FILDOC (File Document)

FILDOC Command syntax diagram



The File Document (FILDOC) command is used to file information from a database file, a mail item, or command parameters to a document or as an Interchange Document Profile in the document library.

The database file from which the information is taken can be created using the Retrieve Document (RTVDOC) or Receive Distribution (RCVDST) commands. The user of these commands typically does not have OfficeVision installed but wants to use portions of it to interface with other OfficeVision functions.

The user also uses the FILDOC command to create a hard-copy reference (details, no content) to search the library for the document.



  1. You can file a document on behalf of another user if you are authorized to work on behalf of the other user. You must be granted authority to work on behalf of another with the Grant User Permission (GRTUSRPMN) command.
  2. The user ID and address must be enrolled in the system distribution directory.
  3. Security for the new document is taken from the parameters in the FILDOC command and not inherited from the folder.


Required Parameters

Specifies the type of information that is filed and the parameters that are valid on this command. Dependent parameter codes for this parameter (see syntax diagram) determine which parameters are valid. If the dependent parameter code is listed in the syntax diagram, the parameter is valid when that type is specified.

*FILE: The database file specified in the DOCFILE and the DOCMBR parameter is filed.

Note: If this value is specified, specify the default values on the FILCAB, DSTID, DSTIDEXT, and KEEP parameters and you cannot specify DOCFILE(*NONE).

*IDP: The interchange document profile (IDP) specified in the IDPFILE and the IDPMBR parameter or the document profile built from the parameters DOCD, AUTHOR, DOCCLS, KWD, SUBJECT, REFERENCE, STATUS, PROJECT, ACTDATE, CMPDATE, DOCDATE, FILCAB, CPYLST, and EXPDATE is filed.

Note: If this value is specified, specify the default values on the DOCFILE, DOCMBR, DOCTYPE, SYSCODE, DOCCHRID, DSTID, DSTIDEXT, and KEEP parameters. If this value is specified, IDPFILE and FILCAB cannot both specify *NONE.

*DSTID: The distribution document identified by the distribution ID specified in the DSTID parameter is filed from the mail log into the document library.

Note: If this value is specified, you cannot specify DSTID(*NONE).


Optional Parameters

Specifies the qualified name of the database file that contains the document data being filed. The database file can be a user-defined file, or the file specified in the OUTFILE parameter of the Receive Distribution (RCVDST) command or the Retrieve Document (RTVDOC) command. Database files are filed as they exist without any changes. If an output file is specified, only the document data record format is read from the output file, and the prefix is removed from the document data. More information on defining the format of database files (output files) is in the Database Programming topic in the Information Center.

*NONE: A database file containing document data is not specified.

The name of the database file can be qualified by one of the following library values:

*LIBL: All libraries in the job's library list are searched until the first match is found.

*CURLIB: The current library for the job is searched. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.

library-name: Specify the name of the library to be searched.

database-file-name: Specify the name of the database file that contains the document data being filed.

Specifies the document database file member that is being filed.

*FIRST: The first member (in order of creation) in the database file is filed.

member-name: Specify the name of the database file being filed.

Specifies the unique distribution ID of the distribution. The ID is assigned to the distribution by the system that originates it. Distribution IDs can be found by using the Query Distribution (QRYDST) command. IDs are also returned from the Send Distribution (SNDDST) command.

*NONE: No distribution ID is used.

distribution-ID: Specify a distribution ID composed of the second part of the sender's user ID (padded on the right with blanks to 8 characters), the first part of the sender's user ID (padded on the right with blanks to 8 characters), and a 4-digit zoned sequence number with the leading zeros. For example, NEWYORK SMITH 0204. The distribution ID is entered this way because a blank character is valid with a user ID address.

The status of the distribution is changed to FILED if KEEP(*REF) is specified and the mail log entry is changed to OPENED if KEEP(*YES) is specified.

Specifies the extension of the distribution ID specified on the DSTID parameter. This extension uniquely identifies duplicate distributions. This extension is a 2-digit extension that ranges from 01 through 99. For example, if the distribution ID is NEWYORK SMITH 0204 and two copies of this distribution are sent to a user, then the user has two distributions with the same distribution ID. To uniquely distinguish the two distributions, an extension is added to each distribution. One distribution is identified by distribution ID and extension as NEWYORK SMITH 020401 and the other by NEWYORK SMITH 020402. If there are no duplicates, the extension defaults to 01. This extension will map one to one with the distribution identifier specified on the DSTID parameter.

