DSPOVR (Display Override) Command Description

DSPOVR Command syntax diagram


The Display Override (DSPOVR) command displays file overrides at any active call level for a job. All file overrides, or file overrides for a specific file name, can be displayed.

The file overrides can be merged before being displayed. A merged file override is the result of combining all overrides for a file from call level one to the specified call level, producing the override which is applied when the file is opened at the specified call level.

A call level is associated with each call stack entry in the call stack. Calling a program or procedure adds another call stack entry to the call stack. When a program or procedure is called using the TFRCTL (Transfer Control) command, the call stack entry replaces a call stack entry that is already on the call stack; a new call level number is not created.

Note: This function can also be accessed through option 15 of the Work with Job (WRKJOB) command.

Optional Parameters

Specifies whether all file overrides, or file overrides for a specific file, are displayed.

*ALL: All the file overrides from call level one to the specified call level are displayed.

*PRTF: The *PRTF file override, which exists in the call level where this command is entered, is displayed.

overridden-file-name: Specify the name of the file for which all the file overrides, from call level one to the specified call level, are displayed.

Specifies whether the file overrides are merged. Only those parameters on the overrides of the same type as the last override used for the merged override are used in determining the effective override for the specified call level.

*YES: The file overrides displayed are merged.

*NO: The file overrides displayed are not merged.

Specifies the call levels of the file overrides displayed. There is a one-to-one correspondence between the call stack entries displayed on the call stack from the WRKJOB command and the call level for that call stack entry.

The first call stack entry name displayed on the call stack (at the top of the list) is the program or procedure at call level one. The second call stack entry name displayed is the program or procedure at call level two. The last call stack entry name displayed is the program or procedure at the highest call level for the job.

  • If a merged file override is displayed, file overrides from call level one to the specified call level contributes to the creation of the merged file override.
  • If MRGOVR(*NO) and FILE(*ALL) are specified, all file overrides (and the call levels at which they were found) from call level one to the specified call level are displayed.
  • If MRGOVR(*NO) is specified, and a file override name is specified on the FILE parameter, all file overrides for the file specified (and the call levels at which they were found) from call level one to the specified call level are displayed.

*: The call level of the file override displayed is the call level of the program that called the DSPOVR command processing program. If the DSPOVR command is called to QCMDEXC, the call level is the same level as that of QCMDEXC. Overrides at call level numbers greater than 999 are not displayed.

*JOB: The call levels of the file overrides displayed are all call levels for the job.

call-level-number: Specify the specific call levels of the file overrides displayed. A specific call level is used to display file overrides at call levels lower than the call level at which the user is running. Valid values range from 1 through 999.

Specifies whether the output from the command is displayed at the requesting work station or printed with the job's spooled output. More information on this parameter is in Commonly used parameters.

*: Output requested by an interactive job is shown on the display. Output requested by a batch job is printed with the job's spooled output.

*PRINT: The output is printed with the job's spooled output.

Specifies the level overrides to display for an activation group. When MRGOVR(*YES) is specified, the activation group level overrides are processed after all call level overrides that are greater than or equal to the call level of the oldest procedure in the activation group are processed.

*: The level overrides from the requester's activation group will be displayed.

activation-group-name: Specify the name of the activation group that specifies activation group level overrides.

Examples for DSPOVR

Example 1: Displaying Merged Overrides


This command produces a display showing the merged override for the file REPORTS at call level 3 with text descriptions of each keyword and parameter. Applicable overrides at call levels 1, 2 and 3 are used to form the merged override.

Example 2: Displaying File Overrides


This command displays all file overrides for the file reports up to call level 2. It produces a display showing the file name, the call level for which the override was requested, the type of override, and the override parameters. If no file overrides are found for the file up to and including the specified call level, escape message CPF9842 is sent.

Error messages for DSPOVR

*ESCAPE Messages

Function &1 not allowed.
Overrides not found for file &1.
Error occurred while opening file &1.
Error while processing file &1 in library &2.
Error occurred while closing file &1 in library &2.
Override of printer file &1 not allowed.
Overflow value for file &1 in &2 too small.
Page size too narrow for file &1 in &2.