CRTWSCST (Create Work Station Customizing Object)

CRTWSCST Command syntax diagram



The Create Work Station Customizing Object (CRTWSCST) command allows the user to create a work station customizing object in a library.


Required Parameters

Specifies the name of a work station customizing object to be created.

The possible library values are:

*CURLIB: The work station customizing object is created in the current library for the job. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.

library-name: Specify the name of the library where the work station customizing object is created.

object-name: Specify the name of the object that is created.


Optional Parameters

Specifies the name of the source file in which a source file member containing the customizing table attributes resides. If the source file does not exist, an error message is displayed. The coded character set identifier for the source file should be *HEX.

*CURLIB: The source file is located in the current library for the job.

library-name: Specify the name of the library where the source file is located.

QTXTSRC: The IBM-supplied source file QTXTSRC is used.

source-file-name: Specify the name of the source file.

Specifies the name of the source file member containing the table attributes.

*WSCST: Specifies that the work station customizing object name is used as the source member name.

source-file-member-name: Specify the name of the member in the source file specified on the SRCFILE parameter that is used to create the work station customizing object.

Specifies the authority given to users who do not have specific authority to the work station customizing object, who are not on an authorization list, and whose user group has no specific authority to the work station customizing object.

*LIBCRTAUT: The public authority for the work station customizing object is taken from the value on the CRTAUT parameter of the target library (the library that is to contain the work station customizing object). The public authority is determined when the work station customizing object is created. If the CRTAUT value for the library changes after the work station customizing object is created, the new value does not affect any existing objects.

*CHANGE: The user can perform all operations on the object except those limited to the owner or controlled by object existence authority and object management authority. The user can change and perform basic functions on the object. Change authority provides object operational authority and all data authority.

*ALL: The user can perform all operations except those limited to the owner or controlled by authorization list management authority. The user can control the object's existence, specify the security for the object, change the object, and perform basic functions on the object. The user also can change ownership of the work station customizing object.

*USE: The user can perform basic operations on the work station customizing object, such as running a program or reading a file. The user cannot change the work station customizing object. *USE authority provides object operational authority, read authority, and execute authority.

*EXCLUDE: The user cannot access the work station customizing object.

Indicates whether an existing object is replaced.

*YES: Replace the existing work station customizing object.

*NO: Do not replace the existing work station customizing object.

Specifies the text that briefly describes the object. More information on this parameter is in Commonly used parameters.

*SRCMBRTXT: The text is taken from the source file member used to create the work station customizing object.

*BLANK: Text is not specified.

'description': Specify a description of the object.

Example for CRTWSCST


This command creates a work station customizing object named MYWSCOBJ.

Error messages for CRTWSCST
