PRTDSKINF (Print Disk Information)
PRTDSKINF Command syntax diagram
The Print Disk Information (PRTDSKINF) command is used to print disk space information that is already stored in the database file QAEZDISK or QAEZDnnnnn by the Retrieve Disk Information (RTVDSKINF) command, where 'nnnnn' is the ASP number of the independent ASP for which disk space information was retrieved.> The output with file name QPEZDISK goes to the spool queue associated with the job using this command.
Required Parameters
- Specifies the type of report to print. The report information is taken from member QCURRENT in QAEZDISK or QAEZDnnnnn, where 'nnnnn' is the ASP number of the independent ASP for which disk space information was retrieved.> If QCURRENT does not contain any data, an error message is sent.
1. If option *FLR is specified on the RPTTYPE parameter, *SYSBAS must be specified in the ASPDEV parameter. Folders are not allowed on auxiliary storage pool (ASP) devices, they are only allowed on the system ASP and basic ASPs.>
*LIB: A report of the library information contained in the file is printed.
*FLR: A report of the folder information contained in the file is printed.
*OWN: A report of the user profile (owner) information contained in the file is printed.
*OBJ: A report of object information contained in the file is printed.
*SYS: A report of only the system information contained in the file is printed.
Optional Parameters
- Specifies the auxiliary storage pool (ASP) device for which disk space information is to be printed.
The possible values are:
*SYSBAS: Disk information for the system ASP and all basic ASPs is printed. File QAEZDISK in library QUSRSYS contains the disk space information that is to be printed.
auxiliary-storage-pool-device-name: Specify the name of the ASP device for which disk space information is to be printed. File QAEZDnnnnn in library QUSRSYS contains the disk space information that is to be printed, where 'nnnnn' is the ASP number of the specified ASP device.
- Specifies the names of the libraries to print information about.
*ALL: The report has information on all user libraries on the system.
library-name: Specify the user library.
generic*-library-name: Specify the generic library name. A generic name is a character string of one or more characters followed by an asterisk (*); for example, ABC*. The asterisk substitutes for any valid characters. A generic name specifies all objects with names that begin with the generic prefix for which the user has authority. If an asterisk is not included with the generic (prefix) name, the system assumes it to be the complete object name. For more information on the use of generic names, refer to generic names.
- Specifies the names of the owners (user profiles) to print information about.
*ALL: The report contains information on all user profiles on the system.
owner-name: Specify the user profile.
generic*-owner-name: Specify the generic user profile.
- Specifies the names of the folders to print information about.
*ALL: The report has information on all user folders on the system.
folder-name: Specify the folder name.
generic*-folder-name: Specify the generic folder name.
- Specifies the names of the documents to print information about.
*ALL: The report contains information on all documents in the specified folder.
document-name: Specify the document by the given name within the specified folder.
generic*-document-name: Specify the documents specified by the generic qualification.
- Specifies the names of the objects to print information about.
*ALL: If you specify a library or owner, then the object information is all objects within the library or those controlled by the owner
*NONE: No library or owner is specified.
object-name: Specify a library or owner, then the object information is the object specified by the given name within the library or controlled by the owner.
generic*-object-name: Specify a library or owner, then the object information are the objects that meet the specified generic qualification within the library or controlled by the owner.
- Specifies the object types to print information about.
*ALL: If you specify a library or owner, information is printed on all the specified object types within the library or controlled by the owner. If an object name is specified, information on all object types within that name, within the library, or controlled by the owner is printed. If a library or owner is not specified, the report has information on all object types on the system. If an object name is specified, information only on object types with that name is printed.
object-type: Specify a library or owner, then the object type information is the object type specified within the library or controlled by the owner. If an object is specified, the report has information on the objects with the specified object type within the library or controlled by the owner.
- Specifies the size of the smallest piece of information to include. For example, if a library report is requested without objects, then this size would be the size of the smallest library to include. If objects within the library are requested, then this would be the size of the smallest object within the library to include.
0: All objects are included regardless of size.
size: Specify size in thousands of bytes.
- Specifies the order in which the information should be sorted.
*SIZE: Information is sorted from large to small.
*OWNER: The information is sorted in alphabetical order by owner name.
*LSTCHG: The information is sorted by last-change date with the oldest information first.
*LSTUSE: The information is sorted by last-use date with the oldest information first.
*NAME: Information is sorted in alphabetical order according to the report type.
Example for PRTDSKINF
PRTDSKINF ASPDEV(*SYSBAS) RPTTYPE(*LIB) LIB(*ALL) OBJ(*ALL) SORT(*SIZE)This command prints a library report from database file QAEZDISK in library QUSRSYS in member QCURRENT, containing information about all libraries, objects, and object types in the libraries. The information is sorted by size and sent to the printer file QPEZDISK.
Error messages for PRTDSKINF
*ESCAPE Messages
- Current collection of disk space information not found.
- Not authorized to collect disk space information.
- File &1> is in use and cannot be accessed.
- Not authorized to file &1.>
- CPF1E99
- Unexpected error occurred.