. A generic name specifies all objects with names that begin with the generic prefix for which the user has authority. If an asterisk is not included with the generic name, the system assumes it to be the complete object name.
- Specifies a list of up to 64 pools to select. Only jobs that run in one of the specified pools are included in the report.
*ALL: Jobs running in all pools are included, unless excluded by other selection criteria.
storage-pool-identifier: Specify the number of a pool to select. Valid values range from 1 through 64.
- Specifies a list of up to 64 pools to omit. Jobs that run in any of the specified pools are excluded from the report.
Note: The SLTPOOLS and OMTPOOLS parameters are mutually exclusive.
*NONE: Jobs are not excluded based on their pool.
storage-pool-identifier: Specify the number of the pool to omit. Valid values range from 1 through 64.
- Specifies a list of functional areas to select. Only jobs and users identified in one of the functional areas are included in the report.
A functional area is a list of job names and user names previously defined by the user. Refer to the Performance Tools for iSeries book for more information on functional areas.
*ALL: All jobs are included, unless excluded by some other selection criterion.
functional-area-name: Specify the name of the functional area to select.
- specifies a list of functional areas to omit. Jobs and users identified in any of the functional areas are excluded from the report.
A functional area is a list of job names and user names previously defined by the user. Refer to the Performance Tools for iSeries book for more information on functional areas.
*NONE: Jobs are not excluded based on functional area.
functional-area-name: Specify the name of the functional area to omit.
- Specifies the job name used if the job is submitted for batch processing.
Note: If *NONE is specified on the JOBD parameter, this parameter is ignored; job processing is performed interactively.
PRTTNSRPT: The command name is used for the job name.
*MBR: The name selected for the performance data member on the MBR parameter is used.
job-name: Specify the name used for batch jobs.
- Specifies the job description used to submit jobs for batch processing.
The name of the job description can be qualified by one of the following library values:
- *LIBL: All libraries in the job's library list are searched until the first match is found.
- *CURLIB: The current library for the job is searched. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.
- library-name: Specify the name of the library to be searched.
QPFRJOBD: The IBM-supplied Performance Tools job description, QPFRJOBD, is used.
job-description-name: Specify the name of an alternative job description.
Other Single Values
*NONE: A batch job is not submitted; instead, processing continues interactively while the user waits. The user's work station is not available for other use during this time, which could be significant for long jobs.
Examples for PRTTNSRPT
Example 1: Printing a Summary Transaction Report
PRTTNSRPT MBR(TUESAM)This command produces a summary transaction report. The data input to the report is all the data that exists in member TUESAM in library QPFRDATA. The request is sent to batch. The report output is directed to the output queue specified in the job description, QPFRJOBD.
Example 2: Printing a Transaction Detail Report
PRTTNSRPT MBR(TUESAM) RPTTYPE(*TNSACT) SLTJOB(WS01)This command produces a transaction detail report for the selected job, WS01. The request is sent to batch. The report output is directed to the output queue specified in the job description, QPFRJOBD.
Error messages for PRTTNSRPT
*ESCAPE Messages