*NONE: There is no duplicate distribution. This value is equivalent to an extension of 01.

distribution-ID-extension: Specify the extension that is associated with the distribution. This is used to uniquely identify duplicate distributions.

Specifies whether to keep a copy of the distribution document by filing it from the mail log, to delete it from the mail log, or to keep a reference in the mail log of the filed document.

*NO: The distribution document is deleted from the mail log after the file is complete.

*YES: The distribution document is filed and a copy is kept in the mail log.

*REF: The distribution is deleted and a reference to the filed distribution document is kept in the mail log.

Specifies the date and time on which the distribution is no longer needed in the mail log.

Element 1: dist-expiration-date

*NONE: No expiration date.

*CURRENT: The current date is used.

expiration-date: Specify the value to use as the expiration date. The date must be specified in the format specified by the system value QDATFMT.

Element 2: dist-expiration-time

*ENDOFDAY: An expiration time is requested by the end of the specified date. The time will be set to 23:59:59.

expiration-time: Specify the value used as the expiration time.

Specifies the user ID and address of the user for whom the request is made. The current user of this command must have the authority to work on behalf of the specified user profile. Authority to work on behalf of another user is granted with the Grant User Permission (GRTUSRPMN) command. If a user files a document on behalf of another user's user ID, the other user is the owner of the document.

*CURRENT: The user profile that is currently running is used.

Element 1: User ID

user-ID: Specify the user ID of the user for whom the document is filed.

Element 2: User Address

user-address: Specify the user address of the user for whom the document is filed.

Specifies the name of the newly filed document.

*NONE: The newly filed document does not have a user-defined document name and is not filed in a folder. Up to 12 characters can be specified. This document name must not exist in the folder into which the document is being filed.

document-name: Specify the name of the document that is filed.

Specifies the name of the folder that contains the document being filed. TOFLR can be specified only when TODOC is also specified.

*NONE: The newly filed document does not have a user-assigned name and is not filed in another folder.

folder-name: Specify the name of the folder to contain the document being filed. A folder name can consist of a series of folder names (FLR1/FLR2/and so forth) if the document is being filed in a folder that is contained in another folder. Up to 63 characters can be specified.

Specifies the level of sensitivity defined by the X.400 standard. The four levels include no sensitivity, personal, private and company confidential. Any document marked as private is still available to users who are normally authorized to it, but is unavailable to users who are working on your behalf (even though it may be available to them when they are not working on your behalf).

*NONE: The document has no sensitivity restrictions.

*PERSONAL: The document is intended for the user as an individual.

*PRIVATE: The document contains information that should be accessed only by the owner.

*CONFIDENTIAL: The document contains information that should be handled according to company procedures.

Specifies whether the document is being filed as a personal document. Any document marked as private is still available to users who are normally authorized to it, but is unavailable to users who are working on your behalf (even though it may be available to them when they are not working on your behalf). This parameter is replaced by SENSITIV but the PERSONAL parameter can still be used. However, because this parameter may be removed in a later release, whenever possible use the SENSITIV parameter.

*NO: The document is not filed as personal. This value will map to SENSITIV(*NONE).

*YES: The document is filed as personal. This value will map to SENSITIV(*PRIVATE).

Specifies the access codes that are used with this document. Access codes are specified to allow groups of users access to the document. Access codes must be added on the system with the Add Access Code (ADDACC) command.

*NONE: No access codes are assigned to this document. Authority for this document is controlled by the values specified in the AUTUSR and AUTL parameters.

access-code: Specify the access codes, ranging from 1 through 2047, that control who can use the document. Up to 50 access codes can be specified. Access code 0 gives *USE authority to all users. Other access codes specified must exist on the system.

Specifies the users that can access the document and the authority each user has. This parameter is used to change the effect of the authorization list for this document by giving more users authority to the document, removing a user's authority for the document, or changing the user's authority.

