OVRDKTF (Override with Diskette File)
OVRDKTF Command syntax diagram
The Override with Diskette File (OVRDKTF) command is used to (1) override (replace) the file named in the program, (2) override certain parameters of a file that is used by the program, or (3) override the file named in the program and override certain parameters of the file processed.
Parameters overridden by this command are specified in the file description, in the program, or in other called file override commands. If a file named in the program is overridden, the name of that file is specified in the FILE parameter and the name of the overriding file (the file processed) is specified in the TOFILE parameter. The OVRDKTF command also specifies parameters to override values contained in the file description of the overriding file. If the file named in the program is not replaced but certain parameters of the file are overridden, the name of the file is specified in the FILE parameter and *FILE is specified in the TOFILE parameter. The parameters overridden are then specified by the other parameters of the OVRDKTF command. Parameters that are not specified do not affect parameters specified in the file description, in the program, or in other called file override commands.
More information on overriding files is in the File Management topic in the Information Center, and the Tape and Diskette Device Programming book.
Required Parameters
- Specifies the name of the file being used by the program to which this override command is applied. If TOFILE(*FILE) is specified, a display device file must be specified. Otherwise, any device file or database file can be specified.
Optional Parameters
- Specifies the qualified name of the diskette file that is used instead of the file specified in the FILE parameter or, if *FILE is specified, specifies that certain attributes are overridden by parameters specified in this command. The parameters specified in this OVRDKTF command override the same parameters specified in the diskette device file in the program, or in other called OVRDKTF commands.
*FILE: The diskette device file named in the FILE parameter has some of its parameters overridden by values specified in this command.
The name of the diskette file can be qualified by one of the following library values:
*LIBL: All libraries in the job's library list are searched until the first match is found.
*CURLIB: The current library for the job is searched. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.
library-name: Specify the name of the library to be searched.
diskette-device-file-name: Specify the name of the diskette device file that is used instead of the overridden file.
- Specifies the name of the diskette device used with this diskette device file to perform input/output data operations. The device name of the IBM-supplied diskette device description is QDKT. This parameter is ignored if SPOOL(*YES) is specified for the file when it is opened.
This parameter overrides the value specified in the device file, in the program, or in other called OVRDKTF commands.
device-name: Specify the name of the device that is used with this diskette device file. The device name must already exist on the system as a device description before this device file is created.
- Specifies one or more volume identifiers used by the file. The volumes must be installed in the same order as the identifiers are specified here (and as they are specified on the DEV parameter). If the file is opened for read backward, then the volume identifiers in the list are processed from last to first (while the devices in the device list are used in first-to-last order). If a list of volume identifiers is provided for the file, operator messages indicate the name of the required volume. More information on this parameter is in commonly used parameters.
This parameter overrides the volume identifiers specified in the diskette device file, in the program, or in other called OVRDKTF commands.
*NONE: The diskette volume identifiers are not specified for this file in this command. They can be specified later before the device file is opened, either in a Override with Diskette File (OVRDKTF) command or a Change Diskette File (CHGDKTF) command, or in the high-level language program. Otherwise, no volume identifier checking is done.
volume-identifier: Specify the identifiers of one or more volumes in the order in which they are put on the device and used. Each volume identifier contains a maximum of 6 alphanumeric characters. A blank is used as a separator character when listing multiple identifiers.
- Specifies the data file label of the data file on diskette that is used with this diskette device file. For input files (diskette input to system), this label specifies the identifier of the file that exists on the diskette. For output files (system output to diskette), the label specifies the identifier of the file that is created on the diskette. More information on this parameter is in commonly used parameters.
This parameter overrides the label specified in the diskette device file, in the program, or in other called OVRDKTF commands.
data-file-label: Specify up to 8 characters for the identifier of the data file used with this diskette device file.
- Specifies, for diskette output files only, the exchange type used by the device file when the system is writing diskette data. More information on this parameter is in commonly used parameters.
This parameter overrides the value specified in the device file, in the program, or in other called OVRDKTF commands.
*STD: The basic exchange format is used for a type 1 or a type 2 diskette. The H exchange type is used for a type 2D diskette.
*BASIC: The basic exchange type is used.
*H: The H exchange type is used.
*I: The I exchange type is used.
- Specifies the character code used. The code can be either extended binary-coded decimal interchange code (*EBCDIC) or the American National Standard Code for Information Interchange (*ASCII).
