DSPPFM (Display Physical File Member) Command Description
The Display Physical File Member (DSPPFM) command displays a physical database file member. Records are shown in arrival sequence, even if the file has a keyed access path. Users can page through the file, locate a particular record by record number, or specify a starting position in the record. They can also select a character or hexadecimal display of the records.
Required Parameter
- Specifies the name of the physical file that contains the member being shown. If no library qualifier is specified, the library list is used to locate the file.
The name of the physical file member can be qualified by one of the following library values:
*LIBL: All libraries in the job's library list are searched until the first match is found.
*CURLIB: The current library for the job is searched. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.
library-name: Specify the name of the library to be searched.
physical-file-name: Specify the name of the physical file.
Optional Parameters
- Specifies the name of the physical file member being shown.
*FIRST: The first member in the database file is used.
*LAST: The last member of the specified physical file is shown.
member-name: Specify the name of the physical file member.
- Specifies which record in a physical file is shown on the top line of the initial display. If the specified record number is a deleted record, the display is positioned on the first record that follows the record that has been deleted. The user can display as many records as needed using the page-up and page-down keys.
1: Record number one, or the first non-deleted record, of the physical file is shown. If the file is a distributed file, this will be the first non-deleted record of the local member, and only local data will be shown.
*END: The last non-deleted record in the physical file is shown. The *END value shows the last complete page so that the last record in the physical file appears at the bottom of the screen. If the file is a distributed file, this will be the last non-deleted record of the local member, and only local data will be shown.
*ALLDATA: All the data for a distributed file, including remote data, is shown. If *ALLDATA is specified for a non-distributed file, it will be treated the same as FROMRCD(1).
record-number: Specify the number of the record shown on the top line of the initial display. If the file is a distributed file, this will be the record number of the local member, and only local data will be shown.
Examples for DSPPFM
Example 1: Displaying the First File Member
DSPPFM FILE(TESTA)This command shows the first member of a physical file named TESTA. The library list is used to locate the file.
Example 2: Displaying a File Member
DSPPFM FILE(SAMPLE/TESTB) MBR(PROGRAM)This command shows member PROGRAM of physical file TESTB in library SAMPLE.
Error messages for DSPPFM
*ESCAPE Messages
- CPF8056
- File &1 in &2 not a physical file.
- CPF9810
- Library &1 not found.
- CPF9812
- File &1 in library &2 not found.
- CPF9820
- Not authorized to use library &1.
- CPF9822
- Not authorized to file &1 in library &2.
- CPF9845
- Error occurred while opening file &1.
- CPF9846
- Error while processing file &1 in library &2.
- CPF9847
- Error occurred while closing file &1 in library &2.