CRTLINETH Command syntax diagram
The Create Line Description (Ethernet) (CRTLINETH) command creates a line description for an Ethernet Local Area Network (LAN) line. More information about using this command is in the Communications Configuration book.
Note: | Use the Work with Hardware Resources (WRKHDWRSC)
command with *CMN specified for the TYPE parameter to help determine the
resource name.
Specify the resource name of the communications port. The resource name consists of the input/output adapter (IOA) resource name and the port number on the IOA. For example, if the resource name of the IOA is LIN01 and the port on the IOA is 1, then the resource name would be LIN011. |
*NWID: The resource name is determined by the network interface used.
*NWSD: The resource name is determined by the network server used.
resource-name: Specify a resource name.
*YES: The line is automatically varied on at IPL.
*NO: This line is not automatically varied on at IPL.
*NOWAIT: The system does not wait for the vary on to complete. The line is varied on asynchronously.
vary-on-wait: Specify the time (in seconds) to wait. Valid values range from 15 through 180. The system waits until the line is varied on, or until the specified time passes, before completing the Vary Configuration (VRYCFG) command.
Normal vary-on time ranges from 5 through 45 seconds, but can be longer, depending on the system, line protocol, and other factors.
10M: The line speed is 10 million bits per second.
100M: The line speed is 100 million bits per second.
1G: The line speed is 1 gigabit per second (1000
bits per second). Gigabit ethernet will only
run on the TCP/IP protocol.
Note: | Line speed must be 1G for NWS *VRTETHxxx ports. |
*AUTO: The line speed value will be determined by the hardware using auto-negotiation.
*HALF: The line communicates using half duplex mode.
*FULL: The line communicates using full duplex
Note: | DUPLEX must be *FULL for NWS *VRTETHxxx ports. |
*AUTO: The duplex value will be determined by the hardware using auto-negotiation.
1496: The maximum frame size is 1496 bytes.
maximum-frame-size: Specify the maximum frame size value to be used. The valid frame sizes (in bytes) range from 1496 through 8996.
Note: When RSRCNAME(*NWID) or RSRCNAME(*NWSD) is specified, the only valid value for this parameter is 1496 bytes. When ETHSTD(*ALL) or ETHSTD(*IEEE8023) is specified, the valid values can range from 1496 bytes to 8996 bytes. However, if the maximum frame size is greater than 1496 bytes, LINESPEED(1G), DUPLEX(*FULL) or DUPLEX(*AUTO) must be specified.
Note: | NWI(*NONE) must be specified when RSRCNAME(*NWID) is not specified. Otherwise, NWI(*NONE) can be specified only when NWIDLCI(*NONE) is also specified. |
*NONE: A network interface description is not specified.
NWI-name: Specify the name of the network interface description to be used.
Note: | NWIDLCI(*NONE) must be specified when RSRCNAME(*NWID) is not specified. Otherwise, NWIDLCI(*NONE) can be specified only when NWI(*NONE) is also specified. |
*NONE: A DLCI is not specified for the network interface.
data-link-connection-ID: Specify the DLCI for the network interface to which this line permanently attaches. Valid values range from 1 through 1018.
*FR: The network interface type is frame relay.
*ATM: The network interface type is Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM).
Note: | NWS can only be specified when RSRCNAME(*NWSD) is specified. |
*NONE: No network server description is specified.
Element 1: Network Server Description
network-server-description: Specify the name of an existing network server description to be used.
Element 2: Network Server Port
*VRTETHPTP: The network server point to point ethernet port is configured.
*VRTETHn: The network server virtual ethernet port 'n' is configured, where 'n' has a value of 0 through 9. Line speed must be 1G (one gigabit per second).>
network-server-port: Specify the network server port to which the line is attached. Valid values are 1 and 2.
*ADPT: The preset Ethernet adapter address is used as the local adapter address. The adapter address can be displayed (DSPLIND) after the line description has been successfully varied on.
local-adapter-address: Specify the local Ethernet adapter address to override the preset local address. The local adapter address must be an individual address (it cannot be a group address). Valid values range from 020000000000 through FEFFFFFFFFFF in hexadecimal format. The second digit (from the left) of the address must be 2, 6, A, or E.
*NONE: A group address is not used.
group-address: Specify the address to which a subset of units on the Ethernet line responds in addition to their local adapter address. Valid values range from 010000000000 through FDFFFFFFFFFF in hexadecimal format. The second digit (from the left) must be odd. All group addresses must be unique.