*NONE: No users have specific authority to access the document.

Element 1: Users Affected by Authority Level Change

*PUBLIC: The users who do not have specific authority to the document, who are not on the authorization list, and whose users profile group does not have any specific authority to the document are given authority.

user-profile-name: Specify the user profile names of one or more users that are being granted authority.

Element 2: User Authority Levels

*EXCLUDE: The user cannot access the file document.

*USE: The user can perform basic operations on the file document, such as running a program or reading a file. The user cannot change the file document. *USE authority provides object operational authority, read authority, and execute authority.

*CHANGE: The user can perform all operations on the object except those limited to the owner or controlled by object existence authority and object management authority. The user can change and perform basic functions on the object. Change authority provides object operational authority and all data authority.

*ALL: All authority allows the user to perform all operations on the document except those limited to the owner. In addition to the functions allowed with use (*USE) and change (*CHANGE) authorities, the user can control the document's existence and specify the security for the document. The user can transfer ownership of the document.

*AUTL: The authority of the authorization list specified in the AUTL parameter is used for the document. AUTL is valid only if *PUBLIC is also specified.

Specifies that the authority for the document named in the TODOC parameter comes from the authorization list.

*NONE: An authorization list is not specified.

authorization-list: Specify the name of the authorization list whose authority is used for the document.

Specifies the setting to allow replacement of the document content of the document being filed. If this parameter is specified when filing a document that cannot be replaced, it is ignored. A document that cannot be replaced cannot be changed back to a document that can be replaced. The current user of this command must have *ALL authority to the document to request this change.

*NO: The document content of the document being filed cannot be replaced.

*YES: The document content can be replaced.

Specifies where the document profile information is located.

*NONE: The document profile is supplied by other parameters on this command. There is no database file containing the document profile information. The IDPMBR parameter is ignored if *NONE is specified.

*DOCFILE: The database file specified for the document also contains the profile information. The DOCMBR parameter is used for the IDPMBR if *DOCFILE is specified and the IDPMBR parameter is ignored.

*DSTIDIDP: The IDP information associated with the distribution document is used. If the IDPMBR parameter is specified, this value is ignored.

The name of the database file can be qualified by one of the following library values:

*LIBL: All libraries in the job's library list are searched until the first match is found.

*CURLIB: The current library for the job is searched. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.

library-name: Specify the name of the library to be searched.

database-file-name: Specify the name of the database file that contains the IDP information. The document profile database file can be a user-defined file or the output file specified on the Receive Distribution (RCVDST) or Retrieve Document (RTVDOC) commands. If an output file is specified, only the document profile record format is read from the output file and the prefix is removed from the data. If the user specifies this parameter, the remaining parameters after IDPMBR parameter are ignored except for the DOCCHRID and CMDCHRID parameters. More information on defining the format of database files (output files) is in the Database Programming topic in the Information Center.

Specifies the interchange document file member name that is filed. This parameter is used only when IDPFILE (database-file-name) is also specified.

*FIRST: The first member (in order of creation) in the database file is filed.

member-name: Specify the name of the database file member being filed.

Specifies the type of document being filed. This identifier is used by the system to determine whether it can handle the data stream correctly.

*DFT: The system creates the appropriate document type identifier depending on where the data comes from.

Document  Description                     
2         Final form text document (FFTD  
3         5520 revisable form text docum  
4         Word processing EBCDIC (EBCDIC  
5         Word processing information fi  
6         Image-data subset document (IM  
7         3730 text data stream (TEXT373  
8         DIA document library descripto  
9         3732 display document data str  
10        DIA display document data stre  
11        Revisable form text document (  
12        1403 compatible data stream wi  
          length, unblocked records (PRT  
13        Digitized ADS audio (AUDIO)     
14        IBM PC data file (PCFILE)       
15        Hard copy of document (HARDCOP  
223       Data file                       
32753     List of documents created from  
32756     Version 2 DIA document, librar  
          descriptor document             
32768     AS/400 revisable-form document  
32769     AS/400 final-form document (FF  
32770     IBM DW4 revisable-form documen  
32912     ASCII data (ASCIIDATA)          
65262     IBM S/38 revisable document (R  

If TYPE(*IDP) is specified, the document type is 15 (printed document).

