CRTTAPF (Create Tape File) syntax diagram

Job: B,I Pgm: B,I REXX: B,I Exec
          .-*CURLIB/------.                           (1)
   |       .-*NONE----------------.    |
   |       | .------------------. |    |
   |       | V             (2)  | |    |
   |       .-*NONE----------------------.    |
   |       | .------------------------. |    |
   |       | V                   (3)  | |    |
   |         .-*SL--.  .-1---------------.    |
   |          .-1---------------.    |
   |         .-*NONE----------------.    |
   |            .-*DATA-.    |
   |          .-*CALC---------.    |
   |          .-*CALC--------.    |
   |           (4)   .-0-------------.    |
   |            (5)   .-*FB--.    |
   |          .-*NO----------------.    |
   |          |       .-*NOCHECK-. |    |
   |           .-*DEVTYPE-----.    |
   '-COMPACT(--+-*DEVD-+--)-'  |        .-*EBCDIC-.    |
               '-*NO---'       '-CODE(--+-*ASCII--+--)-'
   |           .-*NONE---------.    |
   |           .-*NONE-----------.    |
   |          .-*REWIND-.    |
   |             .-*NONE--------------------------------------.    |
   |             | .-*LIBL/--------.                          |    |
   |          .-*NO--.    |
   |            .-*IMMED------------.    |
   |         .-*NO--.    |
   |       .-*LIBCRTAUT--------------.    |
   |           .-*YES-.    |  |        .-*BLANK--------.    |
   '-REPLACE(--+-*NO--+--)-'  '-TEXT(--+-'description'-+--)-'


  1. All parameters preceding this point can be specified in positional form.

  2. A maximum of 4 repetitions.

  3. A maximum of 50 repetitions.

  4. The value *BLKDSC is valid only for a file with record block format *D or *DB.

  5. The values *F, *FB, *VS, *VBS, and *U are valid for both EBCDIC and ASCII codes; *V and *VB are valid only for EBCDIC; *D and *DB are valid only for ASCII.