*SYSGEN: This value allows the iSeries 400 to create the exchange identifier. Use the Display Line Description (DSPLIND) command to see the resulting exchange identifier.
exchange-ID: Specify an 8-character (four hexadecimal bytes) exchange identifier ranging from 05600000 through 056FFFFF.
*ALL: All Ethernet standards can be used. However, SNA data will be placed in IEEE 802.3 frames.
*ETHV2: Ethernet Version 2 frames are used for all data.
*IEEE8023: IEEE 802.3 frames are used for all data.
40: The default number of controllers is 40.
maximum-controllers: Specify the maximum number of controllers supported by the line. This should be a number large enough to account for all of the controllers that are currently attached to this line, and for those controllers to be attached in the near future. The range is from 1 through 256.
Note: | Ethernet Version 2 (specified as *ETHV2 on the ETHSTD parameter) does not allow the SSAP values of 06 and AA. |
The destination service access point (DSAP), specified by the remote controller, must match one of the SSAPs specified in order for communication to occur. All SSAP values must be unique.
Note: | It is recommended that SSAPs F0, F8 and FC are not used for lines attached to network server descriptions. |
*SYSGEN: The system determines the source service access points.
Element 1: SSAPs
source-service-access-point: Specify a source service access point for receiving and transmitting data. A maximum of 24 SSAP values can be specified.
Note: | If ETHSTD(*ETHV2) is specified, AA cannot be specified. However, TCP/IP can be run. |
Element 2: Frame Size for SSAPs
*MAXFRAME: The system determines the maximum frame size (data field size) that can be transmitted or received. If ETHSTD(*ALL or *IEEE8023) was specified, *CALC produces a frame size of 1496 for TCP/IP and SNA SSAPs. If ETHSTD(*ETHV2) was specified, *CALC produces a frame size of 1493 for SNA SSAPs.
SSAP-maximum-frame: Specify the maximum frame size for each SSAP. Valid values for the maximum frame size range from 265 through 8996.
Note: | When RSRCNAME(*NWID) and ETHSTD(*ETHV2) are specified, the valid values for this parameter range from 265 through 1486 bytes. When RSRCNAME(*NWID) and ETHSTD(*ALL) or ETHSTD(*IEEE8023) are specified, the valid values for this parameter range from 265 through 1489 bytes. Maximum frame size that is greater than 1486 or greater than 1489 is valid only when AA SSAP for TCP/IP is specified. |
Element 3: SSAP Type
*CALC: The system determines the value to use.
*SNA: The SSAP is used for SNA communications. Valid values range from 04 through 9C and must be divisible by 4.
*NONSNA: The SSAP is used for non-SNA communications. Valid values range from 02 through FE and must be divisible by 2.
*HPR: The SSAP is used for HPR communications. It also can be used for SNA applications. The valid value is hex C8.
*SVC: This line represents a LAN emulation client using switched virtual circuits.
*PVC: This line represents a LAN emulation client using a permanent virtual circuit.
Note: | PVCID required if ACCTYPE(*PVC) is specified. |
Element 1: Virtual Path Identifier
virtual-path-id: Specify a number that represents the virtual path identifier. This number must be in the range of 0 to 7.
Element 2: Virtual Circuit Identifier
virtual-circuit-id: Specify a number that represents the virtual circuit identifier. This number must be in the range of 32 to 4095.
*YES: The LECS address is used.
*NO: The LECS address is not used.
Note: | This parameter must be other than *NONE if USELECSADR(*NO) is specified. |
Single Value
*NONE: ATM network address is not used.
Element 1: Network prefix
network-prefix: Specify the network prefix of the ATM address of the remote server. This is a 26 digit hexadecimal value.
Element 2: End system identifier
end-system-identifier: Specify the end system identifier of the remote server. This is a 12 digit hexadecimal value.
Element 3: Selector byte
selector byte: Specify the selector byte of the remote server. This is a two digit hexadecimal value.
*NONE: Emulated LAN name not used.
emulated-LAN-name: Specify the emulated LAN name. A maximum of 32 characters may be specified.
10: The LE client will wait 10 minutes.
*NOMAX: The LE client will wait indefinitely.
LEC-disconnect-timeout: Specify the number of minutes the LE client will wait before disconnecting an idle virtual circuit connection to another client. The value must be in the range of 1 to 30 minutes.
