CRTCTLBSC (Create Controller Description (BSC))

CRTCTLBSC Command syntax diagram



The Create Controller Description (BSC) (CRTCTLBSC) command creates a controller description for a binary synchronous communications (BSC) controller. More information about using this command is in the Communications Configuration



Required Parameters

Specifies the name of the controller description being created.


Optional Parameters

Specifies whether this object is automatically varied on at initial program load (IPL).

*YES: The controller is automatically varied on at IPL.

*NO: This controller is not automatically varied on at IPL.

Specifies the type of line connection used.

Note: This value must match the value specified for the CNN parameter in the CRTLINBSC command.

*NONSWTPP: A nonswitched point-to-point connection is used. This value cannot be selected if *EML is chosen for the APPTYPE parameter.

*SWTPP: A switched point-to-point connection is used. This value cannot be selected if *EML is chosen for the APPTYPE parameter.

*MPTRIB: A multipoint tributary connection is used. This value cannot be selected if *RJE is chosen for the APPTYPE parameter.

Specifies, for controllers supporting the switched network backup (SNBU) feature, whether the SNBU feature is activated or deactivated. Both the local and remote modems must support the SNBU feature to perform a valid activation.

*NO: The remote modem does not have the switched network backup (SNBU) feature.

*YES: The remote modem has the SNBU feature.

Specifies the name of the nonswitched lines to which this controller is attached. The line description must already exist.

Specifies the names of the switched lines to which this controller attaches. The line descriptions must already exist. Up to 64 switched line names can be specified.

Specifies the names of the devices attached to this controller. The device descriptions must already exist.

Use this parameter only when the associated device descriptions have already been created. The maximum number of devices that can attach to the controller is 32 when specifying CNN(*MPTRIB), 24 when specifying APPTYPE(*RJE), and 1 for all other cases.

Specifies the application type being used.

Note: This value must match the value specified on the APPTYPE parameter in the CRTLINBSC command.

*PGM: The application is a user-written program.

*RJE: The application is a BSC Remote Job Entry (RJE).

*EML: The application is a 3270 device emulation.

Specifies the method used to establish a connection with this controller.

*DIAL: The connection is made by a call initiated from the iSeries 400.

For X.25 connection, the line attached to the controller requires switched virtual circuits (SVCs) configured on the LGLCHLE parameter of type OUT or BOTH(*SVCOUT or *SVCBOTH) for the connection to succeed.

*ANS: The connection is made by the iSeries 400 when it answers an incoming call from this controller. If a call is received from the remote controller and all necessary conditions are met, the incoming call is answered by the system.

For X.25 connections, the line to which the controller attaches requires switched virtual circuits (SVC) configured on the LGLCHLE parameter of type IN or BOTH(*SVCIN or *SVCBOTH) for the connection to succeed. The line can be changed using the Change Line Description (X.25) (CHGLINX25) command.

Specifies the telephone number to dial to connect to this controller.

Specifies how long to wait (in 0.5 second intervals) before dialing.

6: The value of 6 provides a 3-second delay.

predial-delay: Specify a value ranging from 1 through 254 in 0.5-second intervals, or specify 0 to indicate no delay.

Specifies how long to wait (in 0.5 second intervals) before re-dialing when the call attempt is unsuccessful.

120: The default value of 120 provides a 60-second delay.

redial-delay: Specify a number ranging from 1 through 254 in 0.5- second intervals, or specify 0 to indicate no delay.

Specifies the number of re-dial attempts made by the system before considering the dialing unsuccessful.

2: The LZ algorithm with the 12-bit code for repeated substrings in the data stream is used. These codes refer to entries in a common dictionary, created as the data flows between the sender and receiver. The LZ algorithms require storage and extra processing time. The LZ12 requires the most storage and processing time of the LZ algorithms; however, it compresses the data stream the most.

dial-retry: Specify a value ranging from 0 through 254 for the number of retries.

Specifies the local ID used to identify the system to the remote controller.

*NOID: The iSeries 400 sends a null identifier.

local-ID: Specify a local ID that is from 2 to 30 hexadecimal characters long and contains an even number of characters. The identifier cannot contain any BSC control characters.