This parameter overrides the value specified in the device file, in the program, or in other called OVRDKTF commands.
*EBCDIC: The extended binary-coded decimal interchange code (EBCDIC) character set code is used.
*ASCII: The ASCII character set code is used.
- Specifies the date when the diskette data file was created on the diskette.
Note: The creation date parameter is valid only for diskette input data files. If the creation date written on the diskette containing the data file does not match the date specified for the device file when it is opened, an error message is sent to the user program. This parameter overrides the values specified on the device file, in the program, or on other called OVRDKTF commands.
*NONE: The creation date is not specified. It is not checked unless it is supplied before the device file is opened, either in a OVRTAPF command or CHGTAPF command, or in the high-level language program.
creation-date: Specify the creation date of the data file used by this device file. The date must be specified in the format defined by the job attributes DATFMT and, if separators are used, DATSEP. However, the specified date is put in the diskette label in the format yymmdd.
- Specifies the expiration date. The files cannot be overwritten until the expiration date. The expiration date must be later than or equal to the current date.
Note: The expiration date overrides the value specified in the device file, in the program, or in other called OVRDKTF commands. *NONE: No expiration date for the data file is specified; the file is protected for 1 day. Its protection ends the day after it is created.
*PERM: The data file is permanently protected. An expiration date of 999999 is assigned.
expiration-date: Specify the expiration date of the data file. The date must be specified in the format defined by the job attributes DATFMT and, if separators are used, DATSEP. However, the specified date is put in the diskette label as yymmdd.
- Specifies whether the input or output data for the diskette device file is spooled.
This parameter overrides the spool value specified in the device file, or in other called OVRDKTF commands.
*NO: The data is not spooled. If this file is opened for input, the data is read directly from the diskette. If this is an output file, the data is written directly to the diskette as it is processed by the program.
Note: If SPOOL(*NO) is specified, the following parameters in this command are ignored: OUTQ, MAXRCDS, SCHEDULE, HOLD, SAVE, OUTPTY, and USRDTA. *YES: The data is spooled. If this file is opened for input, an inline data file having the specified name is processed; otherwise, the next unnamed inline spooled file is processed. More information on named and unnamed inline files is in the Tape and Diskette Device Programming
book. If this is an output file, the data is spooled for processing by a diskette or print writer.
- Specifies the qualified name of the output queue used for spooled printer files that specify OUTQ(*JOB). This change does not affect files already created in active jobs or files in completed jobs in which the files were spooled.
This parameter overrides the output queue name specified in the device file, or in other called OVRDKTF commands.
The name of the output queue can be qualified by one of the following library values:
*LIBL: All libraries in the job's library list are searched until the first match is found.
*CURLIB: The current library for the job is searched. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.
library-name: Specify the name of the library to be searched.
output-queue-name: Specify the name of the output queue to which the output data is spooled. The IBM-supplied output queue that is used by the diskette file is the QDKT output queue, stored in the QGPL library.
- Specifies, for spooled files only, the maximum number of records in the spooled file for spooled jobs using this diskette device file.
This parameter overrides the value specified in the diskette device file, or in other called OVRDKTF commands.
*NOMAX: The system maximum is used.
maximum-records: Specify the maximum number of diskette records that are in the spooled file. Valid values range from 1 through 500000.
- Specifies, for spooled output only, when the spooled file is available to a writer.
This parameter overrides the scheduling value specified in the device file, or in other called OVRDKTF commands.
*JOBEND: The spooled file is made available to the writer only after the entire job is completed.
*FILEEND: The spooled file is made available to the writer as soon as the file is closed in the program.
*IMMED: The spooled file is made available to the writer as soon as the file is opened in the program.
- Specifies, for spooled output only, whether the spooled file is held. The spooled file can be released by using the Release Spooled File (RLSSPLF) command.
Note: This parameter overrides the hold value specified in the diskette device file, or in other called OVRDKTF commands. *NO: The spooled printer file is not held by the output queue. The spooled output is available to a writer based on the SCHEDULE parameter value.
*YES: The spooled file is held until released by the Release Spool File (RLSSPLF) command.
- Specifies, for spooled output only, whether the spooled file is saved (left on the output queue) after the output has been produced.
