CRTOVL (Create Overlay)

CRTOVL Command syntax diagram



The Create Overlay (CRTOVL) command creates an overlay resource from a physical file. The physical file contains the overlay resource information. The overlay resource information, can, for example, come from a S/370 host system and be in the Systems Application Architecture (SAA) format.


Required Parameters

Specifies the qualified name of the overlay being created.

The name of the overlay can be qualified by one of the following library values:

*CURLIB: The overlay is created in the current library for the job. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.

library-name: Specify the name of the library where the overlay is created.

overlay-name: Specify the name of the overlay being created.

Specifies the qualified name of the file being used to create the overlay.

The name of the file can be qualified by one of the following library values:

*LIBL: All libraries in the job's library list are searched until the first match is found.

*CURLIB: The current library for the job is searched. If no library is specified as the current library for the job, the QGPL library is used.

library-name: Specify the name of the library to be searched.

file-name: Specify the name of the file to create the database file.


Optional Parameters

Specifies the name of the file member used to create the overlay.

*OVL: The name of the file member that contains the input data is the same as the overlay being created.

member-name: Specify the name of the file member that contains the overlay input data.

Specifies the source type of the input file.

*AFPDS: The input is a pre-built *AFPDS file from a System/370.

*AFPU: The input is an *AFPU source file created with Advanced Functions Printing Facilities for OS/400.

Specifies whether the page definition is replaced.

*YES: The specified page definition is replaced.

*NO: No replacement occurs.

Specifies the authority given to users who do not have specific authority to the overlay, who are not on an authorization list, and whose user group has no specific authority to the overlay.

*LIBCRTAUT: The public authority for the overlay is taken from the value on the CRTAUT parameter of the target library (the library that is to contain the overlay). The public authority is determined when the overlay is created. If the CRTAUT value for the library changes after the overlay is created, the new value does not affect any existing objects.

*CHANGE: The user can perform all operations on the object except those limited to the owner or controlled by object existence authority and object management authority. The user can change and perform basic functions on the object. Change authority provides object operational authority and all data authority.

*ALL: The user can perform all operations except those limited to the owner or controlled by authorization list management authority. The user can control the object's existence, specify the security for the object, change the object, and perform basic functions on the object. The user also can change ownership of the overlay.

*USE: The user can perform basic operations on the overlay, such as running a program or reading a file. The user cannot change the overlay. *USE authority provides object operational authority, read authority, and execute authority.

*EXCLUDE: The user cannot access the overlay.

authorization-list-name: Specify the name of the authorization list used.

Specifies the text that briefly describes the program and its function. More information on this parameter is in Commonly used parameters.

*MBRTXT: The text is taken from the file member being used to create the overlay.

The user can add or change text for a database source member by using either the Add Physical File Member (ADDPFM) command or the Change Physical File Member (CHGPFM) command. If the source file is an inline file or a device file, the text is blank.

*BLANK: No text is specified.

'description': Specify no more than 50 characters of text, enclosed in apostrophes.

Example for CRTOVL

  TEXT('representation of my signature')

This command creates the overlay MYSIGNTR into MYLIB. File name MYSIGNTR in library MYLIB with member MYSIGNTR, is used as input. Specifying *EXCLUDE does not allow any other user access to the signature. The text describes the overlay.

Error messages for CRTOVL

*ESCAPE Messages

Authorization list &1 does not exist.
File &1 in &2 not a physical file.
Printer resource type &1 &2 was not created in library &3.
Data type parameter value of *AFPU incorrect for &1 command.
Library &1 cannot be accessed.
Library &1 not found.
File &1 in library &2 not found.
Not authorized to file &1 in library &2.
Error occurred while opening file &1.
Error while processing file &1 in library &2.
Error occurred while closing file &1 in library &2.
Object &2 type *&5 already exists in library &3.