The following guidelines are recommended to help ensure that the phone connection is made to the correct BSC controller:

  • The local ID should be a minimum of 4 characters.
  • If the ID is only 4 characters, the first 2 and last 2 should be the same (example: F3F3 or 8484).

Specifies the identifiers for remote BSC controllers. A maximum of 64 remote controller IDs can be specified.

*NOID: The iSeries 400 accepts a null identifier.

*ANY: The iSeries 400 accepts any identifier sent by the remote controller.

Note: This value is valid only when it is the last or the only value specified.

remote-ID: Specify a remote controller ID that is from 2 to 30 hexadecimal characters long and contains an even number of characters. The identifier cannot contain any BSC control characters.

The following guidelines are recommended to help ensure that the phone connection is made to the correct BSC controller:

  • The remote ID should be a minimum of 4 characters.
  • If the ID is only 4 characters, the first 2 and last 2 should be the same (example: F1F1 or 8585).

Specifies the subsystem type of the host to which the Remote Job Entry (RJE) is connected.

*RES: This value specifies that the host is an RES (Remote Entry System).

*JES2: This value specifies that the host is a JES2 (Job Entry Subsystem 2).

*JES3: This value specifies that the host is a JES3 (Job Entry Subsystem 3).

*RSCS: This value specifies that the host is an RSCS (Remote Spooling Communications System).

Note: This parameter is required only when APPTYPE(*RJE) is specified.

Specifies the sign-on (logon) text for the RJE host system.

Note: This parameter is required only when APPTYPE(*RJE) is specified. Specify the sign-on information required by the host system.

Specifies the number of recovery attempts made by the system before an inquiry message is sent to the system operator. Also specifies the time (in minutes) that must elapse before the system sends an inquiry message to the system operator indicating that the recovery attempt count limit is reached.

Element 1: Maximum Recovery Limit

2: Two recovery attempts are made within the interval specified.

count-limit: Specify the number of second-level recovery attempts to be made. Valid values range from 0 through 99.

Element 2: Recovery Time Interval

5: A 15-second time-out period is used.

time-interval: Specify the time interval (in minutes) at which the specified number of second-level recoveries are attempted. Valid values range from 0 through 120. If the value specified for count-limit is not 0, the value 0 specifies infinite recovery.

Other Single Value

*SYSVAL: The recovery limits specified in the QCMNRCYLMT system value are used.

Specifies the authority given to users who do not have specific authority to the controller description, who are not on an authorization list, and whose user group has no specific authority to the controller description.

*LIBCRTAUT: The authority for the object is the same as the create authority for QSYS. The create authority for QSYS can be displayed by using the Display Library Description (DSPLIBD) command. If the create authority is changed with the Change Library (CHGLIB) command, the new authority does not affect existing objects.

*CHANGE: The user can perform all operations on the object except those limited to the owner or controlled by object existence authority and object management authority. The user can change and perform basic functions on the object. Change authority provides object operational authority and all data authority.

*ALL: The user can perform all operations except those limited to the owner or controlled by authorization list management authority. The user can control the object's existence, specify the security for the object, change the object, and perform basic functions on the object. The user also can change ownership of the controller description.

*USE: The user can perform basic operations on the controller description, such as running a program or reading a file. The user cannot change the controller description. *USE authority provides object operational authority, read authority, and execute authority.

*EXCLUDE: The user cannot access the controller description.

authorization-list-name: Specify the name of the authorization list used.

Specifies the text that briefly describes the program and its function. More information on this parameter is in Commonly used parameters.

*BLANK: Text is not specified.

'description': Specify no more than 50 characters of text, enclosed in apostrophes.

Example for CRTCTLBSC

  CNNNBR(1234567)  LCLID(020202)

This command creates a BSC controller on a switched line that accepts calls from any remote location.

Error messages for CRTCTLBSC

*ESCAPE Messages

Extended wireless controller member not changed.
Extended wireless controller member not displayed.
Entry for barcode group not removed from extended wireless controller member.
Entry for PTC group not removed from extended wireless controller member.
Program QZXCINZ terminated abnormally. See previous messages.
Extended wireless line member not added.
Extended wireless line member not changed.
Extended wireless line member not displayed.
Extended wireless controller member not added.
Controller description &1 not created.