Note: This parameter overrides the save value specified in the diskette device file, or in other called OVRDKTF commands. *NO: The spooled file data is not saved on the output queue after it has been produced.
*YES: The spooled file data is saved on the output queue until the file is deleted.
- Specifies the output priority for spooled output files that are produced by this job. The highest priority is 1 and the lowest priority is 9. More information on this parameter is in commonly used parameters.
*JOB: The output priority associated with the job that created the spooled file is used.
output-priority: Specify the output priority. Valid values range from 1 (high priority) through 9 (low priority).
- Specifies, for spooled output only, the user-specified data that identifies the file.
*BLANK: Ten blanks are used as the user data.
user-data: Specify up to 10 characters of text.
- Specifies whether the file processes double-byte character set (DBCS) data.
*NO: The file does not process DBCS data.
*YES: The file processes DBCS data.
- Specifies the number of seconds that the program waits for the file resources and session resources to be allocated when the file is opened, or for the device or session resources to be allocated when an acquire operation is performed to the file. If those resources are not allocated within the specified wait time, an error message is sent to the program. More information on this parameter is in commonly used parameters.
Note: An immediate allocation of the device by the device resource is required when an acquire operation is performed to the file. This parameter overrides the wait time specified in the device file, in the program, or in other called OVRDKTF commands.
*IMMED: The program does not wait; when the file is opened, an immediate allocation of the file resources is required.
*CLS: The job default wait time is used as the wait time for the file resources being allocated.
number-of-seconds: Specify the number of seconds that the program waits for the file resources to be allocated to the diskette file when the file is opened, or the wait time for the device allocated when an acquire operation is performed to the file. Valid values range from 1 through 32767 seconds.
- Specifies whether this file is safe from the effects of previously called file override commands. If SECURE is not specified, processing occurs as if SECURE(*NO) is specified.
*NO: This file is not protected from the effects of other file overrides; its values can be overridden by the effects of previously called file override commands.
*YES: This file is protected from the effects of any file override commands previously called.
- Specifies the extent of influence (scope) of the override.
*ACTGRPDFN: The scope of the override is determined by the activation group of the program that calls this command. When the activation group is the default activation group, the scope equals the call level of the calling program. When the activation group is not the default activation group, the scope equals the activation group of the calling program.
*CALLLVL: The scope of the override is determined by the current call level. All open operations done at a call level that is the same as or higher than the current call level are influenced by this override.
*JOB: The scope of the override is the job in which the override occurs.
- Specifies whether the open data path (ODP) for the diskette file is shared with other programs in the routing step. When an ODP is shared, the programs accessing the file share facilities such as the file status and the buffer.
More information on shared database files is in the Database Programming topic in the Information Center.
This parameter also overrides the value specified in other called OVRDKTF commands.
*NO: The ODP created by the program with this attribute is not shared with other programs in the routing step. Every time a program opens the file with this attribute, a new ODP to the file is created and activated.
*YES: The ODP created with this attribute is shared with each program in the routing step that also specifies SHARE(*YES) when it opens the file.
Note: When SHARE(*YES) is specified and control is passed to a program, a read operation in that program retrieves the next input record. A write operation produces the next output record.
- Specifies the extent of influence (scope) of the open operation.
*ACTGRPDFN: The scope of the open operation is determined by the activation group of the program that called the OVRDKTF command processing program. If the activation group is the default activation group, the scope is the call level of the caller. If the activation group is a non-default activation group, the scope is the activation group of the caller.
*JOB: The scope of the open operation is the job in which the open operation occurs.
Examples for OVRDKTF
Example 1: Changing Spooling Specifications
OVRDKTF FILE(OUT) VOL(DPT706) LABEL(STATUSR) SPOOL(*YES)This command changes the spooling specification for the output file named OUT. When a program produces output data for the OUT file, the data is spooled for processing by a spooling writer. The writer processes the data by writing it in a data file called STATUSR that is on a diskette whose volume identifier is DPT706.
Example 2: Specifying DBCS Processing
OVRDKTF FILE(IGCLIB/IGCDCT) IGCDTA(*YES)This command overrides the diskette file IGCDCT, which is stored in the library IGCLIB, so that the file contains double-byte character set data.
Error messages for OVRDKTF
*ESCAPE Messages
- CPF180C
- Function &1 not allowed.
- CPF1892
- Function &1 not allowed.