DSPSRVPVDA (Display Service Provider Attributes)
Note: To use this command, have the 5722-SM1 (System Manager for iSeries) licensed program installed.
DSPSRVPVDA Command syntax diagram
The Display Service Provider Attributes (DSPSRVPVDA) command displays the configuration attributes of the service provider. The system attributes include the following:
- Log remote problems
- Send PTFs automatically
- Shows the name of the message queue and library where you want to receive messages about remote system problems
- Maximum number of Kbytes of data that can be distributed
- Hold PTFs received
- Cover letter language
- Automatically forward requests to the next service provider.
The Change Service Provider Attributes (CHGSRVPVDA) command can be used to change the service provider attributes.
Example for DSPSRVPVDA
DSPSRVPVDAThis command displays the configuration attributes of the service provider.
Error messages for DSPSRVPVDA
*ESCAPE Messages