CVTDIR (Convert Directory)
The Convert Directory (CVTDIR) command can provide information on converting integrated file system directories from *TYPE1 format to *TYPE2 format, or perform a conversion. *TYPE2 directories are optimized for performance, size, and reliability as compared to directories having the *TYPE1 format. The information provided includes estimates of the amount of time a conversion will take, the current directory format of the file systems and disk storage requirements of the conversion.
- Only directories in root (/) and QOpenSys file systems, and in basic User ASPs can be converted or estimated.
- The system must be in a restricted state if the directories in the root (/) or QOpenSys file systems are being converted.
- You must have *ALLOBJ authority to use this command.
- When you have specified OPTION(*CONVERT), the job cannot be canceled. If the system abnormally ends while processing the conversion, the conversion will complete during the ensuing IPL.
- The caller of this API must be able to own several objects that are created by the convert directory function. In order for this API to run correctly, we recommend that the calling user profile has Maximum Storage Allowed set to *NOMAX.
Required Parameters
- Specifies the function you want to perform.
*CHECK: The file systems which are currently on the system are checked to determine whether they are eligible for conversion. Message CPIA084 is sent for the root (/), and QOpenSys file systems, and for all active auxiliary storage pools on the system identifying their current directory format.
*ESTIMATE: An estimate is provided of the time it will take to convert the specified file systems to the specified directory format. Information is also provided on disk storage considerations for the conversion. The information is returned in messages CPIA087, CPIA090 and CPIA091. Additionally, the system will pre-create objects which will reduce the time it takes to do a subsequent conversion.
*CONVERT: All of the directories in the specified file system are converted to the specified directory format. This may be a long running function. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you first use the *ESTIMATE option to see how long this processing will take, and to pre-create some objects that can be used by the directory conversion.
Additional disk storage will be required when running the conversion. The amount of storage required will be proportional to the depth of the directories and the number of disk units in the ASP.
Additionally, this option will rename any object names that are not valid for UTF-16. Message CPIA08A will be sent for each object name that is renamed. See the Integrated file system topic in the File systems and management category of the Information Center for more information.
Note: When the root (/) and QOpenSys file systems are converted, all user-defined file systems will be unmounted by the system. When the user-defined file systems in a specific ASP are converted, all user-defined file systems in that ASP will be unmounted. These unmounted file systems will not be remounted by the system when the conversion is complete.
Optional Parameters
- Specifies the file system whose directories you want to process.
*NONE: No file system will be processed.
*ROOT: The directories in the root (/) file system will be processed.
*QOPENSYS: The directories in the QOpenSys file system will be processed.
*UDFS: The directories in the user-defined file systems on the specified auxiliary storage pool (ASP parameter) will be processed.
Note: If FORMAT(*TYPE1) is specified, then the specified ASP must have no user-defined file systems. *ALL: All of the directories in the eligible file systems will be processed. If OPTION(*CONVERT) is specified, inquiry message CPAA084 will be sent listing the file systems which will be converted and requesting confirmation of the conversion.
- Specifies the auxiliary storage pool (ASP) number of the user-defined file systems you want to process.
ASP-number: Specify a value ranging from 1 through 32 to specify the number of the ASP whose user-defined file systems you want to process. Valid values depend on how ASPs are defined on the system.
Note: The value of 1 is the system ASP, any other value indicates a user ASP. If the system ASP is specified, only the user-defined file systems in the system ASP are converted; that is, root (/) and QOpenSys will not be converted.
- Specifies the directory format type you want to convert to.
*TYPE2: The directories in the specified file system will be converted to *TYPE2. Any existing directories will be converted to *TYPE2 and any new directories created in the specified file system after this conversion will be *TYPE2. This directory format is optimized for performance, size, and reliability as compared to directories having the *TYPE1 format.
*TYPE1: The specified file system will be converted so that any new directories created in the specified file system after this conversion will be *TYPE1. This is the original directory format which was available when the integrated file system was first introduced.
- Specifies the amount of information which should be periodically displayed in informational status messages while the directories are being converted.
*BASIC: The number of links which have been processed will be displayed. Choosing this option will reduce the time it takes to do the directory conversion.
*EXTENDED: The percentage of the total number of links which have been processed will be displayed as well as the estimated number of minutes remaining for the conversion process to complete. Choosing this option will increase the time it takes to do the directory conversion because the entire directory tree will be scanned twice. The amount of additional time will be proportional to the number of directories which must be processed.
Examples for CVTDIR
Example 1: Checking Directory Format Information
CVTDIR OPTION(*CHECK)This command checks which file systems can be converted and returns the current directory formats for the file systems.
Example 2: Converting Directories in a User ASP to *TYPE2 format
CVTDIR OPTION(*CONVERT) FILESYS(*UDFS) ASP(8) FORMAT(*TYPE2)This command converts the directories in the user-defined file systems on auxiliary storage pool 8 to *TYPE2 format.
Error messages for CVTDIR
*ESCAPE Messages
- CPFA099
- The requested directory conversion cannot be performed.
- Errors occurred during directory conversion.