*YES: The system will generate test frames.
*NO: The system will not generate test frames.
10M: The link speed is 10 million bits per second.
4M: A link speed of 4M is used.
100M: A link speed of 100M is used.
*MIN: The minimum link speed is used.
*MAX: The maximum link speed is used.
link-speed: Specify the link speed. Valid values range from 1200 to 603979776000.
0: The cost per byte is 0.
cost-per-connect-time: Specify a value ranging from 0 through 255.
0: The cost per byte is 0.
cost-per-byte: Specify a value ranging from 0 through 255.
*NONSECURE: Normal priority is used.
*PKTSWTNET: A packet switched network is used. Data does not always follow the same path through the network.
*UNDGRDCBL: An underground cable is used.
*SECURECND: A secure, unguarded conduit (for example, a pressurized pipe) is used.
*GUARDCND: A guarded conduit, which is protected against physical tapping, is used.
*ENCRYPTED: Data flowing on the line is encrypted.
*MAX: A guarded conduit, protected against physical and radiation tapping, is used.
*LAN: The local area network propagation delay is used.
*MIN: The minimum propagation delay is used.
*TELEPHONE: The telephone propagation delay is used.
*PKTSWTNET: The packet switched network propagation delay is used.
*SATELLITE: The satellite propagation delay is used.
*MAX: The maximum propagation delay is used.
128: The value 128 is used.
user-defined-1: Specify a value ranging from 0 through 255.
128: The value 128 is used.
user-defined-2: Specify a value ranging from 0 through 255.
128: The value 128 is used.
user-defined-3: Specify a value ranging from 0 through 255.
*NO: The system will not automatically create a controller description when incoming calls are received.
*YES: The system will automatically create a controller description when incoming calls are received.
1440: The controller description can be idle for 1440 minutes (24 hours).
*NONE: The system will not automatically delete or vary off the automatically configured, idle controller descriptions.
wait-time: Specify the number of minutes to wait before deleting the automatically configured, idle controller descriptions for this line. Valid values range from 1 to 10,000 minutes.
Single Values
*SYSVAL: Messages are sent to the message queue defined in the system value QCFGMSGQ.
*SYSOPR: Messages are sent to the system operator message queue (QSYS/QSYSOPR).
library-name/message-queue-name: Specify the library-qualified name of the message queue to which operational messages are sent.
Element 1: Maximum Recovery Limit
2: Two recovery attempts are made within the interval specified.
count-limit: Specify the number of recovery attempts to be made. Valid values range from 0 through 99.
Element 2: Recovery Time Interval
5: The specified number of recovery attempts is made within a 5-minute interval.
time-interval: Specify the time interval (in minutes) at which the specified number of second-level recoveries are attempted. Valid values range from 0 through 120. If the value specified for count-limit is not 0, the value 0 specifies infinite recovery.
*SYSVAL: The recovery limits specified in the QCMNRCYLMT system value are used.
*LIBCRTAUT: The authority for the object is the same as the create authority for QSYS. The create authority for QSYS can be displayed by using the Display Library Description (DSPLIBD) command. If the create authority is changed with the Change Library (CHGLIB) command, the new authority does not affect existing objects.
*CHANGE: The user can perform all operations on the object except those limited to the owner or controlled by object existence authority and object management authority. The user can change and perform basic functions on the object. Change authority provides object operational authority and all data authority.
*USE: The user can perform basic operations on the line description, such as running a program or reading a file. The user cannot change the line description. *USE authority provides object operational authority, read authority, and execute authority.
*ALL: The user can perform all operations except those limited to the owner or controlled by authorization list management authority. The user can control the object's existence, specify the security for the object, change the object, and perform basic functions on the object. The user also can change ownership of the line description.
*EXCLUDE: The user cannot access the line description.
authorization-list-name: Specify the name of the authorization list used.
*BLANK: Text is not specified.
'description': Specify no more than 50 characters of text, enclosed in apostrophes.
Examples for CRTLINETH
Example 1: Creating an Ethernet Line Description
This command creates an Ethernet line description named BOSTON with a resource name of LIN041.
Example 2: Creating an Ethernet Line Description
This command creates an Ethernet line description named ETHLIN that is attached to port 1 of the network server REMODEL.
Example 3: Creating an Ethernet Line Description
This command creates an Ethernet line description using the the maximum gigabit ethernet connectivity configuration.
Error messages for CRTLINETH
*ESCAPE Messages