ENDPFRTRC (End Performance Trace)

ENDPFRTRC Command syntax diagram



The End Performance Trace (ENDPFRTRC) command will stop the collection of performance trace data in the QPM_STRPFRTRC trace table and optionally write performance trace data to a data base file. The QPM_STRPFRTRC trace table will be deleted whether or not the data is written to a data base file.

This command is intended to be used to end a performance trace started via the Start Performance Trace (STRPFRTRC) command. However, it will end and try to process any active trace in the QPM_STRPFRTRC trace table.



  1. This command is shipped with public *EXCLUDE authority.
  2. The following user profiles have private authorities to use the command:

    • QSRV

Specifies whether the trace data is dumped to the performance database file QAPMDMPT. If the data is not dumped, it will be lost when the trace table is deleted.

*YES: The trace data, if any, is dumped.

*NO: The trace data is not dumped.

Specifies the member name within the QAPMDMPT database file where the trace table data is dumped.

Specifies the library where the database file for trace data is located. If the file is not found in the specified library, the system automatically creates it in that library.

The name of the database file can be qualified by one of the following library values:

QPFRDATA: The data is located in the IBM-supplied performance data library, QPFRDATA.

library-name: Specify the name of the library to be searched.

Specifies the text that briefly describes the database member. More information on this parameter is in Commonly used parameters.

*BLANK: Text is not specified.

'description': Specify no more than 50 characters of text, enclosed in apostrophes.

Example for ENDPFRTRC

Example 1: Ending Performance Trace


In this example, the current trace is ended, the data is written to file QPFRDATA/QAPMDMPT member MYDATA and the trace table is deleted, releasing the storage used by the trace.

Error messages for ENDPFRTRC

*ESCAPE Messages

Refer to the TRCINT and DMPTRC commands for messages.