If TYPE(*FILE) is specified and the file is an output file created by the RTVDOC command, the document is taken from this file. If this file does not contain a document type or if the value in this file for the document type is 0, then an error message is sent. If the file is a user-defined file, the document type is 223 (data file).

If TYPE(*DSTID) is specified, the document type is the same document type associated with the distribution.

*FFT: The document is final form text. This type of document is intended to be shown and printed and not edited by the receiver.

*RFT: The document is revisable form text. This type of document can be viewed, printed, and edited by the receiver.

document-type-number: Specify a number from 2 through 65,535. The numbers from 2 through 32,767 are controlled by registering them with the IBM Document Interchange Architecture and are used for IBM-defined document types. The numbers 32,768 through 65,535 are not registered with IBM and can be used for non-IBM-defined document types. The meaning of these document types must be determined with the value of the SYSCOD parameter.

Specifies the text that can be used with the DOCTYPE parameter to help uniquely identify that type of document being filed. The receiver of the data stream can determine the document data stream and processing requirements to edit, view, print, or change the document.

*DFT: The system supplies a default system code. If the DOCTYPE value is between 1 and 32,767, the default IBM iSeries 400 CL is retrieved from message CPX9026. The message of this text can be changed to an installation-defined default but cannot exceed 13 characters. If the DOCTYPE is between 32,768 and 65,535, a system code must be specified.

'system-code': Specify the text that helps uniquely identify the type of document being filed. Up to 13 characters can be specified.

Specifies a description for the document being filed. This is the Document Interchange Architecture document name field.

*DFT: The system creates a document description for the database files. The default is (library-name/file-name/member-name) for database files. If TYPE(*IDP) is specified to file only a reference to a printed document, the default document name is Hardcopy Document Reference and is retrieved from the message CPX9025. An installation may change this message but only the first 44 characters are used in the document name. If TYPE(*DSTID) is specified, the document description specified when the distribution is used.

'document-description': Specify the description of the document. Up to 44 characters can be specified.

Specifies the authors of the document.

*NONE: No author is identified for the document.

*USRID: The user ID and address of the user whose document is being done is used as the author's name. This can be the current user or the user ID and address specified in the USRID parameter.

'document-author': Specify the names of the authors. Up to 50 authors can be specified and each author name can have up to 20 characters.

Specifies the class associated with this document, such as memo, form, or sheet.

*NONE: No class is assigned to the document.

'document-class': Specify the document class. Up to 16 characters can be specified.

Specifies the parameters that can be used to describe the document.

*NONE: No parameters are defined for this document.

'document-parameter': Specify the parameters used to describe the document. Up to 50 parameters can be specified and each parameter can have up to 60 characters.

Specifies the subject of the document.

*NONE: No subject is defined for the document.

*DOCD: The document description is used as the subject for the document.

'document-subject': Specifies the subject of the document. Up to 50 subjects can be specified and each subject can have up to 60 characters of text.

Specifies any date the user wants to assign to the document.

*NONE: No date is assigned to the document.

*CURRENT: The current date is used.

date-written: Specify the value that is used as the document date. The date must be in the format specified by the system value QDATFMT. A description of the possible date formats is in the CL Programming Link to PDF book.

Specifies the location where the document is stored. This parameter is intended for printed documents. All that is filed is the interchange document profile that refers to the printed document. This parameter is required if TYPE(*IDP) and IDPFILE(*NONE) is specified.

*NONE: No filing cabinet reference is defined for this document.

'filing-cabinet-reference': Specify text that describes where the printed document is located. Up to 60 characters can be specified.

Specifies the names of the users who receive this document.

*NONE: No copy list is included for this document.

'recipient-name': Specify the names of the users who receive the document. Up to 50 names can be specified and each name can have up to 60 characters.

Specifies the date on which the document is no longer needed.

*NONE: No expiration date is specified.

expiration-date: Specify an expiration date. The date must be entered in the format specified by the system value QDATFMT.

Specifies a reference associated with the document.

*NONE: No reference field is included in the interchange document profile.

reference: Specify the text that describes the reference associated with the document. Up to 60 characters can be used.

