DSPLIB (Display Library) Command Description
The Display Library (DSPLIB) command displays the contents of one or more specified libraries; that is, it displays a list of the names and types of all objects contained in each library, regardless of the authorization on each object. The command can also be used to display a list of libraries from which individual libraries may be selected for a display of their objects. From the display of a library's contents, options can be specified to request displays that show more specific information about the objects in the library. If more than one library is to be displayed, they are displayed one at a time. The display lists the name, type, auxiliary storage pool device name, and the number of objects in each library.>
- The user must have *READ authority for each library specified to display its contents.
- The user must have *EXECUTE authority to the auxiliary storage pool (ASP) device if a specific ASP device name is specified on the ASPDEV parameter. >
- For printed output, the total-size field of the library includes the size of the objects in the library plus the size of the library object itself. If this value is followed by a plus (+) sign, objects in the library are not currently available, are damaged, being locked, or are not authorized. The plus sign indicates that the actual total of all objects is greater than the value displayed.
If *ALL, *ALLUSR, *LIBL, or *USRLIBL is specified on the LIB parameter and output is printed, the contents of the libraries are printed. If output is displayed for one of these names, a list of the libraries is displayed from which individual libraries may be selected for further display.
Optional Parameters
- Specifies the names of the libraries that are displayed or printed.
The name of the library can be qualified by one of the following library values:
*LIBL: All libraries in the thread's library list are displayed. If ASPDEV is used when this value is used, ASPDEV(*) is the only valid value.
*CURLIB: The current library for the thread is displayed. If no library is specified as the current library for the thread, the QGPL library is displayed. If ASPDEV is used when this value is used, ASPDEV(*) is the only valid value.
*USRLIBL: Only the libraries in the user portion of the thread's library list are displayed. If ASPDEV is used when this value is used, ASPDEV(*) is the only valid value.
*ALL: All libraries in the auxiliary storage pools (ASPs) defined by the ASPDEV parameter are displayed.
*ALLUSR: All user libraries in the auxiliary storage pools (ASPs) defined by the ASPDEV parameter are displayed. User libraries are all libraries with names that do not begin with the letter Q except for the following:
#SEULIBAlthough the following libraries with names that begin with the letter Q are provided by IBM, they typically contain user data that changes frequently. Therefore, these libraries are also considered user libraries:
- 'xxxxx' is the number of a primary auxiliary storage pool.
- A different library name, of the form QUSRVxRxMx, can be created by the user for each release that IBM supports. VxRxMx is the version, release, and modification level of the library.
library-name: Specify the name of the library to be displayed.>
- Specifies the auxiliary storage pool (ASP) device name where storage is allocated for the library being displayed (LIB parameter). If the library is in an ASP that is not part of the thread's library name space, this parameter must be specified to ensure the correct library is displayed. ASPDEV(*) is the only valid value if *CURLIB, *LIBL, or *USRLIBL is specified for the LIB parameter.
*: The ASPs that are currently part of the thread's library name space will be searched to locate the library. This includes the system ASP (ASP 1), all defined basic user ASPs (ASPs 2-32), and, if the thread has an ASP group, the primary and secondary ASPs in the ASP group.
*ALLAVL: All available ASPs will be searched. This includes the system ASP (ASP 1), all defined basic user ASPs (ASPs 2-32), and all available primary and secondary ASPs (ASPs 33-255 with a status of 'Available').
*CURASPGRP: If the thread has a primary ASP, the primary and secondary ASPs in the ASP group will be searched to locate the library. The system ASP (ASP 1) and defined basic user ASPs (ASPs 2-32) will not be searched.
*SYSBAS: The system ASP (ASP 1) and all basic user ASPs (ASPs 2-32) will be searched to locate the library. No primary or secondary ASPs will be searched, even if the thread has an ASP group.
auxiliary-storage-pool-device-name: The device name of the primary or secondary ASP to be searched to locate the library. The primary or secondary ASP must have been activated (by varying on the ASP device) and have a status of 'Available'. The system ASP (ASP 1) and basic user ASPs (ASPs 2-32) will not be searched.
- Specifies whether the output from the command is shown at the requesting work station or printed with the thread's spooled output. More information on this parameter is in commonly used parameters.
*: Output requested by an interactive job is shown on the display. Output requested by a batch job is printed with the job's spooled output.
*PRINT: The output is printed with the job's spooled output.
Example for DSPLIB
DSPLIB LIB(QGPL)The names, types, and basic descriptions of all the objects located in the QGPL library are either shown on the work station from which the command was submitted, or printed on the system printer if the command was run in a batch job.
Error messages for DSPLIB
*ESCAPE Messages
- Device description &1 not correct for operation.
- CPF210E
- Library &1 not available.
- CPF2110
- Library &1 not found.
- CPF2113
- Cannot allocate library &1.
- CPF2148
- Library marked *DELETED not found.
- CPF2150
- Object information function failed.
- CPF2176
- Library &1 damaged.
- CPF2179
- Cannot display library.
- CPF218C
- &1 not a primary or secondary ASP.
- CPF2182
- Not authorized to library &1.
- CPF9814
- Device &1 not found.
- CPF9825
- Not authorized to device &1.
- CPF9833
- *CURASPGRP or *ASPGRPPRI specified and thread has no ASP group.
- CPF9845
- Error occurred while opening file &1.
- CPF9846
- Error while processing file &1 in library &2.
- CPF9847
- Error occurred while closing file &1 in library &2.