Specifies the date when the requested action is due.

*NONE: No due date is specified.

*CURRENT: The current date is used.

action-date: Specify the value that is used as the action due date. The date must be entered in the format specified by the system value QDATFMT.

Specifies the user-defined status (In Process, Pending Approval, or Retired).

*NONE: No status is included in the interchange document profile.

'status-of-document': Specify text that describes the status of the document. Up to 20 characters can be specified.

Specifies the date when the requested action is completed.

*NONE: No completion date is included.

*CURRENT: The current date is used.

date-complete: Specify the date when the action is completed. The date must be entered in the format specified by the system value QDATFMT.

Specifies the project with which the document is associated.

*NONE: No project field is included in the interchange document profile.

project: Specify the text that describes the project of the document. Up to 10 characters can be specified.

Specifies the character identifier (graphic character set and code page) for the data being filed. The character identifier is related to the display device that was used to create the data being filed. More information about character identifier processing is in the Database Programming topic in the Information Center.

*SYSVAL: The system determines the graphic character set and code page values for the command parameters from the QCHRID system values.

*DEVD: The system determines the graphic character set and code page values for the command parameter from the display device description where the command is entered. This option is valid only when specified from an interactive job. If this value is specified in an interactive CL program or a batch job, an error message is sent.

Element 1: Character Set

graphic-character-set: Specify the graphic character set values used to create the data being filed.

Element 2: Code Page

code-page: Specify the code page value used to create the command parameters. Valid values range from 1 through 999.

Specifies the language identifier being placed in this document's interchange document profile (IDP). This parameter is ignored if the IDPFILE parameter is specified.

*JOB: The language identifier specified for the job in which this command is entered is used.

language-identifier: Specify the language identifier. More information on valid language identifiers is in the Globalization topic in the Information Center.

Specifies the country or region identifier being placed in this document's interchange document profile (IDP). This parameter is ignored if the IDPFILE parameter is specified.

*JOB: The country or region identifier specified for the job in which this command is entered is used.

country-identifier: Specify an ISO 3166 Alpha-2 code from the country or region code table. More information on this parameter is in commonly used parameters.

Specifies the character identifier (graphic character set and code page) for data being specified as parameter values on this command. This character identifier (CHRID) is related to the display device used to specify the command. More information about CHRID processing is in the Application Display Programming


Note: The CMDCHRID parameter applies to the following parameters and means that the character set and code page are stored with the fields to allow the display station that accesses the document to correctly print or display the fields. The fields are translated to a common character set and code page when the fields are written to the search database. This value translates the following parameters to character set and code page of '697 500'. USRID and DSTID parameter values are in character set 930 and code page 500.

The following fields are translated:


This value translates the USRID parameter to character set and code page of '930 500'. The SNA Distribution Services book contains the character set and code page table for '930 500'.

*SYSVAL: The system determines the graphic character set and code page values for the command parameters from the QCHRID system values.

*DEVD: The system determines the graphic character set and code page values for the command parameter from the display device description where the command is entered. This option is valid only when specified from an interactive job. If this value is specified in an interactive CL program or a batch job, an error message is sent.

Element 1: Character Set

graphic-character-set: Specify the graphic character set values used to create the command parameter.

Element 2: Code Page

code-page: Specify the code page. Valid values range from 1 through 9999.

Examples for FILDOC

Example 1: Filing a Personal Document


This command files a private document using a database file that has the document content and document profile information. The default for the distribution ID extension is 01 (DSTID(01)).

Example 2: Filing a Distribution Document


This command files a distribution document in the document library QDOC in document DST0201 and folder FLRDST. The document class is changed in the distribution document, and the second distribution that was sent to the user is filed.

Error messages for FILDOC

*ESCAPE Messages

User ID and address &1 &2 not in System Distribution Directory.
Sign on and verify of user failed.
Document filing request failed.
Authority of *AUTL is allowed only with USRAUT(*PUBLIC).
Error occurred trying to find a translation table.
Cannot use CMDCHRID(*DEVD), DOCCHRID(*DEVD) in batch job.
Error occurred while opening file &1.
Error while processing file &1 in library &2.
Error occurred while closing file &1 in library &2.